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The beard has become a detriment for Bryan. I don’t know if they think it’s got Game of Thrones cache, or if it’s the company’s way of trolling him, but it makes him look second-rate and I will eagerly cheer any heel who cuts it off of his face. This is a guy who’s attractive enough to marry Brie Bella. At least trim it into the kind of thing that Reigns, Batista, Barrett, Cesaro, Orton, and Rollins have all recently had, instead of this Gandalf-LARPing King of the Nerds gimmick.

Decent match, bad finish. The two guys main eventing your next PPV can’t beat 47-year old Kane and 43-year old Big Show. You could do the same stupid “dissention” tease between Reigns and Bryan and still have them win. It would even give them a better reason for this dumb 5-on-2 main event.

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One of the "problems" with Bryan is that you can look at the first 30 minutes of the show and say, "Well, he got a 'tepid' response" or "He's still not a great promo" or "Reigns is more marketable and the crowd is coming around for him"...but then its time to wrestle and Daniel Bryan's offense is so fan-friendly and "interactive," his selling so engaging to watch, and his comebacks so dramatic that you forget all the shortcomings and are reminded as to why Daniel Bryan not being in a main event or not winning a Rumble is so irksome.


If Reigns had a resume that featured even 3-4 better-than-average singles matches, it wouldn't be an issue - but I just haven't seem him wrestle a singles match that was able to sustain fan attention and deliver a good story yet. Aside from the finish, I thought tonight's match was actually a pretty darn good TV match - and it was almost entirely due to Bryan's energy and connection with the audience.

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They’re laying the Sting tease on pretty thick - “Who will save us from these terrible distraction finishes?”

Mr. McMagma’s hair was really something.

Brie is the best in-ring performer of the show’s first hour. Nikki deserves a raise for running the ropes in stiletto heels.

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Re: Big Show on bullying - After the HHH podcast with Austin last week, this seems like a new animal: a fully blown post-kayfabe era in which heels and faces readily break character whenever it suits the corporate MO.

It’ll be interesting to see who gets cheered in Memphis for the Reigns-Bryan main at Fastlane. Memphis is kind of a great market to gauge what’s really working here, even if they’re going with a non-finish into a three-way at Mania.

Lana and Rusev aren’t even trying with their accents anymore. I don’t blame them, when having to do five minutes of promos about the Grammys and sentences beginning with “At WWE Fastlane…” At this point Rusev just looks and acts like a heel version of Reigns.

That was a really good Cena promo, and he deserves a ton of credit for making me want to see a match that prob. shouldn’t be happening until Mania.

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Re: Big Show on bullying - After the HHH podcast with Austin last week, this seems like a new animal: a fully blown post-kayfabe era in which heels and faces readily break character whenever it suits the corporate MO.


It’ll be interesting to see who gets cheered in Memphis for the Reigns-Bryan main at Fastlane. Memphis is kind of a great market to gauge what’s really working here, even if they’re going with a non-finish into a three-way at Mania.


Lana and Rusev aren’t even trying with their accents anymore. I don’t blame them, when having to do five minutes of promos about the Grammys and sentences beginning with “At WWE Fastlane…” At this point Rusev just looks and acts like a heel version of Reigns.


That was a really good Cena promo, and he deserves a ton of credit for making me want to see a match that prob. shouldn’t be happening until Mania.

Cena still does too many terrible and childish insults, but he can hype a match better than anyone in the company.

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I think the lack of the crowd response to Cena's "old man" comments would underscore the fact that there is still a very large portion of the audience that does not see him as the old worn out dude that a lot of the internet does.

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At this point Rusev just looks and acts like a heel version of Reigns.


Except Rusev is a much better worker and promo.


Fair point, and agreed. "Acts like" above = "sounded like him on this promo." He's also more enthusiastic than Reigns. I was mostly noting that Rusev's a really distinct character who they're starting to have deliver the same overscripted Thomas Friedman promos as everyone else, so as to hype WWE Fastlane.

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