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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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  Boondocks Kernoodle said:

I've been trying to find this online for over a decade.


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I remember reading this when I was 10 and wondering, "What the hell is this?" This was when I wasn't sure if ICOPRO was steroids or not.


Re Cena divorce. I don't imagine anything too damaging will come out. About the worst I've heard of Cena was he was a teetotaler until he met Ric Flair but he hasn't sank to Flair's level yet. And Cena cheats on his wife.


The Rock got divorced after a decade and I don't recall anything career-threatening coming out of it.

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  MikeCampbell said:

Foley didn't have much of a role did he? All I'm remembering is a single promo at the NYC show.

He was basicly the entire catalyst for Punk staying, he appeared on several shows playing the role of WWE guy who could get in Vince's ear and wreck his deal if Punk didn't show up to defend his title.


Foley actually did a fair bit for ROH on & off in 04 & 05, the most notable other things being the Pure Wrestling vs Hardcore angle with him & Steamboat and the mini feud with Samoa Joe that led to them having a short brawl that was supposed to lead to a Joe vs Foley match but Foley backed out for some reason that i'm blanking on atm.


  cm funk said:

I remember him saying in an interview years ago that he never wanted to go to WWE, that they offered him a development contract at one point and he took it as an insult, and honestly, that's just stupid. His peers Danielson and Punk took those "insulting" deals and are about to co-main a PPV, and he's still toiling in the toilet of wrestling promotions. I guess TNA takes care of him and pays him well, but if I were in his shoes I'd be jumping at the first opportunity to go to WWE and become a bigger star.

To be more specific, he found the amount of money they were offering insulting. Dude has a wife, kids, an outside business (none of which Danielson or Punk had to consider) and could make more money wrestling elsewhear. Don't see it as a stupid move at all. The "anyone who doesn't wanna work for the WWE is an idiot because you'll automaticly make a billion zillion dollars which is the most important thing in the entire world above anything else" attitude is something i've never agreed with. Also, the Punks & Danielsons of the world are still very very very much exceptions to the rule as far as smaller/indy guys making it to a high lvl. For every one of them that sneaks through there's multiple dozens who tried & couldn't crack that glass cieling.



this could be as damaging to WWE's business as the Chris Benoit murders were.

...........wow, i've re-read that statement multiple times now and I still can't begin to comprehend how any possible rational human being could possibly put those words together in that order to form that sentence........wow......mind blown.....

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Wasn't Tom Cole the kid that was molested by Mel Phillips?


That was such a stupid thing to print. Like a married couple fighting and in a fit of anger Mom tells the kid "Your father wanted me to get an abortion." Even if it is true, what possible good could come from saying that?

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  NintendoLogic said:

Well, Cena's wife has lawyered up. And not just any lawyer, the one who represented Linda Hogan. Yes, Cena has a prenup. But so did Tiger Woods.

Like I said:


"There would have to be a decent amount of shit on his side for her to crack the prenup."


Woods had a decent amount of shit on his side that let Mrs. Woods crack the prenup... or at least convince Tiger to pay her more than the prenup (though still well south of Half).


Cena having an affair will get Mrs. Cena north of the prenup, won't get her Half, and won't really be a big lasting issue as far as press.


As far as her hiring Linda's lawyer, Linda didn't have a prenup as far as I recall. And the divorce didn't have any lasting impact on Hulk's public persona. He doing national ads. If he was Cena's age, he'd be the anchor of the WWE because he'd be the best draw in the world. The divorce, along with the injury his idiot son caused, have had the more lasing impact: on his finances.


Rock's divorce didn't have any impact because the two did it peacefully. They split as friends, and she's managing one of his businesses now.


The steriods would be tricky element, to the point that you'd think Cena would have paid her off in an agreed upon divorce rather than petitioning for it and it appearing to not be entirely peaceful (given Linda's attorney).


The other tricky element would be if he abused her... but there would likely be a trail there such as police incidents *before* they got to divorce... or her petitioning after he didn't buy her off enough. Not saying that she might not toss it at him, but by petitioning you'd get the sense that he isn't worried about it. Same goes for juice.



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  rovert said:

Biggest star in the industry John Cena files for divorce:


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"Rock saw Cena makin' out with Eve.

Grabbing on her thigh, tuggin' on her weave.

Cena was havin' the time of his life.

I guess he didn't tell her that he's got a wife.

Let's rock.

Everybody let's rock.

Divorce lawyer's right up the block,

but we're dancing because Cleveland Rocks"



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Who cares ?

Seriously, who cares ?

I know I might sound very "European" or even "French" (as a cliché), but who gives a shit if John Cena divorces and fucks around ? Who didn't in pro-wrestling ? Taker ? Did it. Rock ? Did it. Bret ? Did it.

The only issue that might get interesting is that if steroids and/or abuse issue pops up. If not, really, we're in 2012.

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^^ Yeah, exactly.


If anything to do with steroids comes out (and I doubt it will) then I'm sure the reaction of the mainstream, who probably don't even know that Cena exists, will be indifference. The layman will assume that all of these bug, muscular men are on steroids anyway. They won't know about the Wellness Policy, they won't know about the deaths and, more to the point, they simply won't care about "fake wrestlers".


I think the bigger surprise shouldn't be that Cena is filing for divorce but that he got married in the first place. I can't picture him as a man who ever makes it home during his time off anyway.


And, really, the attempt to suggest that "phony wrestler who takes steroids gets divorced" is supposed to be anywhere near "murdered his wife and seven-year-old before killing himself" in notoriety, exposure and damage to WWE is ridiculous.

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  Ronnie said:

I think the bigger surprise shouldn't be that Cena is filing for divorce but that he got married in the first place. I can't picture him as a man who ever makes it home during his time off anyway.

It really surprised me. And I agree, he doesn't seem like he was too tied down because like him or not he is a road dog for carrying that ball as long as he has.

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  Ronnie said:

I think the bigger surprise shouldn't be that Cena is filing for divorce but that he got married in the first place. I can't picture him as a man who ever makes it home during his time off anyway.

I was thinking that too. He's a guy that supposedly does radio shows at like 5 in the morning, among other things we've discussed over the years. Surprised he made that committment and tied the knot, under those circumstances.

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  El-P said:

"At one point, Crash Holly was a bigger star than Bill Goldberg, and that was because of Russo's writing."


Is Venis talking about the infamous 2004 Guerrero-Angle feud where Angle convinced Guerrero that Angle looking much stronger than Guerrero would be beneficial to Guerrero's career? Interesting to see someone talk about it.


EDIT: Also nice to see someone talking about Angle not selling enough.

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  El-P said:

"At one point, Crash Holly was a bigger star than Bill Goldberg, and that was because of Russo's writing."


I don't currently have access to YouTube. Is Morley praising Russo's writing? Or is trashing it? Because...I could kinda see Crash being a bigger star than Goldberg...in 2000, due to WCW tanking. Only kinda, though.


But since that's a 1999 Timeline video...

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The quote was in the context of Val saying that one of Russo's strengths was having everyone from the top down was involved in a meaningful storyline. Still a ridiculous assertion.


It's a 1999 Timeline video, but there's also footage of him talking about the Eddy/Angle match at Wrestlemania XX for some reason.

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The original TMZ post on Cena's divorce quoted an "insider" (whatever that means) that this has the potential to get messier than Hogan's divorce. Apparently his wife was completely blindsided by this and is pissed.


It may still amount to nothing, but if that does happen I would assume it would be more than getting the vapors over cheating.

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Also someone on the BOARD~! made a good point that if she exposes he uses steroids (and passes the WWE tests), it would expose the Wellness Policy as complete bullshit right in time for Linda Senate Run 2.0.

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