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I'm not bothered by HHH's "internet fans" comment, nor do I think it was a particularly calculated heel move, but I do like to imagine that he thought to himself "haha, I owned them" as he said the line and then was later greeted with several high-fives from wrestlers and members of management backstage as they complimented him on the sick burn he just laid in on those marks.

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"Smart fans that don't give a fuck to watch Triple H or Sting wrestle in the first place."


You and Lance Storm are wrong, because this match sure isn't garnered to a casual audience. And yep, you're being worked. 110% and they made it look easy.

Stop the bullshit.


Nobody is mad at Triple H for his words, they just think it's utterly stupid. Also they can bill Sting-Triple H is for the hardcores all they want, but where are the hardcores that are excited for this? This is built for long term fans that remember WCW.

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It may be that there's an aspect of working to HHH's comments, but he's taken shots at smart fans so often for so many years both in and out of character that it's impossible not to conclude that he's also an incredibly petty, insecure person who is genuinely gotten to by people badmouthing him on the internet.

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The Taker match was the obvious match and the match that should have been done if you are going to bother with Sting (or Taker for that matter) at all this year.


I think they might be putting that in their back pocket for WM at Cowboy Stadium


And as is the case with Taker every year these days they don't know if he can go until they know, and they had Sting coming in to hype the 2K game and going into the HOF and they wanted to start an angle with him and I doubt in the summer/fall they knew whether Taker would wrestle again or not, so HHH was an obvious and safe direction to go in


Personally, I don't think he needs to come back for another match let alone a match a year from now, and I think the ship has already sailed on him and Sting.....but if they want to save that for a double retirement match in Texas it makes sense

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The Taker match was the obvious match and the match that should have been done if you are going to bother with Sting (or Taker for that matter) at all this year.

The Mania match a few months ago was Taker and Trips vs Rock but Rock got movie bookings and couldn't put the time needed to do it

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Any thoughts on what the plan to turn NXT into a touring super indie means for the future of guys like Zayn and Owens? Can we assume that a significant motivator here is to provide HHH with the opportunity to prove his promotional chops to investors harboring misgivings about his future ascendancy to Vince's throne and, if so, do proven indie draws like the aforementioned provide greater value in their current positions than they could on the main roster?

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The Taker match was the obvious match and the match that should have been done if you are going to bother with Sting (or Taker for that matter) at all this year.

The Mania match a few months ago was Taker and Trips vs Rock but Rock got movie bookings and couldn't put the time needed to do it



That doesn't make any sense. Unless you meant Taker vs somebody and Trips vs Rock.

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The Taker match was the obvious match and the match that should have been done if you are going to bother with Sting (or Taker for that matter) at all this year.

The Mania match a few months ago was Taker and Trips vs Rock but Rock got movie bookings and couldn't put the time needed to do it

That doesn't make any sense. Unless you meant Taker vs somebody and Trips vs Rock.

Taker vs Sting and HHH vs Rock.

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Any thoughts on what the plan to turn NXT into a touring super indie means for the future of guys like Zayn and Owens? Can we assume that a significant motivator here is to provide HHH with the opportunity to prove his promotional chops to investors harboring misgivings about his future ascendancy to Vince's throne and, if so, do proven indie draws like the aforementioned provide greater value in their current positions than they could on the main roster?

Wasn't the original plan for bringing back ECW in 06' to have them be their own touring roster designed for smaller venues? At that time, they didn't really have the roster depth or "names" to do it, but right now, it seems totally believable that this could be a profitable idea.


Back in 06', it seemed like they didn't have the right peices/people in place. Big Show, RVD, and Angle could help pack a small venue, no doubt, but when the rest of the roster was relative nobodies (Mike Knox), guys that the audience had already seen for years (Hardcore Holly), or "personalities" that nobody really cared about (Kelly Kelly), it is easy to see why this would fail.


Compare that to today's NXT brand and it is just night-and-day. The NXT roster has established guys that can perform and are over with the die-hards (Owens, Balor, Zayn), FRESH midcard acts that people haven't tired of (and you can't teach that), and, instead of one-dimensional non-wrestlers, an actual women's division with two characters that bring "name value" as much as any other womens' wrestler on the indies (Charlotte and Sasha Banks). Throw in the very wise decision to also have Triple H and Ric Flair on the show and you have a card that is undeniably a "step up" from any TNA house show I've been to or the cards I hear RoH or DragonGate or anyone else is running. Plus, even if you can't get HHH or Flair at every show, if they bring NXT to, say, Canada, you could have Bret Hart make an appearance. In NY or Texas? I'm thinking Bruno, HBK, Austin, Foley, JBL, Taker....it just seems like the "NXT Tour Formula" could definitely work in multiple cities in a way that ECW wouldn't have in 06' or the "major indies" would have difficulties with due to a lack of name talent.

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"Smart fans that don't give a fuck to watch Triple H or Sting wrestle in the first place."


You and Lance Storm are wrong, because this match sure isn't garnered to a casual audience. And yep, you're being worked. 110% and they made it look easy.

This why HHH makes comments about internet fans. To get responses like this.

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Lance Storm made a great point about the idiocy of HHH's trolling of internet fans. In order for the WWE to succeed long term, they need the hardcore, internet savvy fan to engage in their ONLINE NETWORK and support their ONLINE product. He contrasted this with Paul Heyman who made the ECW fans babyfaces and put the fans over, didn't shit on them for not buying what the company was selling. With the exception of Johnny Sorrow and 4 year olds, being bitter at your fans who don't accept your booking decision is a bad long-term strategy in building your network.

Triple H has become wrestling's answer to Jimmy from I Accuse My Parents. "Denigrate others while attracting others". For extra hilarity, this is also the strategy Vince Russo has been employing for most of his career.

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Compare that to today's NXT brand and it is just night-and-day. The NXT roster has established guys that can perform and are over with the die-hards (Owens, Balor, Zayn), FRESH midcard acts that people haven't tired of (and you can't teach that), and, instead of one-dimensional non-wrestlers, an actual women's division with two characters that bring "name value" as much as any other womens' wrestler on the indies (Charlotte and Sasha Banks). Throw in the very wise decision to also have Triple H and Ric Flair on the show and you have a card that is undeniably a "step up" from any TNA house show I've been to or the cards I hear RoH or DragonGate or anyone else is running. Plus, even if you can't get HHH or Flair at every show, if they bring NXT to, say, Canada, you could have Bret Hart make an appearance. In NY or Texas? I'm thinking Bruno, HBK, Austin, Foley, JBL, Taker....it just seems like the "NXT Tour Formula" could definitely work in multiple cities in a way that ECW wouldn't have in 06' or the "major indies" would have difficulties with due to a lack of name talent.


All of those older wrestlers have appeared at ROH events in the past. I can't remember if they attracted more than the regular number of fans though. They didn't have HHH (of course) but they did have Bruno back in 2006. The legends would get a good ovation from the crowd but didn't really have much of an impact on the gate. While I can't recall the attendance at shows that Flair/Bret/Bruno/Midnight Express w/Cornette/Bobby Heenan/etc they would probably be memorable numbers like their bigger shows have drawn over the years.

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I stopped for about 5 minutes on the Universal HD replay of Raw and caught the Miz "Niagara" commercial segment. What an embarrassing, tin-eared piece of crap. I've seen better acting at children's theater and better writing on local TV. I hate to be hyperbolic, but I can't imagine anyone--adults, children, geniuses, idiots, bacteria--finding any value in it.


Then I sit back down and HHH is saying a certain old foe's name as "Booger T," which is a little weird, and they both keep talking about WCW and the nWo and Eric Bischoff and even I, a sentimental old fuck for WCW, can't bring myself to care about this at all. HHH pretends to fire Booker, most of the crowd noise is coming from three guys sitting next to microphones...ugh.

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"Smart fans that don't give a fuck to watch Triple H or Sting wrestle in the first place."


You and Lance Storm are wrong, because this match sure isn't garnered to a casual audience. And yep, you're being worked. 110% and they made it look easy.

This why HHH makes comments about internet fans. To get responses like this.

Thanks man! I'm sure he'll be glad to know someone out there gets it.

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Yeah, I'm not the biggest Triple H fan out there and he's certainly not Flair or Austin by any means, but the notion that he's some "no talent" who doesn't deserve the success he's had and totally bullshitted/politicked (whatever that even means) his way through an entire career really isn't a viewpoint I'm willing to acknowledge at all. It's nonsense.


And if he really did stop a Scott Steiner push from happening good for him.


Edit: I also don't think the guy is obsessed with the IWC like you guys think he is, though he clearly has a pretty good understanding of what makes them tick.

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I just feel the need to mention that Hunter's been taking shots at internet fans for a while now, people are acting like the first time he did it was for this Sting feud. Considering all the evidence that suggests how amazingly insecure he is , I wouldn't be surprised if he legit takes offense at these nerds on the interwebs not agreeing with the company's direction.

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