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Have not seen any reports on this, or anyone else really mention it but I have been wondering for a while: with only 1 title now, what happens this year at Elimination Chamber? They are building up a Brock title match, which I kind of assumed would be at EC and not WrestleMania. But if Brock is going to face the Champion one on one, and the Royal Rumble winner gets the title shot at Mania, what exactly is going to be contested inside the Elimination Chamber?

I think the Brock thing is a red herring. I see it being Batista wins the Royal Rumble, Brock challenges him at E.C. while Orton defends the title in the chamber and then Brock wrestles someone else and Batista moves on to Orton.


The other possibility which incorporates your theory is Brock and Orton are in the chamber and Brock wins the title and moves on to Batista.

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The interesting thing to me is the revelation that Taker has taken to planning out and rehearsing his matches. Wasn't he one of the guys who trashed DDP for not knowing how to work because he liked to script his matches?

Yes. Wrestling not only has double standards, it has triple standards and quadruple standards.

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The interesting thing to me is the revelation that Taker has taken to planning out and rehearsing his matches. Wasn't he one of the guys who trashed DDP for not knowing how to work because he liked to script his matches?

Yes. Wrestling not only has double standards, it has triple standards and quadruple standards.


Taker was not 40 yet at the time (I think). He simply did not understand that you have to make changes to accomodate your body. DDP was already 40+ and relying more on smarts than anything. Now Taker is at the point where he is expected to compete on the biggest stage of the year in a major match, despite falling apart physically. I am sure if this Taker could go back in time, he would take back what he said about DDP. Of course he probably would come up with something else to say about DDP.

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Guest TheGreatPuma

I saw it in an interview (I THINK OTR or something like that, it was brought up years after the whole thing with Taker and HBK at Mania 14) but I admit that it isn't a reliable account, so feel free to take my statement with a grain of salt.

I remember the Undertaker something to the likes of this from an OTR interview too. Has Taker had more than 1 OTR interview?
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I saw it in an interview (I THINK OTR or something like that, it was brought up years after the whole thing with Taker and HBK at Mania 14) but I admit that it isn't a reliable account, so feel free to take my statement with a grain of salt.

I remember the Undertaker something to the likes of this from an OTR interview too. Has Taker had more than 1 OTR interview?


It was during a weird period where he was not wrestling as much and kinda dipped his toe in the shoot but not really interview pool. It wasn't justOTR but for the life of me I can't remember, this was like 12 years ago. Also I tried to look online for any transcripts or written interviews from magazine archives or anything and found bupkes. Annoying as hell because I recall his words so vividly but there doesn't seem to be any proof of it. As any self respecting person might do, I have to retract my comments on that subject.

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What reverse psychology? They approach Rock with the Hurricane program idea, Rock balks at it, people stand backstage watching the Rock notput over Hurricane. It comes out in the sheets that the Rock is upset for the Booker T deal and he isn't as interested in putting over the Hurricane for this reason. Triple H sees the opportunity to stick it to Rock by working a better match with Hurricane so he can point to it and say, "See, Rock is full of shit. I am awesome and a team player!" Then of course he goes on to take a dump on everyone else since then. Ric Flair and Jericho? What? Jericho is a buddy of Hurricane. He would work hard for him. He is also great friends with the Rock (kinda because the Rock made him a personal pet project with their 2001 feud...that Triple H quashed. Hey look at that!) I don't know why you are being so obtuse about it. It is all right there in the open.

Jericho and Flair beat him clean by submission a week or two after the HHH and Rock matches. You said Rock was hesitant to put over Helms because Triple H wanted to squash him to prove he's better than Rock. The Rock then loses to Helms and instead of Hunter squashing Helms, he did IMO a better job of putting Hurricane over. Let's see...Triple H makes Rock think he's going to squash Helms to one up Rock, Rock puts in a half assed effort because of this and Hunter then actually has a competitive match with Hurricane instead of predicted squash making him look like a team player. Huh. He really is the Cerebral Assassin. Or this is just BS to cover up that Rock did a poor job putting someone over. Even if that wasn't the case, Rock should have put more of an effort anyway. He knew he was untouchable so why not stick it to Hunter and make Helms a star? Hunter is the one who's going to look like an ass if he did squash Helms.


Anyway, this is just going in circles. I'm just going to drop it.

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No, Triple H doesn't make Rock think directly that he will squash Hurricane. I am saying Triple H's history of vacuuming up the heat of the guys Rock chooses to put over (Angle in 2000, Jericho in 2002, Booker T in 2003 plus countless other examples of Triple H's insecurities in general) made the Rock weary of the idea when proposed the Hurricane deal. Sure, he should have done a better job anyways, I am not arguing that. I am simply pointing out the reasoning at the time and after the fact. Take it however you like, truth or fiction.

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It makes sense. He looks like a prisoner and the match apparently consists of Bryan willingly letting Wyatt dominate him. Not sure what makes that seem like it's going downhill. If it ends with Cena somehow making him come to his senses, it'll suck, but it's nice to see a main event babyface character with some failings. Hopefully it leads to Bryan breaking free and handing Bray his first loss or defeat.

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While everyone's in hysterics it seems over Daniel joining the Wyatts, it seems like they could also use this angle to split off Luke Harper if they wanted. Cole mentioned on commentary about Harper being a truck driver or something before joining the family, which seemed so random a thing to mention it came off to me like they were setting up something for the future. Whenever a guy is in a wacky gimmick like that, WWE doesn't usually go out of their way to mention any backstory unless it's cartoony like Kane.

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Guest TheGreatPuma

I saw it in an interview (I THINK OTR or something like that, it was brought up years after the whole thing with Taker and HBK at Mania 14) but I admit that it isn't a reliable account, so feel free to take my statement with a grain of salt.

I remember the Undertaker something to the likes of this from an OTR interview too. Has Taker had more than 1 OTR interview?


It was during a weird period where he was not wrestling as much and kinda dipped his toe in the shoot but not really interview pool. It wasn't justOTR but for the life of me I can't remember, this was like 12 years ago. Also I tried to look online for any transcripts or written interviews from magazine archives or anything and found bupkes. Annoying as hell because I recall his words so vividly but there doesn't seem to be any proof of it. As any self respecting person might do, I have to retract my comments on that subject.


You're correct. I remember it too.
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Wow, did you guys all miss it or too busy looking Summer Rae's bitchin' dress? Fandango/Langston was pretty damn good. I thought they earned match of the night honors over a very good Bryan/Harper match. I thought Langston looked great in his shine in how explosive he was, reminded me of Doc or Hansen. Fandango has elevated his work in past couple weeks after basically doing jack shit since Wrestlemania. The NYC fans basically handed him a push on a silver platter and he did diddly squat with it. The heat segment felt dramatic and Langston was great at being sympathetic. Big E has such a shitty finish though.


BROCK/HENRY!!!!!!! O fuck, I went BATSHIT for that! I will be buying the Rumble just for that match.


Let me preface the following criticism with I DO NOT THINK BRYAN IS BEING BURIED. The Wyatts are the number 3 heel act behind Orton and Lesnar at this point. There is no shame with working with them.


The storyline sucks, but yeah the angle does add a nice development. Though my brother pointed out the last person to follow the Wyatts ended up being made COO. My brother said he would willing to join the Wyatts too. The feud just seems so thrown together. I feel like Bray's psychobabble never really tied everything together. The Shield/Punk stuff makes more sense. The Authority sicced the Shield on him because of a pretty transgression. That fits the Authority's MO. I really wish they did something with the fact that before all this Bryan was in Team Hell No and they could have tied all the Kane stuff together. It would give the storyline so more gravitas and flesh it out. It just feels so much like the Cena/Kane storyline from 2011. Kane randomly decides he wants Cena to embrace the hate. At least that makes sense since Cena does get shit on, but it was just weird that Kane was shoehorned into doing the angle. It feels the same way with the Wyatts they have just been shoehorned in here. It is annoying to me because there is easy connection for them to make. The angle won't save the storyline, but at least it will transition it to Bryan destroying the Wyatts from the inside.


I will say one thing for all this talk that WWE has a bunch of soap opera writers these are either the shittiest Soap Opera writers or it is the fact that it is hybrid combination of soap opera writers with wrestler input that causes these issues. I watch General Hospital religiously and there is no way they could miss such an obvious transition. WWE is so bad at Soap Opera 101 that I cant believe it is actually written by soap opera writers.


To point someone said about a babyface with flaws, I completely agree that a babyface with a tragic flaw is more interesting, but once again this is stupid because in the early summer they established that Bryan had an inferiority complex that fed into a anger issue. Now that was something interesting. They could have built on that. Once again, it is shitty soap opera writing.


I am excited at the prospect of The Wyatt Authority where Aurora gets kidnapped and Vince is the Devil That Made Them Do It. ;)

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After Undertaker, does anyone have a winning streak longer than 1 or 2 of at WrestleMania that is currently active in the WWE?



18 vs Regal

19 (dark match, what a fuck up considering how hot he was a year earlier) tag vs Storm and Venis.

20 Tag Team Turmoil match

22 won money in the bank

23 won his ECW 6 man tag.


So RVD is 5-0 in my book.

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Wow, did you guys all miss it or too busy looking Summer Rae's bitchin' dress? Fandango/Langston was pretty damn good. I thought they earned match of the night honors over a very good Bryan/Harper match. I thought Langston looked great in his shine in how explosive he was, reminded me of Doc or Hansen. Fandango has elevated his work in past couple weeks after basically doing jack shit since Wrestlemania. The NYC fans basically handed him a push on a silver platter and he did diddly squat with it. The heat segment felt dramatic and Langston was great at being sympathetic. Big E has such a shitty finish though.



You are not alone, I really dug that match, I think Fandango has quietly had a good 2013 and I am keen to see what he can do in 2014. Now that WWE finally has a tag team division up and running, they need to focus on the IC/US title scene. It seems like they are going to unify the belts which is a good thing as it is easier to put focus on the one title. I think they have a good talent pool to really get the mid card heated up after Mania, they have alot of hungry guys like Fandango, Langston, Ziggler (though it seems it may have given up), Sandow, Ambrose, Rollins all wanting to make a name for themselves. Hell ever since Big E won the title, I have been hoping for an extended feud between him and Cesaro for the IC title.

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After Undertaker, does anyone have a winning streak longer than 1 or 2 of at WrestleMania that is currently active in the WWE?



18 vs Regal

19 (dark match, what a fuck up considering how hot he was a year earlier) tag vs Storm and Venis.

20 Tag Team Turmoil match

22 won money in the bank

23 won his ECW 6 man tag.


So RVD is 5-0 in my book.


Miz has basically the same record:


WM29 - def Barrett for IC Title (preshow)

WM28 - on Team Johnny that def Team Teddy

WM27 - def Cena in main event

WM26 - def Morrison/Truth for tag titles

WM25 - lost to Colons in the dark match so it doesn't count


So Miz is 3-0 on the main show, 4-0 if you count the televised preshow.

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