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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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I perfectly understand you reasonning in being interested in what Punk and Daniel could do with a guy like Kane interjected in their match.

Now understand my point of view which is one of a guy who hasn't watched WWE TV regularly in years, happens to do it now and enjoys some excellent stuff only to have a guy that he already couldn't stand 14 years ago thrown in the middle of it.

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I think one thing I was getting at is that I sort of see that as an intellectual exercise for Bryan and Punk, like a writing challenge you do to stretch your mental muscles. I'm kind of interested in seeing that. I feel like it's the sort of scenario that doesn't come up in wrestling all that often. (Danielson vs Kamala was one and did that ever work out poorly). I want to see them crack that Triple Threat problem.

See, I don't get this. Additions to a match should enhance it, not serve as obstacles to be overcome.

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I thought he already had two strikes.

I thought he already had three.


See, I don't get this. Additions to a match should enhance it, not serve as obstacles to be overcome.

Hey, if I can see where El-P is coming from (And I do. I just think he's going to find more frustration in his future), you can see where I'm coming from. I love match structure. I love reverse engineering why and how guys do what they do. An obstacle to overcome is pretty fascinating to me in this situation. It'll probably make for a worse match but I'm okay with that after the match we got last PPV.

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I thought he already had two strikes.

Nope. He got suspended twice before, but one was a 60-day one for unprofessional conduct. In fact, that one happened in April 2006, and his 30-day one for Wellness happened in August 2006. This would be strike two.


Current guys who have two strikes: Evan Bourne, Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton, William Regal. Booker had two as well, but I'm assuming they don't count those as they happened in his previous run.

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You're right, I checked. He looks like he did in 2001 which is exactly 11 years ago. Huge difference. (waiting for more nitpicking)

No it doesn't. The gear in 01 looked a million times better.



Kane is exactly as good as he wants to be. If he feels like trying he is a very good wrestler. But if he wants to dog it, nobody can get anything out of him.

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I haven't been able to get into Kane since he came back with the mask. I liked unmasked Kane FAR better than this new run. It's just an obvious "well we don't know what to do with Kane anymore, let's just put the mask back on him." Plus all I can do now during his matches is think about how fake the hair looks.

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Would it be too cynical to wonder if the Orton suspension is a preemptive strike against any criticism the Wellness Program might come under during the Senate campaign? They wanted to cast him in The Marine 3, so they obviously don't think taking him off the road for a while is that big a deal.

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I think there has to be SOMETHING behind it. I don't doubt for a second that if Cena failed a test they would sweep it under the rug, so for them to suspend Orton there had to be more to it than just "oh well he failed his test"

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I've run down Randy Orton's history quickly at Cageside Seats. Basically we have:


1. Lots of minor incidents before WrestleMania 22 that went unpunished.

2. Caught smoking pot backstage, suspended for 60 days, not considered a Wellness policy violation.

3. Worked for 30 days without pay after failing a drug test for steroids, first Wellness strike in August 2006.

4. Sent home from a European tour for trashing a hotel room, but was back at work within 10 days.

5. Named in the Signature Pharmacy scandal but wasn't punished.

6. His drug overdose / suicide attempt.

7. Strange motorcycle accident where he re-injured his shoulder.

8. Now his latest 60 day suspension for a second Wellness policy violation.


Guess Vince must be pissed at Orton for something.

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Would it be too cynical to wonder if the Orton suspension is a preemptive strike against any criticism the Wellness Program might come under during the Senate campaign?

I'm not sure. General criticism against the Wellness Policy is that the top stars are immune from it. Is Orton still a "top star"? He bombed as a draw as champ last year and they seem to be placing Sheamus as the new guy for Smackdown, as well as having Cena and Punk on SD from time to time to boost ratings that weren't exactly strong when Orton was head of SD.


They wanted to cast him in The Marine 3, so they obviously don't think taking him off the road for a while is that big a deal.

WWE: Masters of irony.

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No. I could write a fucking novel about how much a failure he is as a worker and a top level guy and how there are probably 50 people that have gotten fired for less than the shit he pulls. I hate the double standard bullshit in companies and he is the prime example of how you can do no wrong when you're a HHH buddy.

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I've run down Randy Orton's history quickly at Cageside Seats. Basically we have:


1. Lots of minor incidents before WrestleMania 22 that went unpunished.

2. Caught smoking pot backstage, suspended for 60 days, not considered a Wellness policy violation.

3. Worked for 30 days without pay after failing a drug test for steroids, first Wellness strike in August 2006.

4. Sent home from a European tour for trashing a hotel room, but was back at work within 10 days.

5. Named in the Signature Pharmacy scandal but wasn't punished.

6. His drug overdose / suicide attempt.

7. Strange motorcycle accident where he re-injured his shoulder.

8. Now his latest 60 day suspension for a second Wellness policy violation.


Guess Vince must be pissed at Orton for something.

Don't forget all the divas that were "fired" because he was sexually harassing them.

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No. I could write a fucking novel about how much a failure he is as a worker and a top level guy and how there are probably 50 people that have gotten fired for less than the shit he pulls. I hate the double standard bullshit in companies and he is the prime example of how you can do no wrong when you're a HHH buddy.

I'd read it.:) I never got the Randy Orton appeal at all. To me he's a black hole and a third rate DDP.

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Just watched in interview with Raymond Rougeau from 2010. Man, this guy retired from the ring at 34. He's got a ridiculous house on a lake, his own personnal plane which he pilots himself, he's in great shape at 57, he's living his life with the wife and kid. Sure, he's no "legend" but he sure was much smarter than most of them. Good for him.

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Just watched in interview with Raymond Rougeau from 2010. Man, this guy retired from the ring at 34. He's got a ridiculous house on a lake, his own personnal plane which he pilots himself, he's in great shape at 57, he's living his life with the wife and kid. Sure, he's no "legend" but he sure was much smarter than most of them. Good for him.

Didn't he work as WWE's local promoter in Quebec after he and Jacques had a falling out? That must've paid him pretty well, too, especially since Montreal was their top house show market for a while.
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I've run down Randy Orton's history quickly at Cageside Seats. Basically we have:


1. Lots of minor incidents before WrestleMania 22 that went unpunished.

2. Caught smoking pot backstage, suspended for 60 days, not considered a Wellness policy violation.

3. Worked for 30 days without pay after failing a drug test for steroids, first Wellness strike in August 2006.

4. Sent home from a European tour for trashing a hotel room, but was back at work within 10 days.

5. Named in the Signature Pharmacy scandal but wasn't punished.

6. His drug overdose / suicide attempt.

7. Strange motorcycle accident where he re-injured his shoulder.

8. Now his latest 60 day suspension for a second Wellness policy violation.


Guess Vince must be pissed at Orton for something.

Don't forget all the divas that were "fired" because he was sexually harassing them.


I remember a thread on this board a few years ago where I was roundly mocked for saying that Randy Orton had a worse-than-usual track record of backstage misbehavior. To all those who whined about how Orton was no worse than any other wrestler: I told ya so!
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I think Kane is being used as a buffer right now for the greater good in that the talk is they are seriously considering an Iron Man match between Punk & Bryan. Whether it's 30 minutes or 60 minutes we'll see.

Exactly. They want to stretch out this feud til SummerSlam, this is just a way to delay things and avoid 4 straight singles matches between Punk and Bryan. Kane's in the match to get pinned by one of them. I don't see it as a lack of faith in Punk and Bryan at all. Kane is the guy who's coming off feuds with John Cena and Randy Orton, the two franchise players, they don't put Kane out there with just anyone.


And while I'm not in any sense a Kane fan and his matches are channel changers for me, I do think the booking to get him involved in the program has been cleverly done. I'd prefer to see someone else getting this spot, but in terms of guys with a rub to give who can afford to lose he's a good choice. As stale and predictable as he is, beating Kane still matters.


And, the match will probably be pretty good FWIW and is at least interesting in the sense of what Punk and Bryan will do to drag the best possible match out of Kane. I think they're up to the challenge.

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Just watched in interview with Raymond Rougeau from 2010. Man, this guy retired from the ring at 34. He's got a ridiculous house on a lake, his own personnal plane which he pilots himself, he's in great shape at 57, he's living his life with the wife and kid. Sure, he's no "legend" but he sure was much smarter than most of them. Good for him.

Didn't he work as WWE's local promoter in Quebec after he and Jacques had a falling out? That must've paid him pretty well, too, especially since Montreal was their top house show market for a while.


I don't think so, he didn't mention anything about that anyway. He worked as an announcer both for international english and french TV from 1989 to 2002, then totally retired. But the amazing thing to me is as he began working at 16, he said he planned his retirement as early as when he was 17 ! Bought his first piece of real estate then, then sold it and bought two appartements at 19, and keep on investing that way. He came off as a real smart guy (and pretty nice to boot).

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