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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Have there been any good shoot interviews in the past 4-5 years?

Sean Waltman's Youshoot is fantastic. Even better, as you'd expect it to consist of the usual moronic video submissions by people who think they are funnier than they are, or people trying to get their 'gimmick' over. I also enjoyed the Adrian Street one, although that was more down to Street and less due to Feinstein (who had clearly done little research, and predictably when talking about UK guys, only asked him about those who had made a name in the US or Japan). I picked up a copy of the Mike McGuirk one last week along with the Sean Morley Timeline (which I didn't care for - and I tend to find the releases from recent years such as the Morley and Lisa Moretti as less interesting/appealing to me), so may give that a watch in a few days.


Yeah, Adrian Street is interesting because Street is quite the character. Sean Morley's Timeline was boring to me. I like Morley has a worker, but he sure is not a very interesting storyteller, and he can't help going into politics. Enjoyed the Lisa Moretti one.

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Have there been any good shoot interviews in the past 4-5 years?

Sean Waltman's Youshoot is fantastic. Even better, as you'd expect it to consist of the usual moronic video submissions by people who think they are funnier than they are, or people trying to get their 'gimmick' over. I also enjoyed the Adrian Street one, although that was more down to Street and less due to Feinstein (who had clearly done little research, and predictably when talking about UK guys, only asked him about those who had made a name in the US or Japan). I picked up a copy of the Mike McGuirk one last week along with the Sean Morley Timeline (which I didn't care for - and I tend to find the releases from recent years such as the Morley and Lisa Moretti as less interesting/appealing to me), so may give that a watch in a few days.


A lot of the stuff he's said in the past was said again, but Cornette's 1997 Timeline was fun too.

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Mark Madden wrote his usual lazy article on Wrestlezone full of trolling bluster which caused somewhat of a stir on Twitter among ROH fans & roster members. The backlash inspired one of his better columns on Wrestlezone dealing with the criticism he received. Mark slays those who played into his hands and makes a pretty decent overall point.



Calling Davey Richards the greatest star in company history for being "smart" enough to quit wrestling & be a fireman is a dick head move but other then that he was mostly spot on in his original column.

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Calling Davey Richards the greatest star in company history for being "smart" enough to quit wrestling & be a fireman is a dick head move but other then that he was mostly spot on in his original column.

I don't think he was that spot-on about most things.


-Why does he blithely state that ROH is the third-biggest promotion in America, without any challengers to that title (at least a couple other promotions are very close), and why does he act like this is a recent development and not something which pretty much happened ten years ago?


-What's the point of bashing on doing local promotion with arena football or local DJs or whatever? It's called marketing, and the company would probably be drawing even less if they weren't doing it.


-He claims that, production values aside, ROH's television is great. All but one person here who watches that show strongly disagree with him.


-What sort of received wisdom is it that a #3 promotion is inevitably doomed to failure? He says there's simply not enough money in the world, period, and doesn't bother to provide any sort of facts to back up his claim beyond "well ECW went bankrupt, ya know".


-He claims that OVW would have gone out of business without WWE's backing. Which is completely wrong because it, y'know, didn't do that when WWE stopped backing them years ago. Does he have some vendetta against Cornette? He keeps making this little passive-aggressive digs, but never comes right out and states his problem with the man.


-More Cornette shots: "Whenever Cornette gets put in charge of something, it goes belly-up". Since when? The only genuine example of this is Smokey Mountain, and it's shocking that an attempt to start up an old-school territory in the mid-90s even lasted as long as it did, considering the state of the wrestling industry at the time. And then two paragraphs later, Madden promptly contradicts himself and says Cornette should be booking for the WWE.


-Samoa Joe gave the company "a perverse credibility"? The hell does that mean?


-LOL at Mark Madden making fun of Kevin Steen because Madden thinks Steen doesn't look like a star. Amazingly hypocritical, considering that we're talking about an obese slug who wrestled on goddamn WCW national television, multiple times.


Pretty much the only thing he said in the first article that had any point to it was "hey ROH, you need to do something different because you're not making enough money". Which I'm sure even Sinclair has noticed by now. Thanks, Captain Obvious! And of course he did not offer a single suggestion as to what that "something different" might be.


In the second article:


-"I got involved in Twitter wars with a sizeable percentage of ROH’s roster and literally half the company's fan base, I mean, I’m talking DOZENS." Hah! Oh, Madden, you sure do provide some knee-slapping zingers, which certainly aren't the most obvious and most trolling things you could possibly say!


-And then this lovely blurb: "It is not incorrect to say that I was A BIGGER WRESTLING STAR than almost everybody in ROH is. I can out-talk ‘em all, that’s for sure." Yes, the guy who is infamous for basically being the worst regular commentator in the history of nationally televised wrestling can out-talk 'em all!


In the second article, once again, the only good point he makes is "hey ROH, you need to do something different because you're not making enough money". This flash of the blinding obvious apparently needed two separate blogs, for us to fully understand its deeper ramifications. And once again, he completely fails to serve even the slightest hint of what that "something different" might be. He's the worst kind of critic, yelling about something's flaws while clearly having no idea of how to possibly do it better.


Fuck Mark Madden. He's still an obnoxious, belittling, arrogant jackass with a vastly overinflated sense of his own fame, wisdon, and importance in this business.

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The reason Mark Madden bashed ROH for using the arena football guys as promotion was that the team pretty much burned any goodwill it had with anyone in town by taking the team out to Olive Garden when they were in Orlando and firing everyone (then leaving them stuck with the check).


So ROH teaming up with them to promote a show here was pretty tone deaf on their part.

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Seriously? That's a hilariously evil thing to do. I'm amazed the employers didn't get their asses beaten into the ground. However: Madden didn't mention any of that. All he said was "ROH has been doing promotions with arena football, and that is LOLst00pid!".

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I think it is for a company that's trying to be national. Outside of the locals why would anyone watch that or read about it and have a reaction other then "who cares" when it comes to radio DJ's and minor league sports figures being involved in the shows. Even on the local lvl, i'd personally be more annoyed then entertained if I went to a show live and saw something like that as well.

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Sean Morley's Timeline was boring to me. I like Morley has a worker, but he sure is not a very interesting storyteller, and he can't help going into politics. Enjoyed the Lisa Moretti one.

Here's what I wrote about the Moretti one at the time:


First up was the History of the WWE Timeline - 2001 with Ivory/Lisa Moretti. I didn't think much of this to be honest. She looks fantastic for her age, and can talk and talk and talk, but this just seemed to be missing something. She has a good tale about a Wrestler's Court after Summerslam one year when the Diva search contestants beat the WWE Divas in a shoot game of Dodgeball (which was all down to Michelle McCool being a bit of a ringer), but most of the other stuff she talks about (Right to Censor, Chyna etc) is covered in the Shoot that she did with RF. Also, surprisingly for KC who are usually meticulous with their research they don't mention at all her being a member of The Alliance. She talks about how she had to look after Torrie Wilson and Stacy Kiebler and show them the ropes, so I kinda guess that is why she was put with The Alliance, but it is never directly addressed. Pretty disappointing all in all.

A lot of the stuff he's said in the past was said again, but Cornette's 1997 Timeline was fun too.

That's the problem with Cornette, the guy has done so many different Shoots or Q&A sessions that you've probably heard all his stories by now and there is an awful lot of overlap from one shoot to the next.
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Anyone catch this week's Raw Fact (or whatever it's called) stating that Raw debuted in 1993. That's 11 years before Facebook was even invented!


Why couldn't have Zuckerberg invented it when he was nine? What a dick.

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I liked the one where they said "When Raw debuted, Kim Kardashian was 12 years old, Miley Cyrus was 2 months old, Justin Bieber wasn't even born yet!" I didn't think they could get worse Did You Knows than the 'we got more facebook likes than NFL, Oprah and Pepsi" ones but I think I'm proved wrong.

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Anyone catch this week's Raw Fact (or whatever it's called) stating that Raw debuted in 1993. That's 11 years before Facebook was even invented!


Why couldn't have Zuckerberg invented it when he was nine? What a dick.

The Review A Raw podcast did a funny bit/rant on that. Just ripping it for the laziest, most burnt out thing WWE Creative have ever came up with.

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I had heard that those stupid things were supposed to be for advertisers/investors or some shit but I honestly don't know how mentioning you came out before Facebook would be a beneficial acknowledgement to anyone. "Well gee howdy, they did come out before that internet page! We better buy into that!"

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I had heard that those stupid things were supposed to be for advertisers/investors or some shit but I honestly don't know how mentioning you came out before Facebook would be a beneficial acknowledgement to anyone. "Well gee howdy, they did come out before that internet page! We better buy into that!"

I was born before Facebook and anything else invented after 1978. Pretty cool, huh?

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We should try to compile a list of all the most ridiculous blatant lies that they've told in the "Did you know..." segments.


I was born before Facebook and anything else invented after 1978. Pretty cool, huh?

Curses! You have me beat by a year!
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Anyone catch this week's Raw Fact (or whatever it's called) stating that Raw debuted in 1993. That's 11 years before Facebook was even invented!


Why couldn't have Zuckerberg invented it when he was nine? What a dick.

You kind of wish they had:


"Raw debuted in 1993. This was before Vince delusionally believes Macho started fucking Steph."

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I had heard that those stupid things were supposed to be for advertisers/investors or some shit but I honestly don't know how mentioning you came out before Facebook would be a beneficial acknowledgement to anyone. "Well gee howdy, they did come out before that internet page! We better buy into that!"

I guess this makes sense. I always thought they were ego-stroking for Vince.

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You kind of wish they had:


"Raw debuted in 1993. This was before Vince delusionally believes Macho started fucking Steph."

Ah ah.:)


Who was the old-school superstar on Raw this week ?


DDP did a picture perfect Diamond Cutter on Slater. He looks exactly the same, too (of course he's kinda always looked like he's in his late 50s).

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