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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Matt D has taught me how to use google cache since they seem to have removed the option to click it straight from a search.


You need this:




Then put the URL of the page in front of it like so:




I just had a look at what would happen if I used "Save as" to desktop and by saving it as a complete .html file, you get the page and the format. This is a lot faster than copy->paste. Reckon that just one person alone could do it in a day.


I guess DVDR 80s Project stuff will be going back up soon, but it'll good to know there's a viable back up if we should need it.

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Watching the most recent Monday Night RAW 1999 from Classics and I really don't know why Russo thought you can make Jim Ross coming back from Bells Palsy a bitter heel. Nobody really wants to hate on him and he is going after people that they don't really care about like Bart Gunn and Michael Cole. I wonder if the gimmick that JR was talking about for Dr Death as basically a 1999 version of Tensai was an actual idea.

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I don't know about the gimmick, but Bob Holly mentions in his book (and talked about it with Dave and Bryan) that JR was legit pissed at Bart Gunn for KO'ing Dr. Death in the Brawl for All tournament. Knowing that when I watched the show, it made JR's promo where he slapped Bart look like a shoot.

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This never fails to make me laugh:




Although Dave and Bryan's quiet resignation that they had let the show snowball into something awful that wasn't my or any other caller's faults was pretty great.

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Watching the most recent Monday Night RAW 1999 from Classics and I really don't know why Russo thought you can make Jim Ross coming back from Bells Palsy a bitter heel. Nobody really wants to hate on him and he is going after people that they don't really care about like Bart Gunn and Michael Cole. I wonder if the gimmick that JR was talking about for Dr Death as basically a 1999 version of Tensai was an actual idea.


Williams had made one previous appearance in the get-up and mask, attacking Bart Gunn from behind.


The whole heel/face structure of that angle is all out of whack, as JR is playing a bitter heel character who cheap shots Michael Cole and runs him off, but nobody really cares about Cole, then evil boss Vince sends Terry Taylor out to kick heel JR off of commentary and take his place, and Taylor plays it as a "just doing what I'm told" babyface, who gets a bunch of Red Rooster-based insults, all of which makes JR a.... tweener? A heel who the "smart" fans are supposed to like? Was this crap Russo's idea or what?

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Brief review of Piper's Ghost show that was on last night...


Piper says he has lived in the boonies of Portland for over 25 years to hide from the crazed fans.


His kids have heard the piano playing, the TV turning itself on, strange noises etc etc


The psychic believes Piper is holding on to some inner pain and that he needs to release it.


Piper goes over living on the streets, boxing, and meeting Adonis.


They actually hired tremendously close looking actors to what Piper and Adonis looked and dressed like in 1984.


Adonis convinced Roddy to buy a house and Piper's life came together because of it.


Piper says all the wrestlers died in the car crash with Adonis, but I'm pretty sure one survived.


He also says he was wrestling every night when Adonis died but Piper was "retired" at that point and would be for another year.


Piper's kid runs out of his house in fear about "a man" being there and Piper runs through the house - only to find a rug on fire by a fireplace.


Adonis' ghost appeared and told Roddy to take care of his house.


Roddy hasn't gone to a funeral since Adonis.


The psychic is being talked to by a bunch of dead wrestlers in the car on the way to Piper's house.


Piper is prepped to fight the ghost or the psychic - I'm not quite sure what he was alluding to.


Piper's house is surrounded by gargoyle statues for "protection".


The psychic senses Indians and Piper reveals he grew up on a Indian reservation for a time.


Piper's grandpa is following around the psychic on Piper's property - then Piper's dad shows up.


Roddy's dad is ashamed of his treatment of Roddy as a kid.


Piper's wife joins us now to share the shadow ghosts she sees. They boot her away quickly.


Owen Hart joins us now. They do a reenactment of his death - complete with bloody Owen on the mat.


Piper says he helped protect Owen when he first came to the WWF.


Curt Hennig stops in to say hi.


Adonis tells Piper he was watching when Piper visited his car crash site a few months ago.


They go down to the spot where Piper saw Adonis' ghost years ago and Piper admits there is a weird energy in the room.


Piper reveals that he wants to die to avoid the pain of his friends dying and wondering why he's still alive.


The wrestler's ghosts are happy with Piper for helping them not die in vain.


Piper's dad says Roddy is tougher than he ever was and a much better dad.


The psychic tells Piper to write his pain down on paper and burn it, and never think of it again.


She gives Piper a pendant of a dragon to remind him to slay his demons.


They close with a far shot of Piper playing piano - to show his new found inner peace.


Hokey as Hell, as was to be expected.

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The results of the older 80s projects are saved through mookieghana. It might suck to lose the posts but the results will survive and that ultimately is all that matters.

They're all on my website: http://ndeedwrestling.com


(the beta version, not really official but kept for posterity) wwf: https://sites.google.com/site/chrisharringt...80s_wwf_results

(the Fujiwara is your new god) other japan men: https://sites.google.com/site/chrisharringt...men_80s_results

(the JYD/Bockwinkel brought the snoozes) MidSouth: https://sites.google.com/site/chrisharringt...idsouth_results

(the if a loser is leaving town and dundee and lawler are there it's gonna be great) Memphis: https://sites.google.com/site/chrisharringt...idsouth_results

(the by gawd andre vs stan is magnificant) New Japan: https://sites.google.com/site/chrisharringt...new-japan-dvdvr

(the muthaf'en khan is back with a vengeance) Texas: https://sites.google.com/site/chrisharringt...w_results_1980s

(the fear of tenryu will keep you up at night) All Japan: https://sites.google.com/site/chrisharringt...of1980salljapan

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I wrote a piece today about Pro Wrestling Analysis (like the stats): http://bit.ly/1aINWuT


This board is probably the closest thing to the clearinghouse on that sort of information right now though it's certainly not solely dedicated to that subject (nor should it be).

This is a very good article, Chris.


If you ever do a refresh of it, you may want to point to sites like on the "data collection" side:






The first was started by Sean Forman in the "early" days of internet websites... though for a lot of us, 2000 isn't that early. But at the time, there wasn't a good historical baseball reference site for just basic stats. Sean created that, and a interlinking database to run it. Boom. He has over the years kept adding to it, while also making it rather straight forward and simple.


Sean was a stat-guy from the generation of writers after Bill James, writing/working on one of the annual series that came up after him (not Prospectus but the other).


RetroSheet is the "historians" site, springing up because Ellias doesn't share shit. The goal was to find the equiv of box scores for every game, and create simple things like splits and game logs that we take for granted. Data from the mid-80s on forward was available from various sources, like Project Scoresheet and it's successor STATS. But earlier stuff... a bitch to get it. Heavy labor, the work of a lot of folks. Now one can look that stuff up. In turn, they shared the info with folks like Baseball-Reference.com rather than keep it locked up like Ellias.


We're never going to get *that*. There just isn't enough stuff in old papers, and we're unlikely ever to get inside the WWE archives to fill in everything even for them from the 60s on forward. But as you say, as far as we've come with things like what Graham does with historyofthewwe.com, there's more out there than can be compiled.


It's just a real bitch to do it. :)

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I wrote a piece today about Pro Wrestling Analysis (like the stats): http://bit.ly/1aINWuT


This board is probably the closest thing to the clearinghouse on that sort of information right now though it's certainly not solely dedicated to that subject (nor should it be).

This is a very good article, Chris.


If you ever do a refresh of it, you may want to point to sites like on the "data collection" side:






The first was started by Sean Forman in the "early" days of internet websites... though for a lot of us, 2000 isn't that early. But at the time, there wasn't a good historical baseball reference site for just basic stats. Sean created that, and a interlinking database to run it. Boom. He has over the years kept adding to it, while also making it rather straight forward and simple.


Sean was a stat-guy from the generation of writers after Bill James, writing/working on one of the annual series that came up after him (not Prospectus but the other).


RetroSheet is the "historians" site, springing up because Ellias doesn't share shit. The goal was to find the equiv of box scores for every game, and create simple things like splits and game logs that we take for granted. Data from the mid-80s on forward was available from various sources, like Project Scoresheet and it's successor STATS. But earlier stuff... a bitch to get it. Heavy labor, the work of a lot of folks. Now one can look that stuff up. In turn, they shared the info with folks like Baseball-Reference.com rather than keep it locked up like Ellias.


We're never going to get *that*. There just isn't enough stuff in old papers, and we're unlikely ever to get inside the WWE archives to fill in everything even for them from the 60s on forward. But as you say, as far as we've come with things like what Graham does with historyofthewwe.com, there's more out there than can be compiled.


It's just a real bitch to do it. :)


Thanks for the feedback! I called the article "Pro Wrestling Analysis" but I really meant "Pro Wrestling Analytics".


am really curious about learning more about the evolution of baseball reference sites and how the sabremetrician community has grown in the internet era.


I've heard Ellias has been quite the impediment for those fans to gaining information.

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am really curious about learning more about the evolution of baseball reference sites and how the sabremetrician community has grown in the internet era.

I don't know if there's a good piece on that. If you're interested, you might want to drop Sean a line. He was around for the Usenet era of online sabermetrics, and of course those post-James annuals. He also could probably tell you a bit about the evolution of his site, and the other ones that are part of his network.


The Prospectus folks could as well, if you find the right person. I'm not a massive reader of theirs, but suspect here's some folks who have been around for a while.


On newer stuff, Tom Tango is probably an easy person to talk to. Ben around online for probably 10 years, so after BP was established.


If you want to go outside baseball, you'd want to find someone at Football Outsiders. The football equiv of sabermetrics is majority post-Internet, while the majority of the foundation of baseball sabermetrics was pre-Internet and the key concepts were well established (with the exception of defense). So the Football Outsiders wouldn't be a bad place to find someone who has been around since the start of it for some insight.


Clearly that's a massive evolution going on in Basketball. You can see it in Zach Lowe's writing. Confess that I don't read beyond Lowe, but would guess some here do and could point you to the equiv of BP and FO for Hoops.


As an aside, I don't know how much tossing around Pro Wrestling would help/hurt with the folks you talk to. Could be fans, like Bill Simmons is. Or could put an instant mark on your forehead as, "Idiot wrestling fan" like lots of folks have looked at wrestling fans for generations.


I've heard Ellias has been quite the impediment for those fans to gaining information.

Ellias are a bunch of asshats. With some luck we'll all live long enough to see the company wiped off the face of sports.

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