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Is the empire crumbling before our eyes?


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On 2/3/2022 at 1:38 AM, flyonthewall2983 said:

For some strange reason I told my girlfriend he was French-Canadian.

Hey guys. Thought maybe now would be a good time to come back, see how well that dumb little prediction of mine is doing.

Well, you're not wrong. He's French-Canadian from Syrian origins.

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On 11/30/2021 at 11:28 AM, Matt D said:

One match. One payday. Put Nyla over. Promoted well it could get buzz. AEW needs just a constant flow/stream of buzz and this could fill a slot and get some media if they do it right.

I couldn't have been more wrong. Nothing is worth bringing Nia in.

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21 minutes ago, SirEdger said:

Well, you're not wrong. He's French-Canadian from Syrian origins.

Isn't he part of the English-speaking community of Montreal too, unlike Kevin Owens who's a French speaking quebecois ?

Also, Nia Jaxx was a shit worker and seems to be a shitty human being to boot. Sometimes, it's *not* the halo effect.

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38 minutes ago, sek69 said:

So I don't know what's more baffling at this point: Nia Jax's anti vaxx stance or her insisting that she's never hurt anyone in the ring despite the apparent video evidence. 

I mean, the reason she's out of the company is due to being an anti-vaxx dummy. She isn't the only person that was unsafe, and one even gets pushed to the moon and back.

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2 minutes ago, C.S. said:

I wish Roman and Rock would call her ass out publicly. 

Well Rock just voiced his support to dumb ass Joe Rogan and his anti vaxx disinfo podcast, so........


Also I love that according to Nia, her vax status didn't play a part in her being cut, it just happened to take place after she was told everyone would need to be vaxxed for touring purposes. So either she's being willfully ignorant or is legit an idiot (inb4 "why not both?" meme) . 

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8 minutes ago, C.S. said:

This profoundly stupid woman just admitted to criminal behavior. Even if she herself didn't get a fake vax card from a doctor, she's apparently now withholding information about who did.


Honestly, if you're willing to go down in a blaze of glory and bringing down with you other former co-workers, that tells you all you  need to know about someone's values.

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I thought it was pretty in line with what Rock usually does on social media. He basically co-signed a video of Rogan saying "I'll be better at this". Regardless at how genuine anyone feels about Rogan's apology, Rock was trying to promote a future appearance on the podcast with a dude that "apologized" and promised a better product.

Him trying to get on JRE makes sense too considering how popular that show is (I'll never understand it personally, but oh well).

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1 hour ago, Dale Wolfe said:

I heard tonight that contrary to popular belief the Ali problems are rooted in him being asked to be a "flamboyant" character as opposed to a jihadist

Curious to learn more about this.

Even if this is true and Ali turned down being a "flamboyant" (is that code for stereotypical gay?) character, I'm still Team Ali. 

Ali, when he was most over, was portraying himself as a serious wrestler, not a controversial Goldust character, not a Muhammad Hassan lightning rod, just Mustafa Ali, an ex-cop who has heart and wants to prove he's the best. One can say the gimmick is "colorless," that its too thin, that it has no hook...but Ali got over to a reasonable degree by just being himself. There's also a long, long list of "colorless" wrestlers with no real gimmick that got over, from Bret Hart to Triple H. It doesn't work for everyone (I think Seth Rollins has always needed a "hook"), but Ali seems to think he can do more by just being himself. If Vince doesn't think so, just release the guy and let him sink or swim on the indies. Giving him a "flamboyant" gimmick clearly isn't going to work if Ali, according to this rumor, doesn't put the effort into it anyway.

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2 hours ago, Jmare007 said:

Him trying to get on JRE makes sense too considering how popular that show is (I'll never understand it personally, but oh well).

I actually like the show, when he has comedians on mostly. He did one with Bob Saget a year and a half ago that’s pretty fascinating for the stories he had. 

Spotify is terrible though.

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4 minutes ago, flyonthewall2983 said:

I actually like the show, when he has comedians on mostly. He did one with Bob Saget a year and a half ago that’s pretty fascinating for the stories he had. 

Spotify is terrible though.

I mean yeah, dude can have cool conversations with people -and he has some really funny or really interesting guests on from time to time- but I don't think he brings more the table than a whole lot of podcasts host. So his show being so massive is kind of a head scratcher to me.

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Rock takes very few stances on Twitter apart from hard work being Good, and not chasing your dreams being Bad. Man makes way too much money to take any kind of strong stance anywhere. His mildest possible endorsement of Rogan had the QAnon people speculating that he had died and was replaced by a lizard, so I don't entirely blame him for that. 

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7 hours ago, NintendoLogic said:


If someone told me "this is your family now" during a job interview, I would walk out on the spot. That's about as far from a healthy work environment as you can get.

This is straight mafia/cult shit. Someone tells me this when handling me a contract, not only do I not sign but I inform the governmental mission on sectarian drifts immediately. Also, her take about how she was already winning a lot of money trough contracts with sponsors and they wanted her to abandon everything and just hand herself over to them asks the question about all those people they "signed" through the college program. There's no way those twin sisters for instance ever sign with the company under these conditions. They don't need WWE, like Jade said she did not either. People who already do shitloads of money through their own means won't just give it up to get a Mania Moment. Between this and the actual brainwashing going on ("Vince loves me but random talent relation, he's the one who hated me", "You won't be able to make a living outside of WWE", "What you did outside of WWE don't matter"), this company really reeks of absolutely toxic work environment. Not that it's new, but it certainly sheds a new light on it.

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Lita's intellectual gymnastic to rationalize the fact she's going to work the Saudi shows a few years after criticizing WWE for going there (reminder : she said in 2018 that the PR was hypocritical and that it was all about the money, and saying it's to move the culture forward was just a cover up) is quite something. So now it's about women empowerment and bullshit like this (gotta love the very colonialist idea of women over there crying because OMG those American women are so strong and show us the way). Of course it is, *now* it's for the culture, ya see, because there are women on the card so it changes everything. I'd rather have people just admit "Yeah, it's business, everybody does it.", really... It's less offensive than bullshit rationalizations and hypocritical takes galore.

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