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Wrestling blind spots?


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In the wrestler comparison megathread, Loss stated, to the shock of many, that he had yet to watch the 1/20/97 Misawa/Kobashi match. It got me thinking that it'd be a good idea for all of us to fess up to the highly acclaimed, historically significant, or otherwise notable matches we haven't actually seen. I'll start. I've never seen Hogan/Andre. Or the HBK/Bret iron man match.

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Just about every praised TNA match. 95% of the praised ROH matches, and 100% of the praised DGUSA matches.


I would take a guess that Yohe has dragged out every massively pimped NOAH match at KOC's, and I've groaned my way through all of them except for Kobashi-Suzuki (before groaning at the finish). So other than a major NOAH pimped match in 2010-2011 (he tends to catch up slowly), I probably have seen them all. Don't quiz me on them: I hate all those NOAH Jr's matches people lose their shit on.


Ton of lucha. 99% of Europe.


I'm guessing any pimped NJPW match in the past 8 or so years.


A ton of Memphis and Wattsland, so most of the Crown Jewels of those promotions.


I cop to having a lot of holes.



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Just about every praised TNA match. 95% of the praised ROH matches, and 100% of the praised DGUSA matches.


I would take a guess that Yohe has dragged out every massively pimped NOAH match at KOC's, and I've groaned my way through all of them except for Kobashi-Suzuki (before groaning at the finish). So other than a major NOAH pimped match in 2010-2011 (he tends to catch up slowly), I probably have seen them all. Don't quiz me on them: I hate all those NOAH Jr's matches people lose their shit on.


Ton of lucha. 99% of Europe.


I'm guessing any pimped NJPW match in the past 8 or so years.


A ton of Memphis and Wattsland, so most of the Crown Jewels of those promotions.


I cop to having a lot of holes.



I have more holes than you could imagine, but you can absolutely follow along with Mid-South (about midway through 84) and 1979 Memphis on Justin.tv right now. I think he's going to run Memphis TV all the way through the 80s all in a row with 5-6 hours a week. It's not the most ideal way to watch it but the convenience is nice.

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I think this is definitely one area where both with the expansion of internet and available footage, the scope has widened greatly on matches like these. For instance, in 2001 when I first started online, the main stuff to watch that wasn't WCW/WWE history related were All Japan 4 corners and New Japan juniors, mixed end with high end joshi and mich pro from the 1990's. Now all of a sudden, a match like Backlund/Valentine is fairly highly regarded and yet was unavailable until a few years ago. Ditto for the random indy matches that get high praise like KOW/MCMG from PWG.


Anyway my list:


El Hijo Del Santo vs. Negro Casas 1987 - keep waiting to watch this on the lucha 80's set if possible.

Most big heavyweight matches from New Japan in the 1980 - 1990's - My custom tape orders from Lynch were really junior heavy

All Indy stuff from 2006-2008, between getting married, finishing college, etc. This was the lowest point of my life for wrestling watching

Almost all of Battlarts

Big Egg Universe

Tons of matches from the 1970's featuring mil Mascaras, Funk, Jumbo, etc.


There is just a ton of stuff out there. I think Phil Schneider said in one thread at DVDVR one time that wrestling could end tomorrow and he would be unlikely to catch up on it all and that is true in my case also, I watch on average around 3-4 hours a week (not including Raw or Smackdown) and it amazing how much stuff is out there to consume. For instance, take the 1995 Champions Carnival Final. I watched it once around 6 years ago, I know I loved it then but can’t remember much about it except Misawa's injury being focused on. This is a match that I would like to rewatch, but does it take precedence over stuff I have never seen? In the past year, I have definitely become more snobish in my watching. Before I would watch a show start to finish not skipping anything, now if something on a DVD does not fit my interest, it instantly gets fast forwarded.

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My biggest hole is Lucha where there is a shitload of great stuff I have not seen to the point where it is hard to know where to start. I've probably seen more WoS than most hardcore fans, but still there are lots of holes there. WAR and NJPW heavies from the 90's are things I need to go back and watch. Minchinoku Pro is another one, but I've got all of that sitting on a shelf ready to watch once I kill the AWA I'm closing out

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I've got more holes than swiss cheese: anything after 2004 for any promotion.


Also the 80s NJ and AJ sets are my only exposure to Japanese wrestling PERIOD. And MidSouth my only real exposure to territorial stuff.


THAT SAID, I'm pretty solid on WWF 83-01 and NWA/WCW in the same time period. I think I might have fewer gaps there than a lot of people.

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There's not really a style I haven't had exposure to, but there are hundreds if not thousands of matches that I want to see and never have.


I will point out that I have never seen a match from Chikara or Osaka Pro.

Chikara is a lot of fun. You won't see anything all time classic or anything but it is ridiculously fun. One of my favorite Chikara moments was Demolition in the 2008 King of Trios and the fans singing along to the theme song as they came out. You can honestly watch a lot of the backstage stuff on Youtube and see clipped versions of matches with their weekly podcast.


Osaka Pro... you're not missing much. Dragon Gate and Chikara took a lot of the Osaka concepts and did it better.

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I've never seen Wrestlemania 1.

I don't know if I'm in the minority on this or not, but if you've never seen it you aren't missing much. It's pretty much only noteworthy in the sense that it took place and Vince didn't lose his shirt because of it. The main event isn't too bad, it's still one of the best celebrity wrestler matches. The rest of the card is bad matches or bad finishes. I guess Steamboat-Borne was okay work-wise but it is a nothing match that in retrospect looks like the prototype of the now common "get everyone a PPV payday" match.

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I haven't seen any singles matches between Negro Casas and El Hijo del Santo.



I know, Will. I've got Barnett's Santo/Casas comp, but Bob himself tells me it's some of the shittiest VQ that he has, so I haven't brought myself to put it in yet. My best friend is an even bigger tragedy, as he's a wrestler who's gimmick is a Mexican Luchadore. And he only first saw Santito this past April, when hanging out at my house when I decided to pop in the two Santo rudo trios matches. His response was "Hey, he's pretty good!"

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Guest Cremcraw

I haven't seen any singles matches between Negro Casas and El Hijo del Santo.



This clearly calls for a Negro Casas comp. Who will heed the call?


In all seriousness, Negro Casas is one my favorite wrestlers. For some reason it is easier for me to get immersed in his matches than for any other wrestler.

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I haven't seen any singles matches between Negro Casas and El Hijo del Santo.



This clearly calls for a Negro Casas comp. Who will heed the call?


In all seriousness, Negro Casas is one my favorite wrestlers. For some reason it is easier for me to get immersed in his matches than for any other wrestler.


A Negro Casas compilation would be the greatest compilation of all time. Hopefully there will be a 60-disc Negro Casas DVD Set one day.

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Guest hack myers

Too many blind spots for me. I just started using the conveniece of youtube and dailymotion this year. My mind is empty on most of the territories except Buddy Rose's great Portland stuff and a handful of Mid-Atlantic and Vince Sr.'s WWWF. Outside of the states I've seen a decent amount of the must sees from All Japan except 12/6/96, very little of New Japan, a little bit of Lucha, and almost no European wrestling. Every thing else in between I'm pretty much blind as well.

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Was just thinking about this the other day.


Heard about the guy for years but I don't think i've ever seen an Eric Embry match. Atleast 50% sure I may never have even seen a picture of him. I've got the DVDVR World Class set so that'll change eventually when I stop being lazy and finish it though.


For 2 guys who've feuded literally for an eternity I think i've seen maybe 2 Lawler vs Dundee matches in my life.


Haven't watched HBK/Taker II, HHH/Taker mania this year, hardly any WWE since maybe 08 or 09 actually. Couldn't even tell you what the Usos look like for example.

I plan on watching every ROH show eventually, in order but i'm still making my way through 2005 and haven't even gotten to Joe/Kobashi yet.

I've only ever seen a few handfulls of PWG shows.

Anything good from any other pimped indy out thear (IWAs, Chikara, CZW, Evolve, etc) I haven't really seen past 2007-2008.

Except for BJW, Joshi & Battlarts, very little Japan stuff from the last 2-3 years or so, especially if it happened in Z1, NOAH, DG, New Japan or All Japan. I'm sure i'd enjoy a lot of it, don't misunderstand but there's so much out thear that things just fall by the wayside.

I'm like a year behind on AAA, no current CMLL except for a few matches from Mistico's heel turn in forever and ever and ever either.


Tons and tons of other shit but that's what leaps to mind.

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I used to be pretty caught up with wrestling until 2004. I've seen stuff periodically via YouTube and DVD but there are large portions that I've missed. I read storyline recaps from this board and places like Wikipedia and a big part of me is glad I missed it.


I know I was watching every Raw, Smackdown, Nitro, and Thunder in the year 2000 (queue Conan and La Bamba) but, honestly, there are large gaps in my recollection of WCW from that year.

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