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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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  rovert said:

The "I hope one day you will have the courage to come out yourself" line one is a fairly handy, a lot less confrontational and potentially true comeback for someone in Punk's position.

That's a great line.



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What are WWE going to do for talent over the next decade (and beyond)?


Outside of Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose there doesn't seem to be anyone in developmental that has a buzz about them. Although there may be some others that have potential that I'm not aware of. Hero & Claudio seem to be the last of the 2000's cast.


There's a few guys in TNA* and ROH that are good and would be an asset to the roster, but no one on the level of Flair, Luger or Vader who when they jumped to the WWF you thought "Yep. They're a bona fide main eventer. I can see them headlining in New York". (Even if it didn;t end up working out).


*Excluding Sting. there's probably some big paydays against various folks if he showed up fot the dream match factor. But he's not a long term solution.


Is there anyone in TNA or ROH on the level of Austin or Jericho, who when they jumped you thought "They've got a ton of potential. I could see them headlining. Hell there at least a lock for the IC title".


I'm guessing there's some guys on the indie's with potential, who I'm not aware of. At least I hope there is.

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  Bix said:
  MikeCampbell said:
  rovert said:

Bix have you read about how much ROH butchered the Summer of Punk DVD?

I'm not Bix, obviously, but I haven't heard a thing about the Summer of Punk DVD other than the fact that ROH released one. Do tell, Rovert, how bad is it?


Yeah, what happened here?


Just that they cut out the entrances and have a remix of Cult of Personality. Obviously these are sad commercial realities. However what gets lost isnt replaced by a current day narrator.


The story that gets told on the DVD downplays Foley & Gibson's roles as well as Punk's friendship of Cabana.


Nerd stuff but still fairly key.

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  Johnny Guitar said:

What are WWE going to do for talent over the next decade (and beyond)?


Outside of Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose there doesn't seem to be anyone in developmental that has a buzz about them. Although there may be some others that have potential that I'm not aware of. Hero & Claudio seem to be the last of the 2000's cast.


There's a few guys in TNA* and ROH that are good and would be an asset to the roster, but no one on the level of Flair, Luger or Vader who when they jumped to the WWF you thought "Yep. They're a bona fide main eventer. I can see them headlining in New York". (Even if it didn;t end up working out).


*Excluding Sting. there's probably some big paydays against various folks if he showed up fot the dream match factor. But he's not a long term solution.


Is there anyone in TNA or ROH on the level of Austin or Jericho, who when they jumped you thought "They've got a ton of potential. I could see them headlining. Hell there at least a lock for the IC title".


I'm guessing there's some guys on the indie's with potential, who I'm not aware of. At least I hope there is.

I think AJ Styles could get over huge in WWE. He's got a personal charisma and ability to get over with crowds that TNA really hasn't capitalized on as much as they could have, and he's a really good worker who IMO would quickly adapt to the WWE style.


I remember him saying in an interview years ago that he never wanted to go to WWE, that they offered him a development contract at one point and he took it as an insult, and honestly, that's just stupid. His peers Danielson and Punk took those "insulting" deals and are about to co-main a PPV, and he's still toiling in the toilet of wrestling promotions. I guess TNA takes care of him and pays him well, but if I were in his shoes I'd be jumping at the first opportunity to go to WWE and become a bigger star.

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I want to see a CM Punk vs AJ Styles feud. Heel AJ would bring a "God hates a faggot" sign with him to the ring, and face CM Punk would just reply "Kill yourself", and then proceed to kill AJ. Shooty-shooty enough to get some buzz too.


Of course I'd fear the wrong reaction from the WWE audience...

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Guest Slickster

Controversial statement time:

Depending on what's revealed in testimony, this could be as damaging to WWE's business as the Chris Benoit murders were.


John Cena has an immaculate public persona and is beloved by children all over the world. If ugly allegations come out against the most babyface of babyfaces, it will seriously affect WWE's fan support and bottom line.

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  Tim Evans said:

Even though he's be hurt by bad booking and being Lazy, I think Joe could work in WWE. Jeff Hardy going back might work in the short term.


I like Seth Rollins in FCW more than Ambrose. If he's given a chance, he could be pretty big.

Seth Rollins! Thats they other guy I was trying to think of.


I agree about Joe. He's got natural storyline's with Punk, Bryan and Cena. They're all his friends who went onto fame and fortune in WWE and he got stuck in TNA. Crazy and bitter Joe out for revenge! Plus Austin likes him too.


I know he doesn't have the body and all that, but Vince/WWE is gonna have to accept the fact that the talent pool is thin. And they'll have to take what they can get.


I wasn't thinking so much about guys like Joe and Styles. Assuming them and guys like Storm, Roode, The Briscoes, Shelly, Sabin and the rest of their peer group all go to New York in the next few years and guys like Burke & The Hardys go back.


Who's left after that?


No one in ROH seems to have the same level of interest about them as the guys who were there from 2002 to 2007. Are people into Steen and Richards as much as they were Punk and Joe?


TNA is TNA.They can't find their ass with both hands.


Wasn't there a story recently that some guys like Austin and Funk were going to go down to FCW on their own volition to help out because they realise that wrestling is in deep shit talent wise for the future?

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  Slickster said:

Controversial statement time:

Depending on what's revealed in testimony, this could be as damaging to WWE's business as the Chris Benoit murders were.


John Cena has an immaculate public persona and is beloved by children all over the world. If ugly allegations come out against the most babyface of babyfaces, it will seriously affect WWE's fan support and bottom line.

I guess Make A Wish is his American Flag.

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Chad Austin had pissed off New Jack sometime before the match I can't remember if it was the day of or whatever but Jack took the opportunity to beat the holy hell out of Austin during the match. Extremely stiff chair shots and hard punches. Joey Styles on commentary was even noting how serious this beating was.

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  Slickster said:


Yep. It got quite abit of play at the time in the sheets and mags.



  KrisZ said:

Chad Austin had pissed off New Jack sometime before the match I can't remember if it was the day of or whatever but Jack took the opportunity to beat the holy hell out of Austin during the match. Extremely stiff chair shots and hard punches. Joey Styles on commentary was even noting how serious this beating was.

Do we know what caused it? I remember some people at the time trying to play it off as Paul E. sending a message to Steve Austin. Which obviously wasn't the case.


Those post match chairshots were brutal. That was straight up assult.

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  Slickster said:

Controversial statement time:

Depending on what's revealed in testimony, this could be as damaging to WWE's business as the Chris Benoit murders were.


John Cena has an immaculate public persona and is beloved by children all over the world. If ugly allegations come out against the most babyface of babyfaces, it will seriously affect WWE's fan support and bottom line.

Won't have any impact. They got married in 2009. They got divorced in less than 3 years. No kids. It's not a big deal.


There's a prenup, which is rather smart of Cena. Cena is all the one petitioning for the divorce, so it seems *unlikely* (though not impossible) that him playing the field is the cause of the divorce. There would have to be a decent amount of shit on his side for her to crack the prenup. One would think that if there were, she would be the petitioner, not him. Though it's possible that he's protecting himself by filing first before she starts tossing bombs... but that would be a little less common.


We'll see in here response if there's any dirt that would reach the level of being an issue for the WWE. 95% likelihood that this will be nothing more than a blip.



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  jdw said:

We'll see in here response if there's any dirt that would reach the level of being an issue for the WWE. 95% likelihood that this will be nothing more than a blip.

Steroid allegations would be problematic. More so than in Ric Flair's divorce before the company had a Wellness policy.

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It's been a long time since I heard the story but Jack was a guy who was easy to piss off especially at that time and Austin did something to make him furious. Jack had also not too long got out of jail and he was on the edge most of the time.

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