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31 minutes ago, El-P said:

I for one am glad he signed with WWE again. Not that there was any fear he would end up in AEW or something, but this gives me another reason not to care about this company.

Logan Paul is genuinely good though? I get your whole vibe on here & fair enough but AEW would love to have him, you're kidding yourself if you think he wouldn't be good for their show


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40 minutes ago, Dale Wolfe said:

Logan Paul is genuinely good though?

I could not care less. There are hundreds of genuinely good to great workers across the globe, who don't and won't ever get close to the same opportunity to display it on the same stage. He's also amazingly overrated if you consider that he's only working a match every six months, in the most cuddled and privileged context possible (if people don't think his matches are rehearsed like crazy, think again), he's basically Shane McMahon if Shane McMahon was ever good. He's not even a mover in term of ratings and such, this has been demonstrated over and over again, so there is a lot to say about why a guy like him gets this kind of contract, only because of his already established status as a trashy "celebrity". Hey, he has some great performances ? Whatever. I don't even have time to watch all the legit great pro-wrestling matches that are happening these days. I don't miss anything by not watching this trashbag having a 5* matches three times a year at giant commercial shows disguised as pro-wrestling cards.

40 minutes ago, Dale Wolfe said:

AEW would love to have him, you're kidding yourself if you think he wouldn't be good for their show

What would AEW gain from having a guy like this ? Nothing. Literally nothing. Keep the Youtube trash, NFT/crypto bro garbage away from what should be an alternative to WWE and their celebrity based approach. Sure, maybe he's good, even great at it. But then again, if pro-wrestling evolves so that guys like him become the norm in term of big time celebrity contract, yuck. Sure, some (many ?) pro-wrestlers also are trashbags, but at least it's not established beforehands, ya know. Let him cater to the Saudi regime in the company run by the sexual predator, he fits right in.

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This works both ways and is way messier than people would care to admit but yeah, on some level the thing I least care about is whether a wrestler is "good"

He's definitely joking with that tweet though. Would love to know what that's all about, was it just sheer laziness out of WWE's part or is Triple H not allowed in Titan Towers anymore?

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2 hours ago, brockobama said:

He's definitely joking with that tweet though. Would love to know what that's all about, was it just sheer laziness out of WWE's part or is Triple H not allowed in Titan Towers anymore?

People here keep crediting WWE.

WWE had nothing do with the photoshopped pic.

It was tweeted out by Logan Paul. 

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I'm in a strange position where I absolutely loathe the Paul brothers as personalities but have absolutely zero negative feelings towards Logan as a wrestler. I honestly wish he was absolute garbage in the ring so he could confirm my negative bias, but rehearsed matches or not, he's decently passable from what I have seen.

I usually only tune in to WWE around Mania season to see if it's worth keeping up with and this year I jokingly pretended to be excited with my friends about Logan Paul wrestling so much that I legitimately became interested in his match. Kinda odd that I wasn't disappointed.

Is this what Hogan meant about working yourself into a shoot?

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10 minutes ago, The Thread Killer said:

So there’s a news story going around that claims Vince McMahon’s new WWE contract has a morality clause or “Code of Contract.” Smart move by Endeavour, and hilarious if true.

Is it like the Code of Honor ? Does he have to shake the woman's hand before and after he sexually assaults her ? Or only after she signs the NDA ?

It's still crazy to me that Vince is back and mostly talked about in term of "oh but he's gonna ruin the booking, booo". Mind blowing, really.

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I mean, while I don't think Logan Paul would work as well in AEW as he does in WWE, the Jacksonville office did feature Snoop Dogg, Shaq, Rosario Dawson (man the Codyverse was weird) and Rick Ross, so celebrities aren't really a foreign concept to them.

Getting someone who has, whether we like it or not, some sort of mainstream exposure is not a bad thing, even if it is for a single event.


Logan Paul does the Buckshot better than Hangman, that's for sure

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25 minutes ago, sek69 said:

I'm mad at how much I laughed at that, holy shit :lol:

You're welcome. :D

Nothing to be mad about though, it's only right to ridicule Endeavor for keeping a sexual predator in power and allowing him to make a ridiculous amount of money while making him sign a completely hypocritical "morality clause" contract.


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17 hours ago, El-P said:

It's still crazy to me that Vince is back and mostly talked about in term of "oh but he's gonna ruin the booking, booo". Mind blowing, really.

Normally I only agree with about 00.01% of your opinions, but you could not be more right about this, you are 100% spot on.  I cannot fathom the amount of total apathy on the part of pretty much everybody...especially the so-called "mainstream media" when it comes to Vince McMahon's conduct. He has been totally exposed as somebody who at best had inappropriate sexual relationships with female coworkers and then used company money to pay them off, and at worse he's a fucking rapist...but nobody seems to give a shit.  Major corporations don't hesitate to do business with him and there seems to be no outrage or blow back of any kind. It's bizarre.  His misconduct gets a brief mention in passing, and then it's back to business as usual. There has to be a ton of people in Hollywood who got the "Me Too" treatment that are asking themselves how Vince is getting away with this shit.

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Wrestling fans are used to Vince just Vincing all over the place, other major corporations don't care because working with WWE makes them money (and their CEOs are probably doing the same shit Vince is), an mainstream media people don't care because it's the fake rasslin guy. It all came together for the perfect storm for him to get away with being one of the worst people in the world. 

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56 minutes ago, flyonthewall2983 said:

His fucking mustache has gotten more press then the Chatterton lawsuit settlement

That’s the thing. McMahon even looks like a stereotypical creepy rapey guy now. And with his voice getting all raspy he sounds like one too. Where the hell is Dylan Farrow when you need him?

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Reading Ringmaster has put so much in perspective for me about not just my own feelings about Vince, that of professional wrestling, or even that time in America and my own place in it. It was illuminating most in what we are willing to put up with for entertainment’s sake.

I think the saddest moment ever televised is the time Roddy Piper went on TNA television to challenge Russo, about “his cousin Owen”. I loved Roddy from almost the first minute I saw him on WWF TV, when he came to WCW I was marking out so hard my body was shaking. He applied a passion to what he did that never failed and is only equaled by the things he believed and stood by. I haven’t watched the segment in a long time but just the place he was in at that moment, felt both like his last stand and a wasted opportunity. 

I kind of felt this at the time and more so now but I think Russo was more honorable in coming out and taking some of the static himself. But Rod should have known better, of all people, that the real sin his target that night was guilty of was sharing the same first name as the guy Piper really should have unloaded on. 

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Let’s be honest, the mustache and dye job are more out of character for Vince than making Rita Chatterton suck his dick in a limo outside of a Denny’s. One is disgusting and awful and worthy of ostracizing if we actually had any social leverage to apply, one is weird and difficult to understand, and attention drifts naturally toward the latter because of how human attention bias works, sad though it may be in practice. 

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