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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Yesterday I spun the wheel on my 400 disc DVD player and landed on Disc 1, week 1 of my 1984 Mid-South TV run that I never started watching. Now I'm on Disc 3 and week 7 of 1984. I gotta say Mid-South Wrestling had very fast moving, interesting TV. I can definitely see the Dundee influence though because at times it feels like Memphis with a bigger crowd and better production values with the amount of locker room emptying brawls and guys getting jumped pre or post match.


And now I can see why Magnum T.A. & Wrestling II's feud was such a big hit with the magazines. Really good logical stuff with everyone having clear cut reasons for doing what they're doing.

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Guest Andrews

The Mid South TV show was excellent (as was UWF). If you liek that style, you should check out Houston Wrestling also. Featured many Mid South talent, as well as showing full Mid South matches more often than not with local promos.

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Not really sure if this deserves a thread of its own or not so I thought I would just ask here.


Does anyone here know the history or any information about apartment wrestling? Who produced the films, who were the ladies, and where they were made?


I have always assumed the ladies were strippers and/or hookers but I have read that Woman appeared in some films under the name Para.


The handful I've seen were from from the 70s and shot on 8mm film but I know they were still being made in the 80s and am curious if they makers made the switch to video tape.


Apartment wrestling has always been a topic I've been fascinated by and feel it is one of the more unusual aspect of wrestling fandom.

At the moment I would assume that Jeff Leen who wrote the Mildred Burke book might have the most knowledge about her girls, they were pretty much the center of the American business. I'm not sure how much involved the European gals were, I wouldn't be surprised about it. It's funny to read a program where it states that girl A "has the tendency to lose her top in battle" :D

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Memphis TV is back:


Thaddeus Matthews and Kevin Lawler (Jerry’s son) are bringing back Memphis TV wrestling. Their new promotion is being called Memphis Wildfire Wrestling and the first taping is 4/4. The big surprise is that Dave Brown, 66, who is still the most popular television news personality in the market, will return as the lead announcer. Getting Brown gives the show immediate credibility. They are in talks of trying to get Lance Russell, who is now 87, to have involvement in some form on the show. I thought the last time Jerry Lawler did a television promotion that it may be it for that line because unlike in the past, where even the indie-level stuff with Lawler still was able to pull decent ratings, the last time the ratings were poor. Plus, this may have the handicap of not having Jerry Lawler, who hasn’t been allowed to wrestle due to being on blood thinning medication.

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I've been watching WWF TV from '98 to the point that I can no longer stand it. Somehow, I've survived 1999 unscathed, and just started on 2000.


The McMahon-Helmsley era is dominating, and Trips is a little keen to end Kurt Angle's undefeated streak (through other people, not by bothering to fight by himself.)


Also, Steve Blackman has (for no discernable reason) been helping Kurt win against the odds. Trips warned Steve not to help Kurt against Kane, so Steve attacks Kurt, drawing a DQ win. Afterwards, it's implied by Stephanie that she helped Steve figure out what to do. Very early foreshadowing of their love? A co-incidence? I don't know, but I liked it.

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I've been watching WWF TV from '98 to the point that I can no longer stand it. Somehow, I've survived 1999 unscathed, and just started on 2000.


The McMahon-Helmsley era is dominating, and Trips is a little keen to end Kurt Angle's undefeated streak (through other people, not by bothering to fight by himself.)


Also, Steve Blackman has (for no discernable reason) been helping Kurt win against the odds. Trips warned Steve not to help Kurt against Kane, so Steve attacks Kurt, drawing a DQ win. Afterwards, it's implied by Stephanie that she helped Steve figure out what to do. Very early foreshadowing of their love? A co-incidence? I don't know, but I liked it.

Yeah that was one of the best parts of the Love Triangle. It was setup so subtly and built in the background until Summerslam. The only thing that stunk was that they blew the payoff.

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Guest Andrews

I've been watching WWF TV from '98 to the point that I can no longer stand it. Somehow, I've survived 1999 unscathed, and just started on 2000.


The McMahon-Helmsley era is dominating, and Trips is a little keen to end Kurt Angle's undefeated streak (through other people, not by bothering to fight by himself.)


Also, Steve Blackman has (for no discernable reason) been helping Kurt win against the odds. Trips warned Steve not to help Kurt against Kane, so Steve attacks Kurt, drawing a DQ win. Afterwards, it's implied by Stephanie that she helped Steve figure out what to do. Very early foreshadowing of their love? A co-incidence? I don't know, but I liked it.

Yeah that was one of the best parts of the Love Triangle. It was setup so subtly and built in the background until Summerslam. The only thing that stunk was that they blew the payoff.


Yup, it has been building for a very long time. I remember the first time Angle headlined a SmackDown - it came out of nowhere in early 2000 and I'm pretty sure on screen Steph had something to do with this too.

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So Jerry has the AWA belt and the Unified belt, I wonder who ended up with the WCCW one.

Unified MIGHT be a replica, as that's the one Snowman sold. Dave Millican owns it but since he's friends with Lawler it could be the original.
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Holy LOL....


"There's 3 things you can never do to me: Give me a black eye, give me a fat lip, or give me a job. 'Dat Road Warrior Animal talks about wetting my lips and sticking me to a mural, I sho' like to see him try!"--Tony Atlas, interviewed by Ken Resnick regarding his upcoming match in Winnipeg on 9/20/84 vs. the Road Warriors.

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I was helping out at a charity show that Atlas was working, and the promoter asked me to go and get a poster signed that they were going to raffle. I head into the dressing room and find Tony who is taping his wrists.


Me: Mr. Atlas, the promoter would like you to sign this poster that they are going to raffle at intermission.


Tony: Why you need me to do it, because I'm black? You know I'm black right? Does that bother you? (he is grinning)


Me: Ummmm....I don't mind....


Tony: Me either, I think everyone should own a couple!



After that he laughed his ridiculous laugh, signed the poster, shook my hand, and went back to taping his wrists.

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