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I think that WP/RE's comments about being a ladykiller were something of a put-on.


The closest I ever got to a girl because the strip club and that picture (which I may write about some day, not related to the strip club though) was back in grade six (which would be grade 7 for a lot of other people) was when I was trapped in a leg scissors wrestling hold around my stomach by one of the more athletic females in school. It was kind of embarassing to be trapped by a girl but truth be told I didn't try to escape too much. For some reason people put each other in leg scissors more often back in the day. Now they don't do it anymore. I don't know why that is.

Well yeah; wouldn't you hate the thought of cutting it with a knife? My penis is just a touch below average as far as size goes but my father's penis isn't. It's pretty big so seeing that when I was young and seeing the difference between the size of his and mine lent me to the conclusion that mine still had awhile to go and perhaps his story was true. It just lent his tale credibility.

Now time for my first Playboy magazine experience. Years ago when I was around 6 or 7 or 8 yrs old I was up at my friend's house which was very close to mine. I could just walk through the field and a couple of barbed wire fences (didn't take the road because Mom was worried about the vehicles) to get there. (In a cool little tidbit I also had a friend on the other side of the house where I also could walk through fields and fences to get too!) One day we all went up to the wood where my buddy was making a cabin. I forget where my friend got them at but he had a whole bunch of Playboy magazines. Everyone was of course intrigued and looking at them but I didnt. All I remember was putting my head down, putting my hands over my eyes and closing them. I remember one friend saying. "Look at wildpegasus, he's not even looking". The reason I didn't look is because I knew it was improper and bad to look at naked bodies. I think I was also happy with myself for listening to my Mom. Yes, I was mostly a good boy when I was growing up.

If you are female and want to give me a present please fly over to Nova Scotia and give me my first ever kiss.

Kill Bill is wrestling!


Kill Bill Vol 1 is one of the most overrated movies I've ever seen. A glorified TLC spotfest and a spotfest that wasn't good to start off with. This from someone who wanted to love the movie. The only thing good thing in it is its music. I like the fact people can love this movie but I've seen the same concept Kill Bill strives for (coolness) done a million times better.

Exactly, you hit the nail right on the head. A bunch of things of happening for no real rhyme or reason to bunch a people we have no real reason to care about. A spotfest of "coolness" which didn't even manage to be cool. The pacing of the movie is hard to take too. And how can any wrestling fan support a movie where they no sell chokesleepers? The fight scenes which are a big part of Kill Bill Vol 1 are total spotfest. Watch the fight scene in "They Live" 10 times over or Hogan vs Zeus from "No Holds Barred" which features physcology! and than watch the ones in Kill Bill 10 times over. See what truly holds up.

Wait, what?


What's "Dreamgirls" and what would make it popular? What sets it apart from any other movie? Why would I even go see it? I never even heard of Beyonce, Jamie Foxx or Danny Glover. Eddie Murphy I pf course have but I don't think his name is strong enough to beat the Rocky franchise on its own.

And this, a fitting coda to WP/RE's posting career.


Nobody knows wether I"m telling the truth, mixing half trues with lies or totally making it up. That's just the way I like it.

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RE always reminded me of a slightly more functional version of Chris-Chan of internet fame. For those who don't know, Chris-Chan was a dude with some kind of autism spectrum disorder who was at least in his late teens if not a full grown adult who went around wearing a homemade medallion of his Sonichu (hybrid Sonic the Hedgehog/Pikachu from Pokemon) character. He also stalked local malls for "nice" girls to fall in love with him and have his babies, only to lash out at them when they would invariably get creeped out by him. Also anyone who tried to help him act normal (teachers, mall cops preventing him from creeping) were known as "Jerkops" in the long, rambling fiction he would write where he would be the King of the World and everyone had to be punished for being mean to him.


If you ever look up any of the stories about Chris-Chan and replace the "Sonichu" stuff with Chris Benoit it's a pretty eerie parallel.

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a lot of Sayama's backlash and DK's too for that matter is that people always tear down what is obviously the best out there. People always tear down people who are better at something so they can feel and cheat themselves up higher in the totem pole of life. The scary thing is that people don't even conciously know when or why they're doing this. Than they embrace mediocrity or something not quite as good as the best as a way to justify not getting their self esteem by actually going out and doing something ....

See, right there is what I meant. That idea of his that if people weren't apeshit for what is supposed to to be smart fan canon, that it must be some psychological deal or plot to tear down what is good and pure. :lol:


As far as all that penis cutting stuff goes, I never saw any of that and I'd thank you all to not post it again, so I don't wake up screaming after reading it before bed.


He actually may be onto something though. I'm a huge Lawler fan, I'm 41 and dating a 20 year-old girl, and deep down I think do want to screw Jerry Lawler. I think he's a cuddler.

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I don't remember the first time I got acros WildPegasus, but it was a long time ago.

I was never at ease with the way people packed on him each and everytime he would say something totally nonsensical, I got the feeling he was indeed bullied. And I don't like people getting bullied in general, even if the guy did deserved to be smacked most of the time.


Anyway, the creepiest RE memory I have is me refering to some match as an abortion, only to have RE respond that it was way too much to compare a bad wrestling match to... "killing babies". I stopped right there, not even wanting to touch that subject with RE.

He also had tons of wierd sexual remarks that reeked of homophobia and repressed homosexuality at the same time. I remember some thread being closed down after I kinda pushed to guy to start talking about sodomy. Yeah, I admit it, I was a dick to him too. No pun intended, of course.


I got a laugh out of the "starting to review korean movies" line BTW.

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Well "he didn't write his own songs, he's just a song and dance man!" has been known to come up.


I never had a problem with Jason. Was he a bit off the curve? Sure. Were there times when I was left scratching my head? Sure. But I've met plenty of wrestling fans over the years who've been way more out there. He was always really nice to me and I never doubted his sincerity in defending, say, Dynamite/Sayama or whatever else; he wasn't a troll. Good luck to him.

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Well thank God you're not RE's dad, guys, because I'd rather get publically beaten for being a monkey than to worry about sleeping on my father's penis!


Simple as that.


Don't even need to know that, that dad cuts his own fucking penis off!


/Lewis Black

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Uh...where the hell did he say that?


That sounds eerily similar to some Silence of the Lambs antagonist childhood memories.

In RE's defense, i've known lots of parents who tell their kids stupid shit like that including my own so it's not an uncommon ocurance.


Just because it is common doesn't mean that it is okay to do it, no?


I mean, unless I am mistaken about psychology, the depth of that lie was more damaging than telling the child something differently, a lesser lie, as the lie told, it scarred RE for a probable length of time, which depending on when he heard it, to when he realized he was free & clear of said lie is the real question.


Maybe NSFW material.


I'm thinking about this from a personal experience point-of-view. I had a hernia, got it repaired in the summer in-between seventh and eighth grade, and told my best-friend that he'd get a third testicle (scar tissue) just like I did because I was thirteen and he was only twelve. His alcoholic step-father told me to say it to him, said it would be funny. Turns out, my best-friend worried himself to death for over a year because having a third testicle for him just meant another testicle his step-father could kick him in. The dude used to beat the shit out of his wife too. Bad. And he fucked his step-son's life up for a calender year.



I might be overthinking this, but God damn, what RE's dad told him...I couldn't imagine fucking with my dogs like that, let alone, traumatize my child with only words. The catharsis of that lie probably haunts RE to this day. Hence my concern. RE is clearly a product of his environment judging even by the minute things that we do know about his childhood. I'm willing to bet there is a history of mental illness in his family - cause obviously RE does, and more than likely his father too.


RE's childhood again:


One of the scariest things of my youth was when I walked in on my Dad using the bathroom before. I commented on how big his penis wise as he was in the process of urinating. He than told me that he had to cut it off down the river and it was laying down beside the road somewhere. That kind of frightened me. I was than afraid that your penis would keep on growing and growing until you had to cut it off with a knife like Dad did. Not only was I worried about steeping on my father's penis down the river (a large block of land behind the trailor that eventually leads to a river) but I hated the thought of cutting my own penis with a knife. It was just something I didn't want to do. I kind of thought he was lying at the time but it was still enough to scare me. You don't know these kind of things when you're young.



I've been witch-hunted for being a so-called sociopath. But fuck that noise. That ^ there is a sociopath. No pause in telling his son a boldfaced lie that would obviously scare a child. Or he's at the very least an extremely dumb parent. Again. And unless I am just seeing something that isn't there, would you tell your child a lie like that - when you could just have ignored him, told him to get out, or just said, "Yeah, I do. Now get out and close the door." I mean, unless RE's dad had a twenty-five-inch cock on 'em, then just tell the little kid the truth.

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When I first joined TSM in 2004 after years of lurking one of my first posts was a slightly negative/innocuous comment about Owen Hart. Something about his initial babyface push in 92/93. RE PM'd me asking me to "explain myself" or something to that degree. I pussed out and basically apologized for the comment (even though I said nothing derogatory about Owen's talent)! Very funny (for me at least) in retrospect


this thread is highly entertaining

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Uh...where the hell did he say that?


That sounds eerily similar to some Silence of the Lambs antagonist childhood memories.

In RE's defense, i've known lots of parents who tell their kids stupid shit like that including my own so it's not an uncommon ocurance.


Just because it is common doesn't mean that it is okay to do it, no?


No, not saying that.


My point was just, in a thread who's sole purpose seems to be "hey everyone let's all point and laugh at how stupid/weird/crazy RE was" the story about his Dad whether good or bad isn't THAT out thear.

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Ok, I never saw all that "third testicle" stuff and related stories before, but after reading that I totally get a vibe that he was putting people on with that shit. That's just too out there to be real, right? Not saying his entire persona was a "rib", but that stuff reads like someone fucking with people. Which is something I love, and if it's true that it's a gag.... I now sorta like the guy. :lol:

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My point was just, in a thread who's sole purpose seems to be "hey everyone let's all point and laugh at how stupid/weird/crazy RE was" the story about his Dad whether good or bad isn't THAT out thear.

WRONG! The purpose of the thread is to quote RE material to entertain me since he will not be coming out with any new material.

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It's hard to derive anything concrete from this match because of the drunk factor.

This is a NMB thread about Maeda vs Andre.


It's not an insane comment, and it makes a kind of sense in context. But I like it in general. It seems so applicable to so many things people say on forums (and in life).


In a NMB thread about Green Lantern Fan, which contains a parody Straight Shootin cover:


  None of us have done any video shoot interviews yet.


It's not real, wildpegasus.

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