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Is the empire crumbling before our eyes?


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Honestly what I believe happened is Mark probably asked Johnny Ace what to do with the stuff the women left  behind and was told to put it in a trash bag and send it to them. That way they can throw him under the bus since technically he would have been the one send it out. 

Shady, but honestly anyone with a shred of decency should have thought "this seems kinda fucked up to send someone who just got fired a trash bag full of their stuff when we don't seem to do this to the guys" so I'm kind of Team Screw All of Them here I guess. 

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11 hours ago, DMJ said:

I don't think I've seen a single full episode since the first season, but the few times he was on Total Divas, Mark Carrano gave off dipshit vibes. And that was him presumably on his best behavior on-camera in set-up scenarios designed to make the company not look too bad.

However, in the WWE's defense, I've also never met a Human Resources head that didn't give off dipshit vibes. 


I don't recall anyone really having bad words about JR when he was head of the Talent Relations. So I guess it is possible to be a good guy in this position.

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Jim Ross was a heat magnet on a lot of issues. For example, there's a story of him lowballing HHH on a payoff at Vince's orders and when HHH went to Vince about it, Vince said, "Of course you should get a bigger payoff" and put all the heat on JR. HHH retaliated by throwing punches at JR's bad eye in a "match" they had on Raw years later.

Anyway, I'm sure they were looking to get rid of Mark Carano as it was and this just made a convenient cover reason. 

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3 hours ago, strobogo said:

Even if they did it to the guys it's pretty wtf. This is a billion dollar, publicly traded company. I think you can be assured the NBA or Google do not throw shit in trash bags and mail people their stuff.

There are people who work for the richest person alive who have to piss in soda bottles.

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What's the benefit of keeping him around? I feel a powder keg is waiting to go off in Florida. All the elements are there.

- Q'd up Drake

- Dream still under contract for some reason

- Multiple NXT and WWE wrestlers showing up at Team Vision and yucking it up with Rance

- Jaxson Ryker hiding his hate in order to keep a job

- Jordan Delvin, Matt Riddle, and a few others with some damning accusations against them

What's the end game here? What's the play? WWE was able, to some degree, cover up the 'sex scandal' of the early 90's. All the elements are lined up. Perhaps I am being an alarmist. There is no way this ends well for anyone. WWE has the best roster it's had in terms of pro wrestling skill and the company is a content farm at this point. WWE will make nearly, if not over, 800 million dollars in 2022 (yes 2022) just on contracts and deals alone. 2021 Q1 was something like 137% profit. WWE is fine and is not struggling in the slightest. Banning WWE and NXT wrestlers from Team Vision and firing Drake, Dream, Ryker, and others will not hurt anything. This is a no brainer. The machine will keep going. The risk is not worth the reward.

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A couple of referees in NXT are commenting on "a busy day at the office this morning " and basically subtweeting about how embarrassing Drake is getting. Plus Fightful reported Drake was suspended at some point and was banned from the building. Definitely getting the impression people are getting real tired of his bullshit.

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What on god's green earth gave Wuertz the idea that giving this speech in his NXT gear would be a good idea? Even if Vince agrees with his views, there's no way he'd take kindly to this negative press Drake's going to create with his logo flashing for all to see.

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The fact that he didn't think wearing an NXT shirt while stating masks lead to child sex trafficking could potentially cause problems speaks volumes.

Also him doing all this while working for the company that still employs Velveteen Dream is some "the call is coming from inside the house" shit. 

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@sek69 is correct. WWE allows Drake to be comfortable in his delusions. Any adult, with any senses, will ensure all potentially harmful, crazy, or controversial takes are done without potentially impacting the bag. Drake learned that he can do and say whatever he wants and WWE will continue to send him a check twice a month.

The optics are beyond bad and this is all sad to see. I assume there was a meeting in NXT today where it was essentially stated that all 'outside activity' should be conducted off WWE/NXT/PC grounds and without any WWE/PC/NXT apparel, references, etc. At this point, Drake needs professional help. It's one thing if an adult wants to spend his/her time involved in conspiracy nonsense, but the rules change once children are involved. Again, none of this looks good from a personal or professional standpoint. 

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Sad thing is that it's been that way for a while if anyone in the media actually gave a shit about wresting other than when there's a drug or CTE related issue. 

There has to be some intrepid reporter out there looking to make their bones that should be all over this company, but society as a whole seems to have developed a "look at that funny rasslin' company with the wacky owner, aint' they so darn cute!" mindset. 

Not to mention most media outlets probably won't touch Q related stuff like Drake because they need to keep up their veneer that both sides are equally valid points of view despite the clear amount of damage one side is doing/trying to do.

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Every time I see something from Xia Brookside, it becomes more clear that she's hopelessly ignorant.. 

Karrion Kross attended some meeting with Drake a while back. A picture from the meeting circulated on Twitter for a bit. Nia Jax and Bobby Fish seem to be Q or at least Q-adjacent. 

The Chasyn Rance situation is beyond my scope of thinking. Why anyone would willingly be seen with a registered child molester is on a level I hope to never reach.

With Riddle/Dream/Devlin, it's murky. I wouldn't cry if any or all of them got a pink slip. But if they aren't being sought by the legal system or admit to anything like a few did last year, it gets cloudy. I suspect with someone like Dream, they'll let their contracts quietly expire. Riddle is still dealing with some civil stuff relating to his mess, but no one else even has that going on, AFAIK.

With how he's getting WWE in quick order, I wouldn't be surprised if Nick Khan told Hunter to get his NXT children in line soon. Raw and Smackdown have their weirdos too, but the PC is overrun by them.

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Nick Khan might be the saving grace here. He doesn't seem to be interested to be involved in the carny bullshit of being part of WWE and living a childhood dream or whatever it is the wrestlers tell themselves and others while they work on their flip routines and refuse to learn how to actually get over with a crowd. I will be interesting to see how the coming months shape out or if its all going to be business as usual. WWE has clamped down on WWE superstars social media in the past, so it shouldn't be too hard for Nick Khan and team to send out the directive of no more QANON, COVID-19 theories, etc. on social media or that's an automatic pink slip. If Xia, Kross, Drake, Nia, and others find that so hard to comply with, then let them go to Impact and wrestle in front of 200 fans, not make any money, and post all the nonsense on their social media accounts. I would like to see all of this out of pro wrestling period, but that's just wishful thinking on my part.

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It was funny when, right after Rollins had as usual whined about fans booing, "confusing reactions" and therefore really liking the thunderdome era cuz it was creating "cleaner storylines", Nick Khan in some subsequent interview basically shut it down immediately, saying that the fans' "live feedback" and immediate reaction is extremely valuable to them, and that they can't wait to get in front of live crowds again. Vince probably respects the fact that he has for the first time in forever, met someone who doesn't drink his and WWE's Kool-Aid

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