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BTW Dave is going to do interview w/the Sports-Catsters Podcast that I follow on Twitter. They mentioned that they got interview w/Frank Deford next month and I suggested that they try to get Dave to do an interview since Deford said in an column that Dave is one of the best beat reporters in Sports. The guy who does the interviews thought it was a great idea and Dave agreed to do the podcast later this week which is pretty cool.

Thanks for the heads up on that


And yeah, Dave doesn't really maximize his growth potential as far as new media goes. I think it's partly that Alvarez runs kind of a fly-by-night semi-pro operation and Meltz has put a lot of stuff in his hands, partly that he's just from a generation removed and has an old school print mentality, and partly that he's got a family and a kid and is comfortable with the way he does things. He needs Alvarez or somebody else in his ear to push him to new levels, and Alvarez, eh, he's not looking to go that big

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I don't think Dave has pimped his Grantland column on any of his audio shows that I have listened to. Has he said anything about it in his daily update?

Mentioned it in a daily update but didn't directly link to it, just said he had a column up on grantland.com and left it at that

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Guest Slickster

--The Observer will be up later tonight or possibly early tomorrow. The sheer volume of news, combined with me being out of town three days this past week and teaching at Stanford yesterday really did a number on it.


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Mmmm'kay. And *that* is giving your the urge to punch Brian Alvarez in the face ? Frankly, the result is puzzling. First match on a B-PPV, Cena wins. Okay. Not exactly the smartest booking ever. There is so many more reason to make you want tp punch Alvarez in the face if you really need to, but that picture, well, I can undertsand the reasonning.

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Bryan on the radio show was acting like it was the worst booking decision ever, which is a bit much. Between Dave going off about people saying ROH wrestlers have no psychology and can't work but still praise WWE matches like Kane vs. Orton and Jericho vs. Punk, and Bryan making a dig at people who say Vince doesn't change his mind and they are instead covering their asses, this was quite the show.

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Well, it gots nothing on the Invasion, but it's still pretty damn stupid. I know everyone is freaking out at the idea Lesnar might decide to run off as soon as he gets bored, but I think at this point this aspect of Lesnar is getting way overstated to justify bad booking. Lesnar should have at least killed Cena here, killed a few other people on his way to SummerSlam and then Cena got the big win. Not overly complicated nor that risqué.

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I think Brock should have won too, but based on how people are describing the match, I am willing to hold judgment on this until I have seen the match itself. Pointing out that how the match is worked was equally important to the result is something specific Dave has said. It's valid, and right now, I feel like I don't know enough to criticize it.


The Bryan pic annoys me because he's so ridiculously polemic.

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Taken on his own in a vaacum, I have no issue with Cena winning, as far as work goes everything clicked perfectly.

But the booking is a bit ridiculous if you look at the big picture, so I can understand the money burning pic.

Polemic makes people talk. Controversy is money, ya know.;)

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Bryan on the radio show was acting like it was the worst booking decision ever

Well, he & to a lesser degree Meltzer rarely accept things for what they are or judge them on their own merrits. Anything that doesn't fit into what his pre determined idea of what good wrestling should be is usually burried pretty badly.


From day 1 they were bitching to high heaven that the match shouldn't have even been happening (too soon) and then once they were over that they decided that Lesnar winning clean was the only acceptable finish and that anything else would be stupid.

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Brock will get over by throwing all of WWE's conventions on their collective head. Winning and losing doesn't matter as much as it should, sadly. If the idea from here is that Brock doesn't care about winning and losing, that he cares more about maiming people, there are tons of possibilities and Brock maintains his mystique.


You'll never go broke betting against WWE coming through on things like this, but I'm not convinced yet that they've dropped the ball.

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It comes down to this:


Lesnar, on an Extreme Rules match, had no real use for the gimmick and was maiming Cena with "legit" moves and his striking, but got screwed by the ref bumps.


Cena got a lucky shot with a chain as Brock was barreling towards him and then hit his finisher on the steps to knock Brock loopy for the win after the ref finally woke up.


Yeah, Cena should've lost, but in the context of the post-match with Brock staggering around and challenging little kids to fights, it worked.

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The point is, Lesnar has been beaten, he's not undestructible anymore after his *first match*. And that is retarded. I know this thread is designed to systematically disagree with Meltz, and I don't know what he said specifically, but it baffles me that anyone wants to defend WWE on that one. It's a stupid decision. Will that destroy Lesnar, of course not, but it is still the dummest thing they could have done with him from a booking standpoint.

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