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I feel like I've already wasted enough of my mental energy on this, but it's kind of emblematic of a larger problem

I already got my first shot (zero side effects), and looking forward to getting my 2nd so I can turbo charge my already kinda rad immune system.  And this is why I don't get all this fugazi tough guys with their bullshit.  what the fuck you fraid of?  the way I read it is they're all bullies trying to bully the majority into their way of thinking.  They have zero faith and confidence in the awesomeness of science, way I see it, and fuck em.  Morons.  Don't need em.  I'm on team Human.

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Most of them are low information types who are easily swayed by right win media and their useful idiots like Joe Rogan. A recurring theme from them is "anything you don't hear from us is just going to make you a liberal pussy" and it ends up stoking their usually already fragile egos. That way any attempt to get them to listen to common sense is seen as an attack on their manhood. 

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On 4/28/2021 at 7:00 PM, Zoo Enthusiast said:

God, I hope there's a QAnon Anonymous ep about Drake.  I know Bix has been on Matt Binder's pod a couple times talking about him and other pilled wrestling people but Drake is worthy of his own QAA episode at this point.

It happened!  Hell yeah.

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Have you guys heard about pro-Israel groups trying to get Sami Zayn fired from WWE and cancelled for defending Palestine against empty suit Andrew Yang (what a nothing happening, all talk, no action waste of time he ended up being) and other politicians? That was a thing on Twitter yesterday, with #WeSupportSamiZayn trending all day. I won't touch Israel-Palestine with a ten-foot pole on this board (we're Pro Wrestling Only and all that), but I will say if Sami suffers any serious career repercussions over this while Drake Wuertz continues to embarrass both the company and himself...oof.

Edit: Sami already erased the tweets - did WWE say something to him? - but you can see them here:


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I was seeing claims that folks were reaching out to NBC/Universal as well as WWE, so I'm thinking Sami might have taken them down to not cause any problems with the company.

Also it was extra gross how those groups were going out of their way to refer to Sami by his shoot name to make him sound more Arabic. 

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Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. And I can understand the son of Syrian refugees and a practicing Muslim having the opinions Zayn does. I don't really agree but I can at least understand. This situation is cancel culture at its worst. Zayn expressed an unpopular opinion on social media and people are calling for him to lose his job. The lack of empathy and respect for cultural differences is mind boggling. 


Now Drake Younger is a different story. He needs an intervention or some sort of help from a mental health professional as it isn't even funny anymore.  

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7 hours ago, joeg said:

This situation is cancel culture at its worst. Zayn expressed an unpopular opinion on social media and people are calling for him to lose his job.

The hypocritical thing is it's the types who scream about "cancel culture" the most who're suddenly demanding censorship now someone's said something they don't like. They should never be taken seriously when they frame their actions as "defending free speech."

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I would say it was a good day, but Paul Mooney unfortunately passed away today as well. So I'll say this was probably a good & smart decision by WWE as it pertains to Drake Wuertz. 

That being said, I think that dude probably needs legitimate, serious help. He had already went full on Looney Tunes mode & then losing your job on top of that might be a recipe for destruction. 

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After the last wave of cuts there were rumors that there would be more coming from NXT, so including Drake in those is probably the safe play for WWE so he can't claim he's being silenced by the woke mob or whatever nonsense. 

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I sincerely hope Drake gets the help he needs, but with enablers like Road Dogg (who should also be canned IMO, which I hate to say because I like him) and his wife, I fear he's just going to keep going down this road and consider himself a martyr because he was released "for his beliefs."

Jake Clemons (another ref) was reportedly also released.

Edit: Also Alexander Wolfe, Skyler Story (Ava Storie), and Ezra Judge.

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Add Jessamyn Duke and Vanessa Bourne to that list. Edit: Kavita Devi too.

Kinda shocked about Jessamyn.

Figured she was safe because of Ronda and the possibility of an eventual 4 Horsewomen vs. 4 Horsewomen match. 

Of course, they can always bring her back for that as a one-shot. If Bruce Hart can work a WWE PPV, why not Jessamyn?

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3 minutes ago, sek69 said:

On one hand Jessamyn is shocking because of the obvious, but I guess once Ronda announced she was pregnant they were like "welp no need to keep paying her friend for another year to sit around the PC". 

I wonder if Marina Shafir is safe because of her connection to Roddy Strong, or if they're both really on their way out the door?

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1 minute ago, sek69 said:

I just hope all these other cuts weren't done just so Drake wasn't the only one.

More than likely, Drake lasted longer in his job than he would have otherwise because they knew they could roll him into this round of cuts.

Doesn't explain why Velveteen Dream still has a job though.

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Dream likely still has a job for the same reason folks like Riddle and Austin Theory do, management doesn't see what the big deal is. 

Part of why Drake was finally let go is too many people in NXT were getting uncomfortable with him being around, and Dream has seemingly reached that level too but is still being kept in the NXT storage locker. That alone should give anyone pause. 

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