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For someone who hasent followed WWE properly since 2008 time whats the best way to get back into it? From time to time Id check out odd clip if a old fav has come back but generally not impressed with either Shield or Wyatts. The only time I did watch a PPV match in full was probably the Rumble 2014 match but skipped the other matches and id say the Andre Battle Royale and the 2 Bryan mania matches I saw.


Aside from that I havent watched anything recent.


Instead of trying to get back into it, take your head and stick it into a boiling hot tub of acid. It'd be more rewarding than what WWE is putting out these days.

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I recently watched wrestlemania, and I came out of it very excited for what was going on. And then I started reading the last 50 pages of this thread, and it's so depressing to see what's happened over the last six months. I did watch parts of Summerslam - I like AJ and thought her match with Paige was quite brutal for a deevers match. But it sounds from y'all's posts that they've wasted her since then, too.


Hey, who won the NoC bet, and where are the reviews of bad matches?

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I dig it when they mention that they were both in OVW at the same time and debuted in WWF at the same time as part of the story. And that Orton was "heir apparent" and Cena almost got cut, but took a last gasp grab when an opportunity arose, worked his ass off, and became THE MAN, while Orton's mainly been a heel who's been both in real life and kayfabe TV world, an admitted entitled kid given too much too soon, who is amazingly successful, but always in the shadow of Cena. Who is a hard working guy, which is his character and is his real self. And therefore they always have a built in reason to feud them, put them in a match, shit..team them for a bit but it never works out. It's a groovy wrestling story, ala Terry/ Dusty, Lawler/ Dundee, and a bit of Hogan/ Savage. Not as great as those, but a pretty fucking good story when you think about it.

If only they went in that direction more often.

Well, it was the entire focus of Orton's promo on RAW.

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Would you say they hurt Mark? Or elevated Bo?


It's not like Bo even has Captain Mike's physical impressiveness, though he's fun to hate - and I like watching him. I just don't see how Henry comes out unharmed in that exchange, unless it leads to an interesting feud (which you said it seems not to have done - though with his mentioning it tonight, maybe something will come of it yet).


Terrible opening segment tonight on ME, a "know your bro" game show with Uso vs Rhodes. The only funny bit was Cody - it's the first time I've seen him as Stardust, and he's wonderful. Dustin too, of course, but we knew that. Cole made jokes during and after about how lame the skit was.


Decent enough matches - Kidd/Truth, Dallas/Big-E, Swagger/Rollins. I'm glad Jamie Noble still has a job. With average size down a bit, maybe they'll let him wrestle again.


Has Nattie been playing the nervous Miss Elizabeth for awhile now? She looks lovely, but timid doesn't suit her.

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I just don't understand WWE's criteria for who gets a push and who doesn't. It's obviously not about who has the potential to make the most money because if that were true there is no way in hell guys like Bo Dallas & Adam Rose would be getting more TV time than Titus O'Neil.

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Don't know if anyone else listened to it, but Dave pretty much came out and stated mid card guys are refusing runs with the IC belt now since it's seen as a career killer.


They'd be right, but who would have thought it would come to that for the belt that used to headline non Hogan shows in the 80s.

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I just don't understand WWE's criteria for who gets a push and who doesn't. It's obviously not about who has the potential to make the most money because if that were true there is no way in hell guys like Bo Dallas & Adam Rose would be getting more TV time than Titus O'Neil.


He probably forgot to shake someone's hand backstage or something.

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I dig it when they mention that they were both in OVW at the same time and debuted in WWF at the same time as part of the story. And that Orton was "heir apparent" and Cena almost got cut, but took a last gasp grab when an opportunity arose, worked his ass off, and became THE MAN, while Orton's mainly been a heel who's been both in real life and kayfabe TV world, an admitted entitled kid given too much too soon, who is amazingly successful, but always in the shadow of Cena. Who is a hard working guy, which is his character and is his real self. And therefore they always have a built in reason to feud them, put them in a match, shit..team them for a bit but it never works out. It's a groovy wrestling story, ala Terry/ Dusty, Lawler/ Dundee, and a bit of Hogan/ Savage. Not as great as those, but a pretty fucking good story when you think about it.

If only they went in that direction more often.

Well, it was the entire focus of Orton's promo on RAW.


I actually thought of you last night during the promo, Johnny. No kidding.

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Does anybody else feel that maybe the streak ended when it did, not because of Undertaker's physical condition, but because of how much of a selling factor for the Wrestlemania PPV it had become?


In the best case scenario, Taker might have 3-4 matches left in him? With each year he defends the streak, the profile of the achievement is elevated. It essentially overshadowed the prestige of everything else on the show by a wide margin, including the WWE title. The more times Taker defends the streak, the more times WWE gets to rely on it as a selling point for Wrestlemania. But, if they end the streak, it forces them to find other ways to sell Wrestlemania.


Maybe, it happened as a result of WWE wanting to freshen things up?

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Hoping they go all in eventually on the main roster with a heel Sheamus/Finn/Lynch (managed by Finlay) stable


I'll never understand the online obsession of grouping them together. Don't see the appeal either as babyfaces or heels. Would be such a hodge hodge of accents. Finn and Lynch have been packaged with non-stereotyped gimmicks. Devitt also seems to be packaged a straight ahead singles star rather than just a faction member.


Devitt always been very careful to let Becky be her own wrestler/person publicly. Never really spoke about her interviews. Privately he is probably the reason why she returned to wrestling. I could see Devitt shooting down an on screen association.

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Hoping they go all in eventually on the main roster with a heel Sheamus/Finn/Lynch (managed by Finlay) stable


I'll never understand the online obsession of grouping them together. Don't see the appeal either as babyfaces or heels. Would be such a hodge hodge of accents. Finn and Lynch have been packaged with non-stereotyped gimmicks. Devitt also seems to be package a straight ahead singles star rather than just a faction member.


Devitt always been very careful to let Becky be her own wrestler/person publicly. Never really spoke about her interviews. Privately he is probably the reason why she returned to wrestling. I could see Devitt shooting down an on screen association.



Can't speak for anyone else but I just enjoy stereotype foreign heel stables.

Will definitely cop to knowing jack and shit about their backgrounds so maybe it's not the best idea.

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Can't speak for anyone else but I just enjoy stereotype foreign heel stables.

Will definitely cop to knowing jack and shit about their backgrounds so maybe it's not the best idea.


No worries.


WWE is pretty set on Devitt being a huge babyface singles star. Becky's bread and butter is as a heel she an outstanding one glad her babyface days are over.





By the by really I want a Sheamus turn to freshen him up.

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The Portland Tribune is reporting that former WWF wrestler Billy Jack Haynes, who worked for the company for a few years in the 1980s and is now 61 years old, filed a 42 page lawsuit against WWE on 10/23 in the Portland, OR United States District Court. He is looking to create a class action lawsuit against the company, hoping to add other wrestlers to it, under the charge of “egregious mistreatment of its wrestlers for its own benefit, as well as its concealment and denial of medical research and evidence concerning traumatic brain injuries suffered by WWE wrestlers.” It certainly seems that Haynes is trying to file a suit similar to the one that former National Football League players are currently negotiating a settlement with the NFL.


Another line of the suit says, “Under the guise of providing ‘entertainment,’ WWE has, for decades, subjected its wrestlers to extreme physical brutality that it knew, or should have known, caused long-term irreversible bodily damage, including brain damage.”


The suit also alleges, “For most of its history, WWE has engaged in a campaign of misinformation and deception to prevent its wrestlers from understanding the true nature and consequences of the injuries they have sustained. WWE’s representations, actions, and inactions have caused its wrestlers to suffer from death, long-term debilitating injuries, lost profits, premature retirement, medical expenses, and other losses as alleged herein.”


Haynes' lawyers listed several dangerous moves used by wrestlers:

The Brain Buster

The Bulldog

The Cobra Clutch Slam

The Facebreaker

The Jawbreaker

The Powerslam”

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