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Guest Slickster

Meh, the segment was hurt by

1) the crowd being too greedy to get themselves over (Cena dropped Bryan's name to appease them but they kept on going)

2) Cena not shutting down the 'We want Lesnar' chants by laughing them off

3) Lesnar not having a tan (it does make a difference visually)

4) The cameraman missing the handshake-into-F5 spot

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Crowd totally killed the surprise factor by chanting.


Way too smart of a crowd tonight although they were hot which was fine but the constant chanting for Daniel Bryan in situations where it wasn't needed (Punk's match) hurt the show.


Other than that the show was a blast.

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Brock Lesnar is Kurt Angle, but taller. I don't get it. LEGIT ATHLETIC CREDENTIALS and Dave Meltzer enjoys covering his every move. I guess that's enough.


Still, great show (genuinely great) with Punk/Henry being outstanding.


I think John Cena has turned heel, and it's brilliant in some ways. He's going to get a far more visceral, hate-filled reaction by continuing to be the same guy than he would with an actual turn.


I hope the Daniel Bryan chants continue and aren't just a Miami thing.

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Yeah but is it not a product of the environment.


Most of the fans at the show tonight were at Mania last night and the Mania crowd is way different than a regular WWE crowd.


If the chanting continues after tonight then you are on to something but if not then we know what's up.

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Amazing crowd. Poor Sheamus getting booed out of the building, but it's their own damn fault for such terrible booking. I've already seen it hypothesized by some people that Bryan could get punished for being so over and the YES! YES! YES! stuff getting out of control. They do have a history of squashing things that get over unexpectedly. It's going to be the next WHAT? Loved the crowd chanting SI SI SI at Del Rio.


Lesnar's return was an amazing moment. The angle with Henry, Punk and Jericho was really strong.


Only dead spot of the night was Lord Tensai's debut, but I didn't expect a guy who's been out of the company for 8 years or so and wasn't very over back then to get much of a reaction. They're going to have to put in work to get him over.

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Was it weird to anyone else that they acknowledged Lord Tensai was a WWE superstar from years back who went to Japan? They mentioned it like everyone watching in 2012 would remember Albert, it was almost like a gimmick they would give in the 80s to some newcomer to make it seem like they were more experienced than they were.

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Guest Slickster

Well, if they considered his past to be that important they would have referred to his past gimmicks by name.


I think the expository commentary was to explain why this giant white guy is doing a Great Muta tribute act.

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The one thing going through my mind the whole night was is if the Bryan stuff is specific to Miami or will the casual, react to what the company wants crowd keep it up?


Eve is molten hot looking right now. I have a feeling she is going to win the feud with Zack and will probably end up getting the push from that angle.


Tensai was awesome although I don't know if a claw hold will get over in today's environment


This was an awesome show

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