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Married with kids? When do you have time to watch?


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I imagine some of you around here are married and have small kid(s), as do I. So when do you find time to watch so much wrestling? Like getting teh DVDVR sets together, the full reviews of multiple shows in a week, etc??


Just curious as I am definatley doing something wrong as I have like 0 time during the week to watch and only a few hours on Fri and Sat night to fit some in...leaving me with this board to enjoy the sport at least until my son gets a little older....


Just curious as my son will not leave me alone for 2-3 hours to watch a show at ANY point when he is awake!!! Am I alone in this?

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I don't have any kids, but am married. She's not a fan. We work completely different shifts and only see each other on weekends. So I have all sorts of time to myself to devote to wrestling. Hell, even at work I have an entire 2nd floor to myself and this board is my sole social interaction thru the week, sad as that is :lol:


With kids, don't know that I would have any time for anything else.

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Late at night or early in the morning, but I nod off if I'm tired. I sometimes start a match in the evening and finish watching it in the morning. I do the same with movies. I just finished a 3 1/2 hour movie over four or five nights. Some of my friends can't understand watching things in parts, but I'd never finish anything otherwise.

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Married with a 10 month old. I watch him 4 days a week, and work 4 nights a week, so I'm literally always tired. I manage to fit bits and bobs in during the day, but wrestling has to compete with films and reading and other things. I probably watch about 5 hours of wrestling a week. I just fell asleep during an old ECW match, but that was a piece of crap anyway.

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I have 5 kids, I usually watch the weekly shows on my dvr at bedtime about 3 nights a week, other stuff like sets, projects ect. I convert to iso files on my computer & transfer them to my phone, I'll watch during my lunch breaks at work & during cardio sessions at the gym... it really comes down to what your schedule is like & what your priorities are, I devote as much time as possible to my wife & kids (the dvr is in the bedroom instead of the living room for this single purpose so that works out). During the week I usually don't have much if ANY real ''free time'' so to speak, I do work on my personal comp projects on Friday nights as that's usually my ''me time'' that I get each week & maybe if I'm lucky I'll wake up around 530-6am'ish on Saturday morning & watch more stuff until everyone else gets up which is usually around 9-10am on Saturdays... anyways you get the point, just squeeze in time when you can & move your dvr to the bedroom!! ;)

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Interesting so far...with so many differences....really good stuff....Dylan...my god dude, you NEVER sleep from the looks of the posts and times on here....I would LOVE to be able to sleep only a few hours and then do some cool shit overnight while others slept!


Will, how about you? With all the work you do for comps and projects, how do you fit it all in?

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I've got a 1 & 3 year old. Usually around 11PM after everyone else is asleep I'll watch whatever new is on the DVR w/ WWE, TNA, and MMA (UFC, Bellator, WSoF, etc.) and I'm usually 8-9 weeks behind on ROH. That's also when I fit in watching movies (I keep an ongoing list of that here -- was aiming for 300 but consciously slowing down). I work half the week and am home with the babies the other half. When I'm with them in the mornings when they're eating breakfast, watching TV, etc. I have 1-2 hr. where I can use the laptop pretty carefree so I'll sometimes squeeze in some wrestling then too.

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I'm married with a 16 month old who thankfully will sleep 12+ hours a night. Plus I work opposite shifts from my wife (she works 9-5, I work 4:45pm-1:15 am) so I have a few hours every night to watch whatever's recorded on the DVR.

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I have some room to at least LISTEN to wrestling at work, which is a perfectly viable way to "watch" old Superstars/Wrestling Challenge and especially old Memphis TV. When I was going through 90s WWF (and i still am somewhat) I'd watch fancams/coliseum matches/feature Raw+superstars+WC+mania matches/ppvs while on the bike and the rest of Raws/Superstars/WCs at work.

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I have a 2 and a half year-old daughter. I can usually watch Raw on the dvr on Tuesday while my wife puts her to bed. She occasionally catches a little bit of it and cracks up. She always says, "Look at those guys! They're so silly. They're actin' crazy."


I mainly only watch the AWA set in chunks when I've got a few minutes to myself.

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I have a 17 month old...she goes to bed at 7pm and the wife usually taps out between 9 and 10, so most of my wrestling watching happens between then and midnight. I also watch on silent while we record the podcast, so that adds a few hours a week.


I am also able to "listen" at work so I will usually dig stuff up on YouTube and minimize the browser and listen away.

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Will, how about you? With all the work you do for comps and projects, how do you fit it all in?

I don't fit it all in. That is why I am always behind on my projects :)

Seriously, I just Take out blocks of time and work out a schedule with the wife. Plus, we don't watch the same tv shows so if she is watching Lifetime or some shit, I sneak away and watch wrestling. With the baby, half the time he is sitting on my lap while I am working on sets anyway.

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I honestly find that having a wife alone is hard enough, let alone kids. Like Dylan, I don't sleep. Hardly ever. When it's about 10pm for your guys and you still see me posting, it's 5am here. Recently my wife has been trying to get me to take sleeping pills.


I like to think Bob Dylan was talking about watching wrestling at 3am when he wrote these words:


Are you so fast that you cannot see that I must have solitude?

When I am in the darkness, why do you intrude?

Do you know my world, do you know my kind

Or must I explain?

Will you let me be myself

Or is your love in vain?

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Will, how about you? With all the work you do for comps and projects, how do you fit it all in?

I don't fit it all in. That is why I am always behind on my projects :)

Seriously, I just Take out blocks of time and work out a schedule with the wife. Plus, we don't watch the same tv shows so if she is watching Lifetime or some shit, I sneak away and watch wrestling. With the baby, half the time he is sitting on my lap while I am working on sets anyway.


Oh I'd definitely never be able to get away with it if my wife didn't watch NCIS and Criminal Minds and Covert Affairs and whatever.

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Some guys run their house. Some guys run around their house. I'm a guy that runs my house, so I watch wrestling whenever I want.


LOL. Not really. I have three prime watching opportunities: 1) Before bed. The wife is usually reading or putzing around on her phone. I nod off easy when I watch from bed, though. 2) On the iPad when I'm watching sports on the big screen. 3) On the iPad while working out.


Our first kid is due Oct. 5. We'll see how that impacts my wrestling watching.

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Some guys run their house. Some guys run around their house. I'm a guy that runs my house, so I watch wrestling whenever I want.


LOL. Not really. I have three prime watching opportunities: 1) Before bed. The wife is usually reading or putzing around on her phone. I nod off easy when I watch from bed, though. 2) On the iPad when I'm watching sports on the big screen. 3) On the iPad while working out.


Our first kid is due Oct. 5. We'll see how that impacts my wrestling watching.

Pre-kid I used to watch ALL THE TIME...basically at night, on the weekends, evenings after work...wife never cared....after kid....yeah, BIG change.

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My partner and I are expecting a child in November and we have decided that I will be a stay-at-home dad, so I'm sure there will be some adjustments. I'm trying to take advantage of the watching time while I have it.

I spent the last 3 months before my son was born watching any and all 45+ min matches I had meant to watch over the years.....



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