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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Maybe time for a thread on the next Mania....


From Bryan Alvarez at F4W:


At press time, and this could change a billion times and probably will, the direction they are working towards for next year's Wrestlemania is Cena vs. Undertaker with the streak on the line; Steve Austin vs. CM Punk, which both guys have been teasing on Twitter all week; and Rock vs. Brock Lesnar, presumably with Rock challenging for the WWE Title.

I'm thinking that card might draw a bit.




My dream of Cena turning heel by cheating to beat the streak is still alive

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So if they do do Cena/Taker I wonder what the odds are they try and pretend that match never happened like they did with the first HHH/Taker Mania bout?


Three Stooges are hosting RAW on Monday.

Brisco, Patterson, who else?


Slaughter duh

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I don't see how Hunter/Shawn is possible at all. Yes they argued a bit in the cell, but Shawn superkicked the Undertaker and nearly fast-counted the ensuing pinfall. Then they did the whole thing with Shawn kneeling over Hunter at the end, like in mourning. Not to mention the ending where they all hugged each other. Where would such a beef crop up from all this?

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So if they do do Cena/Taker I wonder what the odds are they try and pretend that match never happened like they did with the first HHH/Taker Mania bout?

Or any of the proposed matches with Brock, for that matter. He had a big feud with Taker, a big match with Rock, and various stuff with Cena. It'd be nice if they could come up with something different to do. Brock/HHH might be interesting; the match would probably suck, but at least it's one they've never done before.


Cena/Taker makes sense; and frankly they should probably end the streak there, considering that we have no idea if Taker is physically capable of even continuing to do his one match per year. Austin/Punk makes a lot of sense and would probably be awesome. Rock/Brock I dunno about; why put the two megastars into one match together, instead of spreading their rub around to some other guys? I'd rather see, just to pick a random example, either one of those guys face Orton or Batista or whomever just to get some fresh matchups.


EDIT: hey, I just had a weird idea. What about DX vs Rock & Sock? I know it would never happen because of the mutual backstage enmity between the two sides, but it would be a kinda fascinating story. It's the two biggest superteams of the modern era, facing off for the first and last time. And there's plenty of shooty backstage stuff they could put into the promos, since the company is so fond of doing that nowadays. Since it's a "best friends 4ever" tag match, it would both give a good kayfabe excuse for Shawn to have a one-off comeback match, and also let Foley have one last big match in an environment where his weaknesses and health issues could be carefully hidden.

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I was actually kind of hoping "The End of and Era" was a way for them to get around announcing flat out that this year was Taker's last match. I feel like 20-0 is about the best way they can end The Streak, unless they are going to actually have him lose one.

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Maybe time for a thread on the next Mania....


From Bryan Alvarez at F4W:


At press time, and this could change a billion times and probably will, the direction they are working towards for next year's Wrestlemania is Cena vs. Undertaker with the streak on the line; Steve Austin vs. CM Punk, which both guys have been teasing on Twitter all week; and Rock vs. Brock Lesnar, presumably with Rock challenging for the WWE Title.

I'm thinking that card might draw a bit.




That seems like a lot to put on one card. This year's build to Cena/Rock and HHH/UT basically took up most of their TV time, with Punk/Jericho clearly getting the leftovers. Now each of those proposed matches is MUCH bigger than Punk/Jericho so will they have enough time to give them all a proper build?

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New Art of Wrestling Podcast that Colt Cabana put up today is with Roland Alexander. Certainly interesting to hear his side of things, and I give him credit for being honest about some of the more controversial things about him and even mentioning Brian Ong unprompted (in the contexts of making sure he runs APW as a business and has insurance that covered the judgement).


Having said that, the part where he talks about how "We teach five kinds of armbars! Who else teaches five kinds of armbars??!?!" is hilarious.

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I'm really kind of amazed by RoH's complete indifference to how pissed off their fanbase is over the PPV feeds. They really need to hire a PR person for these situations. Someone with common sense would be offering something to people that dumped money into shows they couldn't watch.

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New Art of Wrestling Podcast that Colt Cabana put up today is with Roland Alexander. Certainly interesting to hear his side of things, and I give him credit for being honest about some of the more controversial things about him and even mentioning Brian Ong unprompted (in the contexts of making sure he runs APW as a business and has insurance that covered the judgement).


Having said that, the part where he talks about how "We teach five kinds of armbars! Who else teaches five kinds of armbars??!?!" is hilarious.

Who's the bigger carny Colt or Roland?

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Oh geez, Roland easy. Colt's a guy hustlin to get paid but is mostly honest about it, Roland's an out & out liar who'll take advantage of anyone he can and fuck you over with no hesitation.


I enjoyed how he shit on all the other local training schools when half the guys APW books on top of their shows these days are outside talent that were trained at said schools but that's a whole other story and Roland isn't the actual booker of APW anymore so doesn't have as much to do with the talent being brought in as he used to.

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Just saw the Great Khali in a movie. No, I mean a real movie, mainstream, directed by the excellent Alain Chabat, an adaptation of Franquin's comic books, "Sur la piste du Marsupilami". One of the big movies of this early spring in France. I doubt it will ever be distibuted in the US though, but I thought it was funny. And he was refered to as The Great Khali in the credits.

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He did some filming for Terrence Malick, originally thought to be for The Tree Of Life but he wasn't in it so who knows where that footage will end up.

Waaaay off topic but does anyone else find it strange that Malick directed 4 movies in 30 years, and now he's pumping them out at a record pace. Tree of Life, two more in the can, filming one and another in pre-production!

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Waaaay off topic but does anyone else find it strange that Malick directed 4 movies in 30 years, and now he's pumping them out at a record pace. Tree of Life, two more in the can, filming one and another in pre-production!

Afraid to die before he accomplishes everything he wants maybe.

Anyway, the very thought of the Great Khali in the Tree of Life is mindfucking. But watching him in a French movie adapted from a belgian comic was quite the surprise too.

I did get a kick out of Kurrgan in the first Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey Jr. Great monster in there. Doesn't the Great Khali look kinda like Kurrgan on growth hormones ?

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Kind of bummed that on the anniversary of his death the allocation of profits from a tribute shirt is the main focus point.




Some of Larry's friends are supporting the sale while others arent believing Barbershop shouldnt profit. Barbershop window stated the following:


we worked directly with Sweeney's family on this project, even going so far as to allowing them approve the design. The $10 per shirt we are donating was something we worked together with them on. We are urging people who do not want a shirt to donate directly to Thresholds, and we provide a link to the donation page on the website.

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