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It could be as simple as Spike/Viacom not wanting to pump so much money into the company, considering in the last 2 years they've made large investments in Hogan, Flair, RVD, Hardy etc. with negligible ratings growth. TNA has no leverage, and if anybody at Spike is paying attention they should know by now the show will get the same ratings no matter who is in the company.

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Spike is Viacom. Showtime and CBS Sports are CBS channels. Viacom and CBS are split, but common majority shareholder. If Spike rebrands into Non Guy, Non Sports, they probably could spin Bellator over to CBS... *if* anyone in the two companies cared enough about it. Would be interesting to know how deep Strikeforce/UFC's deal with Showtime/CBS is, and if it prevents another CBS company from having competing product. Would be surprising if it would be able to hold up in court given UFC's FOX deal.



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Some things never change:


Wrestling Observer Nov. 21 1994

Rosen and Blatnick, like AAA's Mike Tenay, were both doing their first pro wrestling broadcast ever, and when three announcers in the past week, all doing the first-ever pro wrestling event, all were better than almost all full-time announcers, it really exposes just how bad the current crop are.

Wrestling Observer Jan. 9, 2012

Schiavello, who was a pro wrestling fan in the 80s and 90s, but not so much now, was still thrilled to be calling pro wrestling and he and Michael Kogan, a pro wrestling hater, who dropped his hatred, actually did a far better job of calling pro wrestling than almost any current announce team. I watched the show right before Raw, and it just hits you in the face the difference in announcers getting over the product and the participants.

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Schiavello can be one of the most unbearable announcers out there, always trying to shoehorn and *scream* his catchphrases where they're not needed. I've heard him make not one, but TWO fucking Monica Lewinsky jokes in the last calendar year. TWO. At his worst, he is as worse as any announcer ever, and tries to get himself over more than most. LOUDLY.

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Wow, Dave is super grumpy at pro wrestling fans complaining on the board about all the MMA coverage on Wednesday:


You go to McDonald's, you look at the menu, and you specifically pick out the item that says hamburger & fries.


You pick it up. Eat it.


Then post on the McDonald's message board.


I'm going to commit suicide if they give me a hamburger the next time I order a hamburger & fries.


The daily update stated the show was to preview UFC on Fox. Bryan's preview of the show listed the main item was UFC on Fox.


You can fast forward. You can not listen.


But we are a site where the only thing that keeps us in business is coverage of WWE and UFC. Everything else we do because we either like to or because we feel some warped journalistic duty to cover, but I promise, to the site, it matters zero.


You have the right to complain about Japanese wrestling, ROH, or Bellator. But anyone who the week of UFC on FOX complains that we talk about it, think because if the people who read it think, you expose yourself to a degree that, well, all I know is I wouldn't, even under a fake name, want my fake name to come across as dumber than a four year old.


If I had no interest in the NBA playoffs, during the playoffs, if I wrote to a sports site--I'm going to commit suicide if you cover the NBA playoffs on a show when the specific guest is an NBA expert, what will people reading your post think. You're a numbskull of the highest order.


I hope these analogies help some of you with the decision making.


Again, nobody has to be a fan of everything. But people on this site who complain about coverage of UFC or WWE really need to realize how completely and utterly out of touch it looks to most everyone.


I'm writing this to save you from further personal embarrassment.


And also, to give you tips on ordering food next time you go out.

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Wrestling Observer Jan. 9, 2012

I watched the show right before Raw, and it just hits you in the face the difference in announcers getting over the product and the participants.

That's not exactly a high bar to clear. The current WWE announcing is so hideously awful that you could easily find better announcers right here on this board. And I don't mean Naylor or myself, I mean that probably the vast majority of people on this forum could sit in Michael Cole's chair tomorrow and do an infinitely better job of not sabotaging the entire product by complaining about how much everything sucks on your own show.
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Wow, Dave is super grumpy at pro wrestling fans complaining on the board about all the MMA coverage on Wednesday:

I might take his point better if it weren't coming from a site known to occasionally post a deceptive headline to an article from time to time, but in general, and certainly in this specific case, it's kinda hard to disagree.

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Schiavello can be one of the most unbearable announcers out there, always trying to shoehorn and *scream* his catchphrases where they're not needed. I've heard him make not one, but TWO fucking Monica Lewinsky jokes in the last calendar year. TWO. At his worst, he is as worse as any announcer ever, and tries to get himself over more than most. LOUDLY.

Personally I like Schiavello, but he is definately an acquired taste, and perhaps the most 'marmite' announcer currently out there.
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--Dana White was up until at least 4 a.m. last night doing posts about the guys who hacked the UFC web site this week. He also got into a twitter argument with the guy who claims credit for doing it. I get his strategy in the long-term, but right now he's got an important show today and the last thing he needs is to take his eye of the ball. Anyway, the same people are claiming they are going to do something bad to the web site again because White supports SOPA. Constant hacking of web sites is only going to result in a bill that is more stricter getting passed than one if people didn't perceive the "bad guys" and vandals in opposition to it. The current bill has real problems but there is going to be at some point legislation passed, it's just a question of what that legislation will be. The more the opponents of this bill come across this way, and it may only take a few guys to make millions look like they are on the sides of vandalism and piracy, the worse in the long run they are when it comes to debating the issues. If the opponents came off as reasonable (and many, probably the vast majority, are), it would reflect a lot more positively.


--So in response to White calling them names, somebody released his name, address and some phone "home" numbers. Unfortunately, the address was to a $78,000 home in Las Vegas, and I assure you Dana White isn't living these days in a $78,000 home. The purported phone numbers they released were to some old women in Las Vegas who then got harassed by callers and it ended up on the Ch. 5 news last night in Vegas, only making it appear those opposing White, and by extension SOPA, which is where this fight all started, are now responsible for nutty MMA fans yelling at some woman on her home phone for not paying fighters enough. This is the quickest way to have the perception of the MMA fans be the same or worse than the perception of the pro wrestling fans to the public and decision makers, and that's not good for anyone. Mayhem Miller's web site was also hacked, and they gave out personal info for Jason Miller. And yes, it was apparently the wrong Jason Miller.

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The experts have seen much worse but this has to the tops of the douche chills from the Observer site:


Chael's interview was (that was the title)


A mixture of Superstar Billy Graham 1973-1974 in the AWA finishing up with The Grappler (Mid South, 1982, but more likely Portland late 80s) with the "They call you Chael Sonnen, beat me if you can."

I mean really a detail analysis of a short promo?

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Twitter then Dave and others elaborated on the board.




My contract expired in October and I signed an extension that ends this week. I wouldn't be under contract and they did offer me something to stay on in some form for right now and may offer something different down the line. I may look elsewhere or may not. My prime focus is here and that isn't changing under any circumstance.

Yahoo seems to moving more generalised sports coverage after a shake up. The Raw review audio show was delayed 12 hours which was unDave like.

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This is a little interesting because Yahoo's "Cagewriter" blog was still tossing stuff up: three posts this morning.


It is a pretty good example of how batshit out financial system is that a company that had a revenue of $1.3B and a *profit* of $296M in their most recent quarter in a massive recession is considered "disappointing" and it's time for layoffs.



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Dave's focus is "right here"? Wait... hasn't Dave cryptically and non-cryptically indicated that Yahoo is a lot of what's putting bread on his table? Wasn't there the famous Mania quote?



I'll leave it you guys to tell me I am wrong given the recent changes in the healthcare system etc. But I took from what Dave said about the Yahoo role was that it was largely taken for all benefits it offered which he didnt have as a "dirtsheet" writer rather than strictly money.

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Dave's focus is "right here"? Wait... hasn't Dave cryptically and non-cryptically indicated that Yahoo is a lot of what's putting bread on his table? Wasn't there the famous Mania quote?



Just for a clarification.


Yahoo did not want me going to Wrestlemania. They were not going to pay for me going to Wrestlemania, and even with Mayweather, they were not going to have me covering Wrestlemania.


My boss, who knows that I'm friends with Flair and that it was Flair's last match and it meant something to him, said that if you want, you can skip Strikeforce and go to Wrestlemania. It wasn't something they would have been happy about but they weren't going to hold it against me.


My family would have, however and the choice was relatively easy to make.

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Dave's focus is "right here"? Wait... hasn't Dave cryptically and non-cryptically indicated that Yahoo is a lot of what's putting bread on his table? Wasn't there the famous Mania quote?



I'll leave it you guys to tell me I am wrong given the recent changes in the healthcare system etc. But I took from what Dave said about the Yahoo role was that it was largely taken for all benefits it offered which he didnt have as a "dirtsheet" writer rather than strictly money.


As far as the Affordable Health Care for America Act goes, prices won't go down 'til at least 2014, which is when the health insurances exchanges are set up.
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Maybe something else going on in Dave's life where he couldn't go to Mania. I guess Las Vegas is closer, but it's not like he doesn't do several days there for a UFC PPV. It would have been easy enough to fly out Friday afternoon for Florida, be there Saturday & Sunday, and red-eye back.



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