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Anyway, here's a quote from the most recent Observer that I thought was interesting given the discussion several months ago about how far heels could go to get heat in the old days:


The funny part about “old school wrestling,” is that in most places (not all) in the territorial era, swearing by heels wasn’t even allowed. It was considered a sign that the heel didn’t have enough talent to get over.

I'm not sure you can really compare that aspect. You really just weren't allowed to swear on TV at all during that time period. There was no swearing on TV in the 60s or 70s and very little by the time most territories dried up in the mid-80s.


Some heels today might be able to swear (although they don't really do it in WWE anymore) but they would have their shows thrown off TV if they did some of the race baiting angles that took place back then.


It wasn't just four-letter words. It was stuff that wouldn't even raise an eyebrow today. Back in the 60s, Stampede Wrestling was thrown off TV after Iron Mike DiBiase said that if brains were dynamite, the people of Calgary wouldn't be able to blow their noses. I'm sure not everywhere was that strict, but it does indicate the general mindset.


Oddly enough, the first time I ever heard this line was from Larry Cameron on Stampede TV back around 1989. How long were they off of TV?

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I'm stunned that the brains/dynamite/nose thing is thought to be that complicated. Calgarians don't have enough brains to generate the force necessary to blow their noses, even if brains were dynamite. I don't think it's a line that DiBiase invented.

Yeah, and in the world of blasting, my Grandpa had a blasting company, the word used to describe a job is "blow"....as in "We're gonna blow a well today."
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Seemed like it was written around New Year's Day but he didn't have room for it until now. There's a reference to something happening in February in future tense so he's probably had it ready to go for months.


Also Dave had a terrible week in his personal life as he explained on the board.

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Seemed like it was written around New Year's Day but he didn't have room for it until now. There's a reference to something happening in February in future tense so he's probably had it ready to go for months.


Also Dave had a terrible week in his personal life as he explained on the board.


What happened?

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Seemed like it was written around New Year's Day but he didn't have room for it until now. There's a reference to something happening in February in future tense so he's probably had it ready to go for months.


Also Dave had a terrible week in his personal life as he explained on the board.


What happened?


Reid Flair obviously. But he went into a lot of heavy stuff about worries about some friends of his of varying degrees. Dave rarely shows his hand on that side of him as most of us know but he seems to have had a trying time recently.

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Guest Andrews

Got it. Never sensed he was quite that close with Flair.

Meltz was a huge mark back in the 70's / 80's and when they met in person they stayed in contact.

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Anyone else find it annoying how often the back issue of the week is delayed proportionate to how long the new issue is being delayed? I understand that sometimes a new Observer has to be pushed back to Thursday but that doesn't also mean they have to push the 1996 Observer back to Wednesday. And I also think one back issue of the week is too little considering how at that rate it would take 12 years to catch up to where all issues (post-typewriter era) were online.

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So Dave gave the full monty to the latest Tanahashi/Okada match.

And did you watch it?


It was ****1/2 for me.


Give me a way to watch the whole show for free that isn't dailymotion and I will.


On another note they didn't sell out Sumo Hall and actually drew less than Suzuki v. Tanahashi did. I wouldn't imagine it would have been an automatic sellout, but I thought they had a realistic shot at it and I'm pretty surprised the building was only about 70% full. I'm sure the show will do great on iPPV, but it's easy to overstate the "hotness" of NJPW if you aren't careful.

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I just watched the match, and I absolutely loved it. It reminded me of Misawa/Kobashi on 1/20/97 with Tanahashi destroying Okada's arm and Okada overcoming it in a way that seemed earned and not cheap. I also really liked how Tanahashi would go after the arm to cut off Okada on offense. And the tombstone spot at the end was a nice callback to their Dome match. I was kind of dreading watching it when I saw that it was 31 minutes, but the time flew by. If I were to levy a criticism of the match, it would be that it didn't really make much sense from a storyline perspective for Tanahashi to go after the arm when working his opponents' legs had consistently worked for him in the past. Overall, though, I'd say this was easily the best of their matches together and the clear favorite for my personal MOTY.

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Guest Andrews

Always been the case though.The fact is, wrestling fans have low / no standards. They will read the poorly written text, they will watch the poorly produced videos... the common thread is people hang around the wrestling business and pretend they do things people do for a living... and fans don't second guess it.There are people who probably think Dave is no different from the editor of TIME.

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What the fuck are you talking about? I criticize Dave's sloppiness as much as the next person but to say that he "pretends" to do what he does is just asinine. He has worked exceptionally hard to build a small business and become the leading reporter in his field, and regardless of the flaws, he's still working his ass off 30 years in. I'm a writer at a large metro newspaper, and I would never say that he's "pretending." Have some fucking respect.

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What the fuck are you talking about? I criticize Dave's sloppiness as much as the next person but to say that he "pretends" to do what he does is just asinine. He has worked exceptionally hard to build a small business and become the leading reporter in his field, and regardless of the flaws, he's still working his ass off 30 years in. I'm a writer at a large metro newspaper, and I would never say that he's "pretending." Have some fucking respect.



He's living the dream.

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