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No problem. A few more...


NWA Anarchy from Georgia (also posts full shows from the old Wildside archives)
- https://www.youtube.com/user/colepromedia


Rev Pro UK
- https://www.youtube.com/user/IPWrestlinguk/featured


3X Wrestling from Iowa

- https://www.youtube.com/user/3xwrestlingcom


Monster Factory Pro from Jersey

- https://www.youtube.com/user/MonsterFactoryProTV


Rock Star Pro from Ohio

- https://www.youtube.com/user/rockstarprowrestling

I keep up with these a little less frequently than some of the others, but they occasionally crank out some things worth checking out. Anarchy in particular has been getting a little bit more hype lately, and rightfully so.

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Came across this promotion & channel while trying to find some more recent Vordell Walker work...


AML Wrestling from North Carolina

- https://www.youtube.com/user/AMLWrestling


Their "shows" are just one-off main events, but they look to have some quality talent booked. I haven't watched anything just yet, but they've got Vordell, Gunner and Magnus from TNA, Matt Hardy, and a Waltman appearance. There's also a fairly recent Bunkhouse Buck vs. George South match up on there.


There's bound to be a gem or two worth checking out, and I'll definitely be revisiting the channel to see what else they put up going forward.

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This guy's channel has a lot of vlogs about spirituality, but it also has some WWA/Tijuana stuff that I've never seen before (don't know if it's actually new). This video has a trios match with Alcatraz, young Silver King, and an unmasked As Charro and then at the end has the first three minutes of a Santo-Casas title match. He also has an interview with promoter Benjamin Mora, and given that the uploader's last name is Mora he might be a relative or have access to old WWA videos.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The significance of that channel should not be underrated and we need to ensure as a community that it does not get lost. Treasure trove of stuff that has not been in circulation.

This day is called the day a YouTube channel was fouind

He that watches this day, and comes safe eating chips

Will try to stand a tip-toe when the channel is named,

And the smell of McMuffins rouse him at the name of Dory

He that shall watch this day, and see the emotional age of 14,

Will yearly on the vigil be ignored by his neighbours,

And say 'To-morrow is The YouTube Channel

Then will he show his browser history minus the porn

And say 'These matches I watched On YouTube

Old wrestlers forget: yet all shall be forgot except by geeks

But he'll remember with blood shot eyes

What fake fights he did watch that day: then shall the names.

Familiar in his mouth as burritos and Mountain Dew

Dory The Dull, Baba the Awful, Bruno the Awesome,

Be in their flowing male B cups freshly remember'd.

This story shall the lonely man teach his son, if the hooker's rubber broke

And YouTube Channel shall ne'er go by,

From this day to the ending of the world,

But we in it shall be remember'd;

We few, we obsessive few, we band of brothers;

For he to-day that wastes his time with me

Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so smarky,

This day shall gentle his acne condition:

And gentlemen in England now a-hating Johnny for this awful bit

Shall think themselves accursed they had shitty internet speeds

And hold their manhoods cheap while watching YouPorn

That watched this YouTube Channel today

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I've dated up a lot of the stuff which I'll keep updated here:


Terry Funk vs. Abdullah the Butcher (7/15/78)
Terry Funk vs. Abdullah the Butcher (7/28/78)
Terry Funk and Dick Slater vs. Abdullah The Butcher and Rufus R. Jones (7/21/78)
Dory Funk Jr vs. Blackjack Lanza (12/13/78)
The Sheik vs. Jumbo Tsuruta (7/6/79)
Dory Funk Jr and Masanori Toguchi vs. Abdullah The Butcher and Roger Kirby (7/26/79)
Terry Funk and Jumbo Tsuruta vs. Abdullah the Butcher and Kintaro Oki (7/14/79)
Dory Funk Jr. vs. The Sheik (12/1/79)
Terry Funk vs. Ray Candy (3/28/80)
Terry Funk vs. Jumbo Tsuruta (4/4/80)
Terry Funk vs. Rocky Hata (4/10/80)
Terry Funk and Dick Slater vs. Jumbo Tsuruta and Tiger Toguchi (4/12/80)
Terry Funk vs. Abdullah the Butcher (4/18/80)
Terry Funk and Ted DiBiase vs. Abdullah the Butcher and Ray Candy (5/1/80)
Dory Funk Jr vs. Abdullah the Butcher (6/29/80)
Terry Funk vs. Abdullah the Butcher (12/2/80)
Terry Funk and Billy Robinson vs. The Avenger and The Asteroid (10/22/80)
Terry Funk vs. The Asteroid (10/29/80)
Dory Funk Jr. and Terry Funk vs. Abdullah the Butcher and Tor Kamata (12/5/80)
Harley Race vs. Dick Murdoch (2/12/81)

Dory Funk Jr. and Terry Funk vs. Jack Brisco and Killer Tim Brooks (4/23/81)

Jack Brisco and The Avenger vs. Terry Funk and Jumbo Tsuruta (4/27/81)

Dory Funk Jr vs. Abdullah the Butcher (4/27/81)
Dory Funk Jr. and Terry Funk vs. Bruiser Brody and Alexis Smirnoff (10/24/81)
Dory Funk Jr. and Terry Funk vs. Tiger Jeet Singh and Umanosuke Ueda (11/27/81)
Dory Funk Jr. and Terry Funk vs. Giant Baba and Jumbo Tsuruta (12/8/81)
Dory Funk Jr. and Terry Funk vs. Harley Race and Larry Hennig (12/9/81)
Dory Funk Jr. and Terry Funk vs. Stan Hansen and Jimmy Snuka (4/16/82)
Harley Race and Stan Hansen vs. Giant Baba and Jumbo Tsuruta (4/21/82)
Terry Funk vs. Giant Baba (4/26/81)
Terry Funk and Ashura Hara vs. Stan Hansen and Ron Bass (8/26/82)
Terry Funk vs. Crusher Blackwell (9/2/82)
Terry Funk and Giant Baba vs. Stan Hansen and Crusher Blackwell (9/8/82)
Dory Funk Jr vs. Bruiser Brody (10/26/82)
Harley Race and Dick Slater vs. Giant Baba and Jumbo Tsuruta (12/13/82)
Dory Funk Jr. And Terry Funk vs. Harley Race and Genichiro Tenryu (4/28/83)
Harley Race and Nick Bockwinkel vs. Stan Hansen and Bruiser Brody (11/23/84)
Dory Funk Jr. and Terry Funk vs. Tiger Jeet Singh and Mike Shaw (11/25/84)
Dory Funk Jr. and Terry Funk vs. Jumbo Tsuruta and Genichiro Tenryu (11/28/84)
Dory Funk Jr. and Terry Funk vs. Giant Baba and Rusher Kimura (12/4/84)
Dory Funk Jr. And Terry Funk vs. Nick Bockwinkel and Harley Race (12/12/84)
Dory Funk Jr. and Terry Funk vs. Bruiser Brody and Jimmy Snuka (2/12/87)
Dory Funk Jr., Giant Baba and Andre the Giant vs. Toshiaki Kawada, Kenta Kobashi and Tsuyoshi Kikuchi (2/29/92)

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