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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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This week's show had 4,124,000 viewers. Last week's show had 4,360,000 viewers. I wish people would post actual number of viewers instead of ratings points. First hour had 3.8 million viewers, 2nd hour was 4.25 and 3rd hour was 4.35. Take out the first hour and the rating drop is really not that big.


To me, it seems more like people are just deciding not to tune in for the first hour and just stick to the long tradition of "Raw starts at 9." WWE makes this very easy for you to do because they only show a million fucking recaps during the show to make you feel like you can completely skip the first hour and not miss anything.

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I think part of the problem with Heyman's performance was that they didn't use the announcers to try to get over what exactly was happening. The way I read it was that he being sarcastic as if he was mocking the idea that he'd be shocked & horrified by Lesnar breaking Michaels' arm. If that was the idea, Heyman did a perfectly fine job. If he was supposed to ACTUALLY be shocked and horrified then he did an absolutely awful job.


Michaels...well, he wasn't too good, especially the repeated "DON'T TOUCH IT!" No idea how anyone would think it was noticeably above average, even by the standards of Michaels being especially over-dramatic. At least it wasn't as bad as when the live crowd was audibly laughing at him because his selling of a head injury during...was it the Jericho feud?...was so over the top.

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This week's show had 4,124,000 viewers. Last week's show had 4,360,000 viewers. I wish people would post actual number of viewers instead of ratings points.

Yeah, the ratings number was all that I had. You adding the actual numbers is a nice addition to it, though.

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Holy crap guys, I just watched 3/6/1982 Memphis TV and it may be equal with the legendary 2/27/1982 edition. This show had it all. Hart debuted "We Hate School", Lawler cut an awesome promo vowing to retire if he loses to Mantel again and then Steve Keirn broke down after losing to Norvell Austin. Full Review here, don't miss it: http://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2012/08/cw...-tv-361982.html

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Yay, both of the stories I emailed to Deadspin made it into this week's Virgilbag:


In the Summer of 2003, I went to one of Frank Goodman's infamous USA Pro Wrestling shows in Long Island. CM Punk came out to watch the show after his match and we chatted for a while before he went to look at some photos some fans had taken at another show. In the meantime, since the match in the ring was an awful one featuring Goodman's trademark ticket sellers (untrained guys who get on the shows for selling X number of tickets), I went to look at the gimmick tables. This is where I encountered...




Well, this predates the banner and meme, but there he was in his NWO shirt, doing his thing. As I approach the table, it looks like he has nice 8x10 glossies of a pretty cool looking WWF Magazine cover with him and Ted DiBiase, so I figure there's no harm in asking, as his rep wasn't as well known yet. As he tells me the price, I got a closer look at the photos: Instead of scanning the magazine cover, he took a photo of it, and he did such a terrible job that there was flare from the flash right in the middle of of the print. Obviously I wasn't going to buy it, so I decided to make my escape with an "Umm, ok, I'll think about it for now." At this point he does the usual switch from fan-friendly Virgil to the Virgil who's going to try to bully you into buying a photo, so I walk away.


Fast forward a little bit.


Punk ends up sitting at Virgil's table and talking to him for a little while. After going to the restroom or another gimmick table or something else I can't remember, I was walking by the table to get back to my seat. Virgil is STILL pissed off at me for not buying one of his awful photos, and decides that he needs to get revenge. By shooting rubber bands at me.


A grown-ass man and minor celebrity decided to shot rubber bands at me for having the temerity to ask how much his awful photos were and then not buy one.


So I stood there wondering if I was hallucinating as an angry Virgil shot rubber bands at me while CM Punk looked on, stunned into silence with this amazing "What the FUCK?" look on his face.

In the first half of the 1990s, a guy named John Arezzi had a well-known wrestling radio show in New York and also promoted annual "Weekend of Champions" wrestling fan conventions at the Ramada Inn by LaGuardia Airport. As a kid who loved wrestling, they were amazing. Tons of famous wrestlers to meet and the vendors had everything you'd ever want, including customized WWF LJN action figures (the big rubber ones) years before customizing action figures were actually a thing.


In 1993, one of the wrestlers doing signings was Terry Funk, and as you'd expect, was the nicest guy in the world to precocious 8 year-old me and signed his page of the event program "Stay out of jail! -Terry Funk"


Unfortunately, in 1999, my family's apartment building had a fire. Thankfully for me and my family, our floor only got water damage from the effort to put out the fire and we were able to salvage just almost everything we'd want to rescue, with the rest being covered by insurance. Still, one of the spots where the ceiling buckled was right over my bed. That program was in a box of old wrestling magazines under it the bed and nothing in the box was salvageable.


So, four years later, in 2003, when Jersey All Pro Wrestling announced the awesome main event of Jerry Lawler vs Terry Funk and someone organized a cheap (as in $25 including the ticket to the show) bus trip from Manhattan, I knew I had to go, and I made sure to take something for Funk to sign. The show was in a nice looking small venue, some kind of "Hungarian-American Hall" in Woodbridge. Before the show, Funk came out and walked behind the row I was in along the back wall of the building, shaking hands with every single fan. He shook my hand, walked past me, stopped, and then turned around.


"So, didya stay out of jail?"




Somehow, 59 year-old punch drunk Terry Funk who had been wrestling around the world for 38 years and met countless fans recognized 18 year-old me as a kid he met exactly once for a couple minutes 10 years earlier and made a point of letting me know and asking how I was doing as I sat there in shock and awe. A little later, when he was signing the magazine I brought, he apologized for not remembering my name.




P.S. Yes, I know he regularly signs autographs "Stay out of jail!" That doesn't make what happened any less amazing. And yes, I do have witnesses.

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The people at the bar I watched WM28 at were laughing at Shawn's attempts to be dramatic in the Taker/HHH HIAC. I recall Dave and Bryan praising that performance as well. Maybe they just don't know what good acting is.



They've been brought up on Wrestling Acting, which is worse than Porn Acting, which is worse than Soap Opera Acting. They don't know what good acting is.


You get the sense that if those two sat down to watch Robbie Coltrane in Cracker that they would spend the entire time talking along the lines of...


BA: "Isn't that Hagrid?"


DM: "Really? I thought he was in one of those Bond movies."


BA: "He was in one of those Bond movies, and he was also Hagrid."


DM: "Who was the Bond? Was it Remington Steele, or that dude who had the Duran Duran title song?"


BA: "No... Duran Duran did that really cool Roger Moore title song. That Other Dude Bond had an A-ha song and that chick who did That's What Friends Are For."


DM: "Diana Ross?"


BA: "No... damn... the Pips woman..."


DM: "Dionne Warwick?"


BA: "No... that was the Psychic Friends Network woman..."


DM: "That Psychic Friends Hotline raked the money in back when I was doing the WON Hotline... like more than $100M."


BA: "Whatever happened to Steve Beverly?"


DM: "What?"


BA: "You know... from the Hotline. What happened to him?"

And totally be oblivious to what "Hagrid" was doing on the screen in Cracker.



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Do we have any clue what's actually in there that's not already available? Not that it's going to come on the market easily or anything but still.

This is/was some of the more interesting stuff, but it isn't complete. I got this list after most/all of the Maple leaf Wrestling stuff had already been sold off.


Film Reel 1961/ 1962 ( 12 minutes)

Kalmikoff Brothers v Tony Marino and Johnny Angel

Ivan kalmikoff v Bulldog Brower

kalkikoff Brothers v Frank Townsend and Johnny Demchuck

The Wrestling Bear

Bulldog Brower v Tony Marino

Whipper Watson


1980's Wildman event

Bulldog kent v Duncan Mctavish

Sabu and Snake Williams v Wildman/Joey wareagle

Midgets- Little T


Ricky Johnson v Jet starr


*1 film reel from 1961 Maple Leaf Gardens-

-12 minutes in total

-featuring highlights of bouts between 1 and 2 min and 30 seconds per clip.

-Never before seen footage.

-Killer Kowalski v 'Bulldog" Brower

-Also, two bouts with former NWA World Champion Gene Kiniski

- Plus former NWA World Champion Whipper Billy Watson




Killer Kowalski v Bulldog Brower

Gene Kiniski v Bulldog Brower

Lord Athol Layton v Dick "Bulldog" Brower

Whipper Billy Watson v Bulldog Brower

Lord Athol Layton v Sato Keomuko

Gene Kiniski v Bulldog Brower

Gallagher Brothers v Bearcat Wright (under 1 min)


Superstars of Wrestling Episodes

Episode 5 ( 1975):Killer Kowalski v Kimba Kahn, Osborne Brothers v Terry Yorkston and Zarnoff, Jim Lancaster v Dino Bravo, Eric the Red v Austin


Episode 6 (Oct 21 1975): Mark Zarnoff v Bud Osborne, Luis Martinez v Jim Lancaster, Killer Kowalski v Jim Hutchison, Mongols v Kimba Kahn and Frank Marconi.


Episode 7 (Oct 21, 1975 ):Osborne Brothers v Kimba Kahn and Jim Hutchison, Mongols v Dino Bravo and Luis Martinez, Mark Zarnoff v Eric the Red, Killer Kowalski v Dino Bravo, Dino Bravo v Terry Yorkston


Episode 1 ( Sept? 1975): Steve Boulas and Pepe D.Pasquale v Osborne Brothers, Dino Bravo v Bull Johnson, Kurt Von Hess v Terry Yorkston, Luis Martinez v Hartford Love


Episode 2 (Oct 2, 1975): Bud Osborne v Jim Hutchison, Mongols v Terry Yorkston & Bobby Marshall, Kimba Kahn v Eric the Red, Bruce Swayze v PepeD. Pasquale


Episode 4 (Sept 10, 1975): Terry Yorkston v Ray Osborne, Sailor White v Dino Bravo, Ron Davies and Pepe D. Pasquale v Kurt Von Hess and Eric the Red, Bull Johnson v Bolo Mongol


Plus most of the Pro Wrestling Superstars PPVs they did in the early 2000's.

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I'd love to know what the Corino incident mentioned in it was all about.




The show was also significant because it was being recorded by Canadian Aaron Weiss for his wrestling pay per view series “Pro Wrestling Superstars” and it will be airing here in the United States for “On Demand” pay per view in the next few months. Speaking of Aaron Weiss, he was chewed a new one by Steve Corino. Apparently Weiss had mentioned in an interview that Steve Corino was unprofessional. Well Mr. Corino reads the internet. He saw the interview in question and when meeting Weiss, commented on Weiss feelings considering the two have never spoken or met before. Corino threatened to show Weiss what unprofessional is but decide that common sense would prevail and other than give Weiss a brow beating, he did not physically assault him.

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Just watched Memphis 3/27/1982 today. This was a MUST-SEE episode of Memphis wrestling. The Lawler vs Dutch Loser Leaves Town match was 5 stars with a classic angle. You have to see this one ASAP. This is Memphis at its best. Dutch was the biggest douche ever and they had me believing like I was a little kid again. Full review here:


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This is really random, but going back & watching some early 90's stuff...I forgot how much I used to love Rick Steiner. Scott Steiner was fun too & I was a super mark for the Frankensteiner but I completely forgot about Rick Steiner playing the role of the "powerhouse" of the team. You think about it nowadays with how big Scotty got & it's pretty crazy. But Scott Steiner used to hit belly-to-belly suplexes on people like Vader or Abdullah the Butcher. Fuckin' crazy!


Also, watching some of their work in Japan, especially with the Road Warriors...those guys didn't have a whole lot of pace. HA! I think the very first move of the six-man that I watched was a double-underhook suplex which was promptly no-sold. Much like the piledriver that followed not too long after.

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