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As great as the main and the Goto moment was, I feel like Tsuji/Kidd cannot be underplayed with how good it was and how hot the crowd was for it. I’m a rarity: I got into New Japan only recently, as I found the idea of a company this big losing so many top stars due to raiding and just aging out in rapid succession with no real plan for it fascinating, and I wanted to track how they adjusted, and who among their up and comers would step up, if any.

Tsuji’s rise has felt “destined” but it was clear even as recent as New Japan Cup or even G1 he just wasn’t there yet, and I was begging for a heel turn by the end of the G1. But I think he really started turning a corner during tag league, the WK Finlay match was quite good, but it really felt like something clicked against Kidd. Not only did it feel like it clicked, it felt like you could see him realize it during the match, like this is the matchup that is going to take him to be one of true top guys in this company for years. That’s super fun to watch.


Kidd, on the other hand, the rise feels shocking, out of nowhere, and company defining. He’s gone from a guy I didn’t particularly like, to a guy I really was starting to appreciate, to really good with lesser moments, to suddenly feeling like the clear call to be the cornerstone of the company for the next few years in about 6-8 months. He reminds me of a young Eddie Kingston in terms of just feeling very real in a wrestling world that is very fake. I genuinely am never quite sure what is character work and what is Kidd just being himself, but which is a huge quality to have. And him becoming the guy who wears the logo on the tights, saying the things the fans have been thinking and then backing it up in the ring is perfect. The Omega match was great, but so many people were wrapping that up as Omega being incredible (and he was amazing in that match, make no mistake) that Kidd’s part got downplayed. You can’t downplay the Kidd/Tsuji match though.


As much shit as Gedo gets, and seemingly deserves, the decision to tell their 2 best up and comers go before the Goto title win, and just let them tear the house down and get the crowd in on them, even with no good finish is his best work in a very long time. If fans were there to see Goto get his one last big moment, they also got a pretty clear reason to want to stay for the rise of Tsuji and Kidd as well. And nobody cares about the non finish now, because Goto won, and the good will from that far out weighs it. 



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The Fantastica Mania show from 02/28 was so awesome. Maybe the most purely *fun* night of pro-wrestling of the year so far.

Goto vs Tanahashi was a thing of beauty. I almost bought Tana winning. Goto going through Nagata will also be beautiful, most probably.

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And Nagata going for the title against Goto at 56 was indeed beautiful.

But not as beautiful as Taichi's emotional match against his best friend ZSJ. 

I'm guessing David Finlay wins it all. Shota Umino doesn't feel like the right move now despite the so-called "redemption road", with him going bald and bland. Unless Finlay manages to get him over big by being a dick, which he's really good at.

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I like Finlay as a worker a lot. But Finlay IWGP World champ ? No way. Not after ZSJ and Goto's happy endings.

My take : ZSJ wins the title back eventually during the year. Uemura or Tsuji win G1.

(btw, Hikuleo has signed with WWE in Juy of last year. he has not worked a single match for them yet)

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