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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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I, personally, would be more than happy to see simple, yet effective, moves such as the DDT, Sleeper Hold or Spinebuster become finishes again. I cringe whenever I see a DDT in a Divas match get no-sold.


most divas do terrible DDTs tho. I'd cringe if a shitty DDT from a Bella or Maria Kanellis got sold like it did any damage to their opponent

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I, personally, would be more than happy to see simple, yet effective, moves such as the DDT, Sleeper Hold or Spinebuster become finishes again. I cringe whenever I see a DDT in a Divas match get no-sold.


remember when HHH tried to get the sleeper over as a finisher again during his reign of terror? think that was the same time when every main eventer did a spinebuster, although that wasn't a finish.


i actually think things have gotten simpler in WWE compared to a few years ago, fwiw. the lack of those cool tag-team spots is probably more due to their on-again/off-again relationship with tag team wrestling in general.

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Even if they are modernizing things beyond moves like the sleeperhold, I'd like to see a greater focus on strikes and submissions in WWE. It would be cool to see more wrestlers stay on the ground and have a return to holds being important. I think it could get over in the right circumstances. Undertaker did it, but it never caught on much beyond that for whatever reason. It's weird that as over as the cross armbreaker has been in Japan for so long, no one has ever tried to get it over here. That stuff requires a certain type of booking and announcing to work though.


Matches like Bryan-Cena that have gravitated more toward that approach got over big too, so I don't think it would be tough to get fans to accept the changes. It's not like they don't have the right crew to pull it off either. You need some variety of course, but most people working that style makes your brawling Dean Ambrose and flying Seth Rollins stand out and get over even more for being different.

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It will be interesting to see how Daniel Bryan wrestles from here on. With his neck and shoulder problems his matches could become more ground-based with more matwork. If that does happen and he stays super over without doing the dives (which I think he will) maybe it will bring about a change.

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In today's Meltzer update, he said Joan Rivers had interviewed a lot of wrestlers over the years on various shows, outside of her WM appearance. I can't find any, anyone know about some? Just don't see wrestlers going on her talk shows, either when she guest hosted the Tonight Show, the FOX late night show or her 90s daytime show.


EDIT: Joey Styles tweeted a pic of Hogan on one of the late night shows.

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Even if they are modernizing things beyond moves like the sleeperhold, I'd like to see a greater focus on strikes and submissions in WWE. It would be cool to see more wrestlers stay on the ground and have a return to holds being important.


How about just different moves other than finishers & roll-ups ending matches in general? Can we get back to the days of buying near falls as if the match might be over? Will a Powerslam or a Spinebuster ever just get the job done anymore? There's not really any drama if you know when the match is over & all the 2-counts are meaningless leading up to that point.


Personally, I think it would add more to wrestling if there were a return to that. Book some upsets and establish that any move at any time could get the job done & there's more mystery surrounding match outcomes & I might be more interested.


Watched an old Nitro last night. Chris Benoit Vs. Steven Regal. Benoit went for a plancha, Regal moved. Rolled him back into the ring & pinned him. The match was over. I didn't see that coming -- just assumed it would a 2-count or that Benoit would grab the ropes. Good thing they showed a replay as I pretty much missed it the first time. It was more intriguing.

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In today's Meltzer update, he said Joan Rivers had interviewed a lot of wrestlers over the years on various shows, outside of her WM appearance. I can't find any, anyone know about some? Just don't see wrestlers going on her talk shows, either when she guest hosted the Tonight Show, the FOX late night show or her 90s daytime show.


EDIT: Joey Styles tweeted a pic of Hogan on one of the late night shows.


I know I saw something with her and Piper once, I think on his Twitter when it was announced she was first hospitalized.

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IVP has 50% off of their DDT DVDs. That means $1.50 a disc if anyone is interested.

What do you recommend picking up?



I've mostly watched a lot of random stuff on Youtube. The camp ground battles are hilarious if you can find those. Kenny Omega vs. a blow up doll named YOSHIHIKO is absolutely hilarious. I liked most of the stuff I've seen with Kenny Omega, Dick Togo and Danshoku Dino.

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A few weeks ago, local indy SICW's weekly episode was a rebroadcast of a (partial?) episode of Wrestling at the Chase from 1962. Larry Matisyk introduced it as the oldest footage in their archive. I'm not sure how widespread this footage is already, but here it is:



It has Johnny Valentine vs. Bill Frazier and Pat O'Connor vs. Lorenzo Parente

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Mike Sempervive has an ongoing thread on the WON board where he shares replies from folks he knows in WWE being asked questions on various topics. Someone asked about political leanings and the reply was Vince and Dunn are so far to the right all the elevators in Stanford have two monitors: one for the WWE Network and another for Fox News.


Not that it surprises me, but it does make for a good source of jokes about which network tries to shape their viewers' opinions more.

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