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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Wow, Vince McMahon having a competitive match with his top heel at age 67. They must be desperate!

Especially a few weeks after Jerry Lawler having a heart attack...


Vince won't have a heart attack. His heart will jump out of his chest and explode in a cocaine and steroid-fuelled rage.

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The whole final segment was awesome and insane. I am going to subscribe to the WON for the sole purpose of voting Vince's slip n slide table tope suicidia as move of the year. Probably my favorite segment on Raw in a year or longer

I intend to vote for Punk vs Vince as Match of the Year, but now I know what I'm voting for Move of the Year too!
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I love that people on the BOARD~! didn't seem to know why the hard camera was shaking and were complaining about it. I guess it's been a while.

It could be the former Arco Arena, right here in Sacramento, California! The building has a lot of wood in the stands. For a long time it was rated the loudest in the NBA by decibel levels in the Kings' heyday. If the crowd is hot that place can get insanely loud.


Conversely, it's horrible for acoustics and the city rarely draws outside of a mainstream top-40 act so musicians avoid it as much as possible.

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Alex Greenfield and Andrew Goldstein aren't the same person?

Different people. They have appeared on various podcasts together -Lagana's Formerly Creative and without looking probably Figure 4 Daily too. Someone on the F4D board last year used some app and verified those two were behind the account.

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This isn't the first time CrankyVince broke kayfabe, one of them did it months ago before WWE went on their rampage getting obvious parody accounts suspended.

You are thinking of @WWECreative. That was Robert Karpeles a mid 00s staffer. Don't blame you for the confusion. CrankyVince got yanked at the same time but it was later reinstated.

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Branford woman arrested for 5th time in a month


A woman who had been arrested three times in a three day span in September has been arrested twice more over the past two days, police said.


Police say that Tamara Sytch was found intoxicated and passed out at a home in Branford Monday evening

Getting even sadder, which didn't seem possible.




This sounds really bad. The depressing thing is that you can follow the downward spiral just watching the shoot interview she did over the years. A few years ago, she was talking about that great man she was dating. Few years later she said he was an asshole, was abusing and hitting her, was the reason she got hard into alcohol. She was then going into rehab (a few montsh ago I believe), was dating a younger guy, who happens to be the wrestler mentionned in the article, get clean and try to have a family when she would get out. Apparently things didn't quite work out this way. Totally depressing, as she looked quite okay a few years ago when she was inducted into the HoF. This girl needs help big time.

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Watched the Punk doc last night. Extremely well-done piece. I was really impressed with the shooting and editing on it. It really tells one of the better narratives that they've had on a dvd.


In other discussions of Punk's dvd, I've heard people saying Jericho's was previously the best they'd done (on a single guy). Is Jericho's really that good?

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Alex Greenfield and Andrew Goldstein aren't the same person?

Different people. They have appeared on various podcasts together -Lagana's Formerly Creative and without looking probably Figure 4 Daily too. Someone on the F4D board last year used some app and verified those two were behind the account.


Goldstein's been on my podcast, too. He's a nice guy. Pretty funny, very enthusiastic about wrestling. Terrible with dates, though.

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This isn't the first time CrankyVince broke kayfabe, one of them did it months ago before WWE went on their rampage getting obvious parody accounts suspended.

You are thinking of @WWECreative. That was Robert Karpeles a mid 00s staffer. Don't blame you for the confusion. CrankyVince got yanked at the same time but it was later reinstated.



Months before, one of those two did a CrankyVince tweet and then the actual CrankyVince account reteweeted it and said something like "i don't know who this idiot writer is" in his own unique style.

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Watched the Punk doc last night. Extremely well-done piece. I was really impressed with the shooting and editing on it. It really tells one of the better narratives that they've had on a dvd.


In other discussions of Punk's dvd, I've heard people saying Jericho's was previously the best they'd done (on a single guy). Is Jericho's really that good?

Austin's seems to be neck and neck with Punk's from what I have seen. A criticism of Austin's is that it drags in a lot of places - the chapter about his film work goes on forever. Punk's apparently tighter and more cohesive. Really liked Jericho's essentially it is a companion piece to his two books. But Austin's (and assume Punk's) is an evolutionary step production wise.

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Awwwwwwesome newsbit about the arena they ran for Raw this week:


In a very unfortunate and frankly quite amazing coincidence, WWE announced that they were returning to the same building for a Smackdown taping on January 22nd. The TicketMaster password? “SMACKFAN.â€


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Watched the Punk doc last night. Extremely well-done piece. I was really impressed with the shooting and editing on it. It really tells one of the better narratives that they've had on a dvd.


In other discussions of Punk's dvd, I've heard people saying Jericho's was previously the best they'd done (on a single guy). Is Jericho's really that good?

Agreed on the Punk doc. Thought it was very well done, the additional indy footage only helped too, and I liked the varying viewpoints.


One of my favourite parts of the DVD is the TV matches (specifically the ECW title one vs. Morrison, the tag titles one w/Kingston vs. Legacy, and the IC title one vs. Regal) all being completely in full, including everything that happened during the commercial breaks. They haven't done that very often on these releases (to be honest, I can only think of one of the DX ones that did it). I really liked that Regal match beforehand, and the stuff that happened during commercial only helped it even more.

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I saw pictures this morning taken from the TNA Hall of Fame ceremony for Sting & I just shook my head. I'm not sure if it could have looked anymore amateur & bush league if they tried.


Think of The Iron Sheik at a convention signing $5 autographs, like that scene from The Wrestler. It looked like that type of venue. At least the roster dressed up for the occasion.


Also, the TNA Bound for Glory Pay-Per-View is tonight. Supposed to be their biggest show of the year, their Wrestlemania if you will...and it looks terrible. Rob Van Dam Vs. Zema Ion? Wow...someone is going to die.

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The Punk documentary is great. I think it is the best that WWE has done and I put Jericho at 2nd. I haven't seen all the DVDs that have been mentioned, but I put Jericho above Austin since some of the stuff seemed to be rehashed from the previous Austin DVD.

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I don't think this is where they are headed, but what would you guys think if the Ryback/Punk interactions lead to Heyman bringing Lesnar back to take out Ryback? I have been saying since they signed Brock that they should use him to put over Sheamus but it seems like Ryback is the new project, so it would be a really good way to put him over the top. Plus it would keep him away from the WWE title for a while so they could maybe build up his first title match into a big meaningful win.

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