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Finally caught up with Main Event...and that was a really odd show. Sheamus/DelRio in a mediocre Last Man Standing match...just because? Bret Hart strolling out for Jericho's interview segment to pick up cheap heat for Montreal, with Damien Sandow playing Shawn Michaels? A 6-on-1 handicap match against Nikki Bella that was actually a 5-on-1? Weird show.

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this KENTA signing just kind of reinforces something I've been thinking about with WWE lately which is that they really handcuff themselves by taking forever to sign these indy guys. I mean by the time guys like Bryan, Cesaro, Zayn, Punk, etc. make it to WWE they are often in their 30's and have a ton of wear and tear on them. As we've seen with Punk and Bryan, by the time they finally get over in WWE they are nearing the end of their careers due to all the injuries they've had. Hopefully their willingness to bring in Indy guys to NXT will make them less stubborn over time and they'll start signing these guys earlier so they can actually get some miles out of them.

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JBL had a line on Smackdown while plugging the Network that he watched himself and Zeb when he was Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw. I always assumed the current character was named as an inside joke on the 90s one, but I guess they're the same person in WWE canon now.

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I honestly thought Prince Devitt getting signed would be a bigger deal.


I haven't seen KENTA since 2007. Does he still hold up? I heard that he kind of fell off after his matches with Bryan.


He was pretty much holding NOAH together in 2012. He's still an awesome worker when motivated.


I think if WWE is willing to play to his strengths, he'll have a decent chance, he just needs to familiarise himself with the "entertainment" aspect.

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Two random WWE (NXT) thoughts, that doesn't deserve their own thread, but I think are more relevent here (as they're WWE related):


Enzo Amore is really good. Maybe not as a wrestler (I haven't seen him wrestle yet) but as a mouth piece. He's over at Full Sail, the crowd was super into his return & I think he "gets" it. The whole catchphrases & gimmick & everything...he reminded me a lot of Road Dogg during the height of the New Age Outlaws popularity. Maybe it would wear thin if you saw it every week, but I hope he can become a good mouth piece for someone on the main roster.


Justin Gabriel has all the potential in the world. When I first saw him on RAW, after the NXT season, when The Nexus did their debut on RAW, I thought he was going to be a bonafide superstar. I thought he had a great look, was a good wrestler & was going to be this generations Ricky Steamboat or something. Maybe as a mega-face that was super over with the ladies, sort of like what Jeff Hardy was. I'm not really sure what happened...he never really got a shot. He did some tag stuff & now he's back down on NXT. What happened? Did he get hurt, or does WWE have no faith in him because he's not a great talker or what? He makes everything looks so effortless in the ring.

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Two random WWE (NXT) thoughts, that doesn't deserve their own thread, but I think are more relevent here (as they're WWE related):


Enzo Amore is really good. Maybe not as a wrestler (I haven't seen him wrestle yet) but as a mouth piece. He's over at Full Sail, the crowd was super into his return & I think he "gets" it. The whole catchphrases & gimmick & everything...he reminded me a lot of Road Dogg during the height of the New Age Outlaws popularity. Maybe it would wear thin if you saw it every week, but I hope he can become a good mouth piece for someone on the main roster.


Justin Gabriel has all the potential in the world. When I first saw him on RAW, after the NXT season, when The Nexus did their debut on RAW, I thought he was going to be a bonafide superstar. I thought he had a great look, was a good wrestler & was going to be this generations Ricky Steamboat or something. Maybe as a mega-face that was super over with the ladies, sort of like what Jeff Hardy was. I'm not really sure what happened...he never really got a shot. He did some tag stuff & now he's back down on NXT. What happened? Did he get hurt, or does WWE have no faith in him because he's not a great talker or what? He makes everything looks so effortless in the ring.

I think his problem is that he has zero charisma.

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They put Justin Gabriel & Tyson Kidd in a tag together that went nowhere until one or both got injured. Gabriel could be valuable in a tag, but he'd need someone who could make up for his lack of charisma therefore not Tyson Kidd.

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He'll probably be fine on Monday, but I wouldn't be shocked to hear a "Flair being Flair" story within a month if he becomes any sort of regular character on TV.



Also, anyone think it was a bit odd they did the deal with announcing KENTA's signing with Hogan and Jimmy Hart? I get sending Hulk over there since it's been a while since he was in Japan in a WWF/E capacity, but there seemed to be something a bit tone deaf having relics from a bygone era there to sign someone supposed to be a future star.

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I always liked seeing Gabriel pop up on Superstars because you knew you were getting a good match. I've never felt that there was much they could do with him any higher up the card. The guy is a cardboard cut out in the personality department. I think he'd be fine in that Koko B. Ware/Lanny Poffo role.

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Also, anyone think it was a bit odd they did the deal with announcing KENTA's signing with Hogan and Jimmy Hart? I get sending Hulk over there since it's been a while since he was in Japan in a WWF/E capacity, but there seemed to be something a bit tone deaf having relics from a bygone era there to sign someone supposed to be a future star.


Not really. It's the one person you can put in the ring with KENTA for the Japanese press to really go crazy over, and make the signing a big deal. Plus, Jimmy Hart is great!

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There's a pretty stacked house show near me tonight, and I thought about spontaneously grabbing up some tickets and taking my brother, but I was politely reminded by my future wife that it's our anniversary. So Benihanas instead. Still not sure I made the right choice.

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