Grimmas Posted September 14, 2014 Report Share Posted September 14, 2014 Discuss here. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
goodhelmet Posted October 4, 2014 Report Share Posted October 4, 2014 He is in one of my favorite matches of all time... The Traumas vs. Navarro & Terry. I thyink his twilight years have been pretty spectacular. Just curious, what do we have from his from the 90s? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Graham Crackers Posted October 4, 2014 Report Share Posted October 4, 2014 Navarro gets on my list for his 2000s run as badass mat wizard grandpa. I wish his 80s footage was more spectacular. If some truly great matches of his were unearthed I'd put him ahead of Black Terry but he's a couple steps behind him until then. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
elliott Posted October 4, 2014 Report Share Posted October 4, 2014 Will, is that match online anywhere by chance? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
goodhelmet Posted October 4, 2014 Report Share Posted October 4, 2014 I think it is one of the matches Terry Jr. Took off youtube. I have it preserved on my MOTY set for that year. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
elliott Posted October 4, 2014 Report Share Posted October 4, 2014 Awesome. I have so many sets I need to pick up from you soon. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grimmas Posted January 22, 2016 Author Report Share Posted January 22, 2016 Throw out some links for Navarro, because he seems like he should make my list. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Parties Posted January 22, 2016 Report Share Posted January 22, 2016 Anything with Black Terry, or the team of Los Terrible Cerebros (Terry/Dr. Cerebro/Cerebro Negro). Anything with Navarro working with his sons Trauma I and Trauma II, commonly called Dinestia Navarro. Lots should still be available via Segunda Caida. There's 7-10 mins of an awesome '08 Terry-Navarro singles for some NWA title out there. Solar/Mano Negra vs Negro Navarro/Black Terry (2007) Solar/Dos Caras Jr./Heavy Metal v. Villano IV/Villano V/Negro Navarro (2006) Misioneros vs. Space Cadets (2005) I like Navarro-Tiger Mask (Sayama) from that New Japan period where they just brought in all the best juniors in the world to face TM. Navarro/Panther vs. Satanico/Solar (Lucha Festival, 2011) The bloody Villanos-Misioneros trios from the decadas80s90s2000 YT page Navarro vs. Mando Guerrero from the 80s is fun weirdness vs. Virus (2014) vs. Solar (AULL, 2015 - there were two of these last year, but they've had several over the years that are available online) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ohtani's jacket Posted January 22, 2016 Report Share Posted January 22, 2016 There are also some matches from when he first began his 00s reinvention such as the 2001 El Dandy match and the 2002 Solar bout. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jetlag Posted March 23, 2016 Report Share Posted March 23, 2016 Cubsfan's matchfinder page for Negro Navarro: I got in the mood today and compiled this massive detailled 25 matches post on Navarro. Most of this stuff has been covered before, but I will list it anyways just to have a comprehensive post. This is STILL only a frame of Navarro's work, leaving out plenty of good stuff from his peak years. 1. Negro Navarro vs. Mando Guerrero, LA 80s I assume someone found this on some old VHS in his garage and randomly decided to put it on YouTube. So we get to watch! This is a total gem, as it showcases a style of wrestling that is so rare to find. Navarro villains it up, and we get to watch them punching eachother in the mouth. Some of the best exchanges and worked punches you will ever see. Navarro utilizes various objects in order to increase the face punchiness. 2. Misioneros vs. Hamada/Aguayo/Kendo (Hamada's UWF 7.6.1990) People call the Misioneros disappointing. I've not seen much of them but everything has been pretty fun. And this is probably my favourite showcase match for them. Navarro has changed his form since his battle with Mando and turned into a bodybuilder. He still throws a mean punch a plenty. Lots of great exchanges, stiff brawling, technicos are great, Misioneros stooge, Perro also has great exchanges with everybody. 3. Negro Navarro vs. El Dandy (8/11/2001) Fast forward 11 years. Navarro and Dandy were having this underrated feud in IWRG. This is a classic title match and probably the first really blowaway great singles match in Navarro's career. Navarro wasn't as beastly as later on, but he looks like a master. Just two legends hitting the mat hard for 20+ minutes. 4. Negro Navarro/Shu El Guerrero vs. Solar/Skayde (AULL 11/01/02) I think Black Terry Jr. should have this. This is a great handheld from some gym. Early match from the Navarro vs. Solar feud, where they do lots of unique stuff you wouldn't see in their later matches. This is another absolut clinic in Navarro's resume. Also, Shu El Guerrero rules. 5. Negro Navarro/Pantera vs. El Dandy/Ultimo Vampiro (IWRG 4/4/02) Hey! Did you like that Mando/Navarro match above? This is another piece from the Dandy/Navarro feud. Except they drop the maestro vs. maestro stuff and engage in an all-out war here. Ridiculously great stuff, some of the greatest punches and exchanges ever caught on film. Not only are the punches great, but the selling is off the charts, like you are really watching two tough bastards determined on beating eachother within an inch of their life. This stuff has Dick Murdoch eating his heart out. I remember when I first saw this, I was so blown away I compiled all the Dandy/Navarro exchanges into a video. 6. Negro Navarro vs. El Engendro (2/15/2003) This takes place in some seedy gym, event organized by a Z-level lucha fed which I assume normally does deathmatches. So they go out and deliver a mat clinic with near UWF-like intensity. This is to old school lucha matwork as Chicana/MS-1 is to lucha bloodbaths. Engendro ain't too shabby either and Navarro turns this into an easy Lucha MOTY. 7. Misioneros de la Muerte vs. Villanos (IWRG 12/11/2004) 2000s IWRG is like a treasure trove of random old guys delivering the awesomeness. This starts out nice enough with maestro matwork and degenerates into a face stabbing, biting, blood-drenched massacre. Also worth checking out for you Villano completists. 8. Negro Navarro/Texano/Signo vs. Solar/Ultraman/Super Astro (IWRG 2/10/2005) The somewhat nicer equivalent to the previous match. Outstanding trios match which delivers it all, like they thought to themselves "let's do a textbook example of how lucha should be". 8. Solar/Dos Caras Jr/Heavy Metal vs. Negro Navarro/Villano IV/Villano V (AULL 2.11.2006) Another out of nowhere MOTYC. Navarro vs. Solar delivers in spades and Navarro vs. Heavy Metal is a great surprise matchup. Navarro has become a bald headed badass and really started positioning himself as one of the most respected wrestlers in the country around this time. 9. Negro Navarro/Mano Negra vs. Solar/Super Astro (Monterrey 14.10.2007) Another in a string of great matches involving these guys. Super Astro also kills it here. 10. Negro Navarro vs. Solar vs. El Engendro (12/13/2008) Navarro and Solar is a badass enough matchup. Add in Engendro and you are in for something. This isn't a triple threat but rather a series of single matches where guys tag in and out. Exactly what you want. 11. Negro Navarro vs. Black Terry (11/1/2008) YouTube allows us to piece together one of their few meetings. Some top notch mat stuff on display here. 12. Negro Navarro/Mr. Ferrari/Kendo vs. Quack/Solar/Kendo (CHIKARA? 3/8/2009) Navarro and Solar come to a tiny US location to show folks who the masters are. Navarro/Solar is great as usual, but what pushes this over the top is Navarro teaching Quack a few wrestling lessons. 13. Negro Navarro vs. Solar (AULL 5/16/2009) You could easily make a 50 match list of great Navarro/Solar matchups. I will include this because this is their first singles match I saw and it blew my mind. Long excellent title match. 14. Negro Navarro/Traumas I/II vs. Black Terry/Dr. Cerebro/Cerebro Negro (3/28/2009) Negro Navarro/Traumas I/II vs. Black Terry/Dr. Cerebro/Cerebro Negro (4/16/2009) Negro Navarro/Traumas I/II vs. Black Terry/Dr. Cerebro/Cerebro Negro (4/23/2009) IWRG crew starts getting into their groove in 2009. These are all great examples of Navarro's fury unleashed. You have him dominating fools on the mat and demonstrating his ability to crush mere mortals with a thought, aswell as absolutely destroying people in standup and street fighting sections. 15. Negro Navaro vs. Solar (Ultimo Dragon Produce 7/19/2010) Navarro/Solar World Tour continues as they rock a throwaway UD show and outwork everybody else in the country in the process. This is also a threat because the filming emphasizes Navarro's great facial expressions. 16. Negro Navarro/El Signo vs. Black Terry & Shu el Guerrero (???, 2/14/2010) This is must watch because of the location alone. They work a kickass in some demolished sports yard for a bunch of empty seats. Seriously, can you imagine going to your local bush indy and seeing a match this good? Navarro and Shu have a cracking mat section which really feels like bulls squaring off. Afterwards we get some great brawling and Navarro throwing punches. This is how you work a match for 20 people in the audience. 17. Negro Navarro/Black Terry vs. Gran Apache & Angel Mortal (IWRG, 1/9/2011) AAA maestros invade! This starts out great with rocking matwork and gets blowaway epic when Apache makes the mistake of pissing off Navarro. What follows is a Navarro tour de force of looking like the baddest dude ever. Some of the most intense submission work you will see in a non-shootstyle match. 18. Negro Navarro/Black Terry vs. Traumas I/II (LUCHA POP 8/21/2011) Throwback to brawling Navarro! Everything seems like business as usual, until TI knocks his dad out cold and Navarro loses his cool. Shoulder dislocating submissions, shadow boxing and a generally tremendous pissed off Navarro performance ensue. 19. Negro Navarro/Black Terry vs. Solar I & Ultraman (3/13/2011) Negro Navarro/Black Terry vs. Solar I & Ultraman (3/20/2011) March of 2011 was a real streak for great old guy lucha. The first match is a classic 2/3 falls technical clinic with everybody matching up and Navarro busting out plenty of neat stuff. The second match is like a Velocity match which ranks up the intensity. Navarro and Ultraman and up throwing down and try to one-up eachother with beautiful punches. 20. Negro Navarro vs. Decnnis (DTU, 8/13/2011) Decnis is a pretty haired AAA nobody. Navarro cranks out another beastly performance and drags the rent boy to a really good Velocity match. 21. Negro Navarro vs. Nicho el Millonario (DTU, 10/15/2011) Navarro battles the broken down former Psicosis in seedy DTU. Nicho tries to drag Navarro into a garbage brawl involving light tubes and barbed wire. Navarro makes him pay dearly. 22. Negro Navarro/Trauma I vs. Damian 666 & Bestia 666 (IWRG, 10/11/2012) Navarro and son demolishing a pair of goofy clowns. Navarro really tortures Damian at some points during this. 23. Negro Navarro vs. Negro Casas (Chilanga Mask, 5/19/2013) Kickass 7 minute Velocity match between two of the best workers on the planet. 24. Negro Navarro/Black Terry vs. Cachorro Zapata/Tigre Universitario (9/8/2013) Naucalpan maestros take on Monterrey maestros! The Zapata/Navarro matchup is especially great. Zapata is a powerful guy for Navarro to test himself against. 25. Negro Navarro vs. Virus (11/15/2014) A good hearted metalhead videotaped this with his cellphone, so we get to watch. Navarro takes on the best of the best and comfortably outclasses Virus. Negro Navarro vs. Virus (12/25/2015) This show was a sell-out, so we get to watch. Navarro and Virus work for a bigger audience this time and twist eachother up in impressive ways. Summary: So there's that. Ignoring Navarro's 90s and 80s output, he has from 2001-now a run of 15 years of almost uninterrupted greatness. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tim Cooke Posted March 23, 2016 Report Share Posted March 23, 2016 "Solar/Dos Caras Jr/Heavy Metal vs. Negro Navarro/Villano IV/Villano V (AULL 2.11.2006) Another out of nowhere MOTYC. Navarro vs. Solar delivers in spades and Navarro vs. Heavy Metal is a great surprise matchup. Navarro has become a bald headed badass and really started positioning himself as one of the most respected wrestlers in the country around this time." Is this available anywhere? I know my original copy back in 2006 was a Real Media file that had shitty resolution but would love to see this again. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matt D Posted March 23, 2016 Report Share Posted March 23, 2016 Navarro is someone who I just didn't feel like i had enough under my belt for. I did the run on Terry and that got him a good placement, but I didn't have time to fill in the gaps on Navarro too. If I had til May, maybe. (he might still sneak in but it'd be lower than he should be, most probably) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KB8 Posted May 4, 2021 Report Share Posted May 4, 2021 I had Navarro at 76 in 2016 and I'm fine with that, though I think with more footage his ceiling is probably about 30 spots higher. Watching that Black Terry Jr.-shot IWRG stuff in 2009-2010 was such a blast and Navarro was having good-to-awesome stuff basically every other week. Obviously he's an amazing mat worker. If you're not so hot on the type of hold-release-hold stuff they were doing in IWRG around the start of the last decade then he might not always be for you, but then again I don't know if any of that stuff is even available anymore so I guess we'll just say you had to be there. He made Angelico compelling! The Dandy feud is maybe a more accessible version of him working the mat at his best, and to me the title match from 2001 is a low-end MOTDC. That 12/11/04 old guys trios is the perfect representation of him going in the complete opposite direction and having a proper blood-and-guts-fest where by the end all six guys are crawling around like a building fell on them. I haven't watched any Navarro in a few years now (2017 was the last time I checked in and he ruled then) and I still don't know if we've gotten any peak Misioneros that will blow anybody away, but he's too good to leave off. And Jetlag already covered the match recs but I'll retread that ground for the sake of consistency (and throw in a later rec for originality). NEGRO NAVARRO YOU SHOULD WATCH: v El Dandy (IWRG, 8/11/01) w/El Texano & El Signo v Los Villanos (IWRG, 12/11/04) w/Villano IV & Villano V v Solar I, Dos Caras Jr. & Heavy Metal (AULL, 2/11/06) w/Black Terry & & Dr. Cerebro v Solar I, Zatura & Suicida (IWRG, 1/28/10) w/Caifan v Hechicero & Solar I (AULL, 2/4/17) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Childs Posted May 4, 2021 Report Share Posted May 4, 2021 Watching Navarro wrestle against Solar and the Chikara guys in a Delaware banquet hall remains one of my absolute favorite live wrestling experiences. He just came off as such a badass, even in middle age. The mat wizard part, we know, but this was not a man you'd fuck with in any context. I find him difficult to place, because we have limited footage from the first part of career with the Misioneros, and what we have is a mixed bag as I recall. But I'd feel wrong leaving him off. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jetlag Posted August 17, 2023 Report Share Posted August 17, 2023 Roy Lucier uploaded a +20 minute Negro Navarro singles match from the 80s Based on this and the Mando match I'd say Negro Navarro is easily an all time level brawler, he looked awesome fucking his opponent up here. He also had some really graceful grappling moves but this is mostly just an awesome bloodbath. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rah Posted August 17, 2023 Report Share Posted August 17, 2023 I can't remember where I got this from, but I truly wish we had more Navarro/Perro for that very reason. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cad Posted March 21, 2024 Report Share Posted March 21, 2024 I couldn't imagine ever voting for him. He can stop a match cold right in the middle, when it had been a competitive encounter to that point, and turn it into an exhibition all of a sudden. I've seen him, in a truly curious decision, drop a hold in the third fall of a title match just to show what a badass he is. And there are times, desperate and sorrowful times, when he and his kids will attempt to make an ENTIRE MATCH out of that spot, creating a whirlpool so strong that it sucks in even great workers like Black Terry and Dr. Cerebro. I've never hated a match from Mexico like I hated that one. Even when he's on his best behavior like against Engendro I don't get a particular sense of intensity or toughness from his matches. Maybe my opinion had been irreparably colored by his indulgent stuff that I'd already seen, but those are the breaks sometimes. At this point I see Negro Navarro's matches as tributes to the talents of Negro Navarro rather than to a disappearing and fascinating style of wrestling. Whereas most wrestlers use what ability they have to try to engage the fans and maybe even tell a little story, Navarro uses his considerable ability to demonstrate that he has considerable ability. Doesn't feel like much of an accomplishment. I guess I could give him points for innovating a style that other wrestlers have gone on to do better. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ohtani's jacket Posted March 21, 2024 Report Share Posted March 21, 2024 I haven't seen that much dislike for Navarro in a while. I'm glad you bring up releasing the holds, though, as it was definitely a thing. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ma Stump Puller Posted March 21, 2024 Report Share Posted March 21, 2024 8 hours ago, cad said: I couldn't imagine ever voting for him. He can stop a match cold right in the middle, when it had been a competitive encounter to that point, and turn it into an exhibition all of a sudden. I've seen him, in a truly curious decision, drop a hold in the third fall of a title match just to show what a badass he is. And there are times, desperate and sorrowful times, when he and his kids will attempt to make an ENTIRE MATCH out of that spot, creating a whirlpool so strong that it sucks in even great workers like Black Terry and Dr. Cerebro. I've never hated a match from Mexico like I hated that one. Even when he's on his best behavior like against Engendro I don't get a particular sense of intensity or toughness from his matches. Maybe my opinion had been irreparably colored by his indulgent stuff that I'd already seen, but those are the breaks sometimes. At this point I see Negro Navarro's matches as tributes to the talents of Negro Navarro rather than to a disappearing and fascinating style of wrestling. Whereas most wrestlers use what ability they have to try to engage the fans and maybe even tell a little story, Navarro uses his considerable ability to demonstrate that he has considerable ability. Doesn't feel like much of an accomplishment. I guess I could give him points for innovating a style that other wrestlers have gone on to do better. I'm not super well-versed into Navarro matches (those examples are dire, though) from what you are describing it sounds a LOT like the same problem Steve Wright had where he was more occupied showcasing how many great holds he knew rather than getting his opponent or anything else over. If it is then I can totally understand why there's such a apprehension to vote for the guy. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fxnj Posted March 21, 2024 Report Share Posted March 21, 2024 Navarro's maestro stuff has aged like milk for me. Basically the type of wrestling people (used to?) accuse 90's juniors stuff of being. No struggle getting into holds, no struggle getting out, no narrative besides "watch how great these guys are." Just guys doing laughably convoluted holds and expecting the audience to get off on it. He seems pretty solid as a brawler, though. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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