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I'm imagining Vince going on in his 80s announcer voice about how MANLY Bryan is for doing this while Hunter kicks rocks while muttering "so what, I would have caught BOTH robbers".


In fact, he should say that in his next troll promo on Raw.

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On that press conference Bryan pretty much confirmed he needs another surgery.



  On 7/26/2014 at 12:41 AM, sek69 said:

I'm imagining Vince going on in his 80s announcer voice about how MANLY Bryan is for doing this while Hunter kicks rocks while muttering "so what, I would have caught BOTH robbers".


In fact, he should say that in his next troll promo on Raw.




Hopefully they show the real story before Hunter cuts that promo.

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Watched the conference. Some of its pretty funny, especially when the cameraman zooms in on the dog when Bryan's telling a story.


The WWE would be stupid not to mention/show some of the press coverage on this on Monday, right? I'm not saying using it in an angle, but this is some pretty good free PR.

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  On 7/25/2014 at 6:59 PM, Russellmania said:

a big reason belts don't matter any more is all the stupid fucking non-title matches they run on TV. The IC and US champs seem to wrestle in more non-title matches than they do title matches. If the title isn't even important enough to be the centerpiece of the title-holder's matches then what's the point of it?


And, even more absurd is that the few times that they make genuine effort to make the title seem important (Miz/Bryan, Dolph/Ryder, Regal/Punk) the fans totally get behind it and the reaction to the babyface finally winning out is excellent.

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Catching up on NXT lately and don't get me wrong because obviously if you pull 49 women off the street and lined them up alongside Charlotte, she's probably top ten hot/attractive, but in the scope of who they have right now in the WWE, I am not getting the Charlotte push at all as a pretty girl. They should be playing up her family lineage although I do know it would probably put extra pressure on her to always be compared to the guy most folks consider the greatest wrestler of all time. Maybe strike a good balance between the Flair thing and her natural athleticism? The BFF push just doesn't suit her IMO.

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  On 7/26/2014 at 6:24 PM, shoe said:

Bill Watts would be crowing about what DB did to anyone who would listen. This is much better than a drunk guy picking a fight in a bar.


I thought the same thing. We'd hear about this for the next twenty years, kinda like the Dr. Death stories that turned him babyface.

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  On 7/26/2014 at 3:44 AM, Matt D said:

How was Reigns vs Del Rio?

It was decent for what it was and about what you'd expect. Lots of control segments by Del Rio allowing him to lead Reigns through the match. Occasional hope spots with Reigns trying to punch his way out of restholds and such. Then eventually the surge from Regins to hit his big spots leading to the finish.


I thought Del Rio did a really god job carrying the match. Reigns seriously has like 4 moves in his arsenal. It's kind of ridiculous. How long before people turn on him when they realize he's no better than Cena?

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Does Reigns have a common perception on his ability as a worker? Obviously a big group of people think Cena sucks even if that really isn't true. People might not turn on Reigns if they perceive him as a superior worker, probably by getting spots over, even if he lacks anything else.

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Reigns has cool spots that are over.....but he's lacking in a lot of other stuff in ring. I think he has the talent and aptitude to get a lot better, but he needs time. And the WWE "workrate" bar has been set pretty high, and top guys are expected to go out and have good, long, exciting matches, especially when they're main eventing PPVs. They're really just rushing him right now when he could use a few years of seasoning as a singles wrestler to prep him.


I make the comparison to Cena in the sense that, when they realized they had something with him, they put him in a title match with Lesnar kind of out of nowhere and it was a sound defeat, but it was kind of like showing the fans, "this guy is going to be a legit threat soon". Then they put him in a great program with Eddie which I think really helped Cena and made people take him seriously. Then they turned him face and got him involved with the Benoit/Lesnar/Heyman program on SD and that got him more over. Then they built up to him against Big Show for the US title at WM, made it the opening match, and him FU'ing Show and winning the US title was a huge moment and a memorable WM moment. Then they spent the next year slowly building him up with various feuds on SD revolving around the US title, until they got to the next WM and put the WWE title on him. And then as champ, it took him another 6-9 months or so to really get where they wanted him to be. It was a slow, gradual process. I feel like they really skip over these steps nowadays, push guys too fast, and then when they don't overnight succeed they're dispatched to the revolving door upper-midcard hell and it's really hard for them to break out of it


I worry about Reigns for this reason, and because their audience is much "smarter" and more vocal now. They do think on their toes and change course sometimes, but they've pre-ordained Roman as their next "guy" so who knows


Wouldn't it be better, if they've decided to push him to the top this fast, to have him like Goldberg? Control segments on Roman and babyface comebacks don't work. He should be a destroyer, who, if you need to drag the match out longer than 5-6 minutes, make it all the heel backing off and finding ways to NOT get engaged with Roman 1 on 1. That's what they did with Goldberg, and it worked, and when guys DID have longer matches (DDP and Sting come to mind) that actually saw Goldberg selling and on the ropes a bit it made them really memorable. Reigns working boring shitty matches with Orton and Del Rio on tv doesn't do him any favors, and I say that as a fan of all 3

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The Reigns talk ties in with something I've been thinking about a lot lately; I think match quality is more important to the average WWE fan than ever before, but I'm not sure if there's much to said average fan's understanding of "match quality" other than workrate + cool moves. So you end up with this weird dichotomy where Cena is hated by some 60% of the audience, gets loud "you can't wrestle" chants but is probably better at getting those same fans into his matches than almost anyone else on the roster. Meanwhile other guys, and Reigns is one of them, get a big reaction for their entrance but crickets during their matches with the exception of the inevitable "this is awesome" chants after they bust out a couple of cool spots. It's a strange dynamic and I'm not sure what it really means for the success or failure of Reigns as the future top guy.

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  On 7/26/2014 at 12:48 AM, Jmare007 said:

On that press conference Bryan pretty much confirmed he needs another surgery.



This feels like Austin part 2.


Hopefully he'll stop using the diving headbutt and taking so many heavy bumps. He's literally playing the rag doll in matches against or featuring Kane, Triple H, and Batista who are all over 40, massive, and have their own rap sheets of injuries that prevents noticeable athleticism in their matches.


Some of the chokeslam bumps Bryan took earlier this year from Kane looked nasty.

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Cesaro and Ambrose will do better but the Smackdown match was good for what it was. The superplex and Dean's resulting bump was the highlight.


I didn't really think much of ADR vs Reigns. Reigns is a guy that obviously has a lot of natural charisma, yet the more I see the more vanilla he feels. He's pushed as a powerhouse but he isn't particularly big or powerful. The apron dropkick is a cool idea at first but it's silly when you see it every match. I not a fan of his look either; the vest is too tag team, the trousers ugly, and the hair needs a cuttin'.


I like him but he's a major work in progress.

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so Batista did some press from Guardians and seemed to imply his whole babyface return was Vince's idea. He warned him the cheering would last about 12 seconds or so but they went forward anyway. Dave comes across as such a cool down to earth guy in interviews. None of went down from January to Mania was any of his fault

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