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I am going to assume that Bryan gets the crap beat out of him and mostly loses for the next 3 weeks which I have no issue with as long as they go with the plan that 98% of the people think should happen


I have a feeling this is going to have a Benoit WM 20 feel. Even though the sheets were saying that Chris would win the title for months, the closer it got the more you were nervous about it given how we was booked with triple H and HBK. Which made the tap so rewarding and emotional when it did happen.

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I like Batista, I'm glad he's back, and I can't wait to see him feud with Daniel Bryan. I kind of even want to see Batista win at WrestleMania by pinning Bryan. I don't care if you don't like it either.




Batista has been great ever since they decided to just run with him as heel. I really liked that promo he cut on Daniel Bryan and the fans on Raw last week. And I think he's starting to get his wind in the ring again. He's been better the last two matches on Raw. Plus, he just has great facials as a heel. Go back and watch him when from Raw tonight Big Show counters the Batista Bomb with a backdrop. WWE needs a heel who can generate real heat and stumbled into it when they thought they were bringing back a top babyface. We are about to have a few months of one of the hottest feuds WWE has run in a while with Batista vs Daniel Bryan.

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I like Batista, I'm glad he's back, and I can't wait to see him feud with Daniel Bryan. I kind of even want to see Batista win at WrestleMania by pinning Bryan. I don't care if you don't like it either.




Batista has been great ever since they decided to just run with him as heel. I really liked that promo he cut on Daniel Bryan and the fans on Raw last week. And I think he's starting to get his wind in the ring again. He's been better the last two matches on Raw. Plus, he just has great facials as a heel. Go back and watch him when from Raw tonight Big Show counters the Batista Bomb with a backdrop. WWE needs a heel who can generate real heat and stumbled into it when they thought they were bringing back a top babyface. We are about to have a few months of one of the hottest feuds WWE has run in a while with Batista vs Daniel Bryan.



You can't have D-Bry fail at WM. This has to be his moment

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I don't know if they see it that way, since from everything we can tell they never even planned to have him in the main event anyway. I really expect them to have Batista win, probably though some overbooked stuff with the Authority.

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The thing about Bryan is, I'm not sure he works half as well as the champion as he does the guy chasing the title. So even if he does win at WrestleMania I would expect to see them take the title off him fairly quickly and have him chase Batista. I don't see any way that they don't run with Batista vs Bryan after Mania. The hottest heel vs the hottest babyface always works best when the heel is the champ.

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if Bryan does win the title at Mania they pretty much have to take Hunter and Stephanie off TV for awhile at least. If not it's just going to go in circles and we will be back where we started in August. They probably would be too tempted to keep screwing him over because they think it works in getting him more over. That's true to a degree but I wouldn't mess with that anymore. According to Meltz Vince is scheduled to come back in April so maybe they have something planned with that

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It's weird to me that they sort of end up appealing to the hardcores every ten years. Bret at X. Eddy/Benoit at XX. Bryan at XXX.

I see the pattern that you're talking about but I don't know if Bret was really appealing to the hardcores in 94. He was their most over babyface at the time, and had been established for a while.


It is an interesting pattern to be sure, though, that somehow the big round numbered Wrestlemanias have the workrate darlings celebrating at the end of the show. Maybe we're getting slightly ahead of ourselves, though.

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I don't think they know how to book a face champion without an authority figure trying to screw him over, so I doubt HHH/Steph take a little time off TV after Wrestemania if Bryan wins the title.


I'm very curious how D-Bry's character will develop in the next 1-2 months though. I really wanna see if people start turning on him after he gets the inevitable annoying/corny babyface treatment that every single big star they've had in the last decade has gotten. Hell, you can make a case he's already there so it'll be interesting to see if the crowds is still with him after they see him get his big moment.

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Man, Bret was definitely the "real fan's" choice at the time. All American Lex sucked. It wasn't like "hardcore" fans didn't dig Luger, we/ they didn't like the character.


Anyway, I LOVED JBL accusing Lawler of using his Mempho influences to allow the Yes Movement to occupy the arena with no police involved. Even better was Lawler not denying it.

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I remember reading that Bryan was marrying Brie the day after Wrestlemania. If he's not going to be on the post-'Mania RAW, would they put the title on him? Maybe he can still make the show & get written off TV for his honeymoon? Will Triple H & Stephanie be invited to the wedding so pictures can pop-up on social media & completely kill any kayfabe that is left?

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People are saying she carried that segment but man I thought it was a team effort. Hunter and Bryan were great too. I did like how she reverted back to her old character with the screeching.


she's been damn good on the mic but I don't knoiw if she is as good as Batista or Heyman as far as heels. The fact that she is in their league is a testament to how much she has improved though Still the best work of her career

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I have a feeling this is going to have a Benoit WM 20 feel. Even though the sheets were saying that Chris would win the title for months, the closer it got the more you were nervous about it given how we was booked with triple H and HBK. Which made the tap so rewarding and emotional when it did happen.


Funny you should say that, because I knew as soon as they started heating up Benoit summer of 03 what the end game of the push was. It was so obvious months and months ahead that he was going to win the Rumble and win the title at Mania. I expected it to be him against Lesnar, but the end result was the same


I'm not going to claim clairvoyance like Bix, but they've been pushing the hell out of Bryan for a long time now. It was obvious, to me anyway, exactly how things would go down at SummerSlam with him beating Cena and Orton cashing in. You had to be blind to not see that coming. Yet internet people bitched and moaned when it happened. There's been obvious longterm planning and direction with Bryan, and I just laugh at the people who say "Bryan's being berried!" and all those sorts of comments. WWE has been manipulating and trolling the audience with him quite a bit, and while not every minor detail of the story has been intended, the endgame goal with him is the same as it was from the start


Maybe I'm completely wrong on that, but I don't think I am. People complained when they did the Big Show-Orton stuff and I was like, "dudes, it's so obvious this is a placeholder kill time deal because they can't run Bryan-Orton for 8 months". Then people complained about Bryan-Wyatt and it was like, "seriously, they're killing time here, give it a break"


I lose patience with folks tbh. So many complainers that don't see the big picture

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Funny you should say that, because I knew as soon as they started heating up Benoit summer of 03 what the end game of the push was. It was so obvious months and months ahead that he was going to win the Rumble and win the title at Mania. I expected it to be him against Lesnar, but the end result was the same



hmm wasn't Benoit fighting for the US title during that time against Eddy, Rhyno, Tajiri types? Then he went into a program with Albert

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You'd pretty much be right...if it weren't for Bryan not winning the Rumble and being set to work the Mania midcard while Punk faced Hunter instead, until Punk left.


It looks like a coherent story now, but they completely lucked into the last chapter. They were never going to finish it properly.

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See, I haven't bought for a second the "mania midcard" "he's going to work Sheamus" stuff. I don't know if this is Meltzer being in on the work or being worked himself, but it never passed the smell test with me


And as far as the Rumble goes, it was pretty explicit that he wasn't in the match, which made the crowd shitting on it even funnier

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