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1983 Rulebook


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Start Date: July 1, 1983 (July 1, 2015)


We follow the 1983 calendar.


Picking a promotion:

1) Everybody puts in a top 3 list and I try to make it fair, if there is any conflict there will be a discussion between the parties in conflict.

2) You get the owner, announcers and referees from that promotion.

3) You get to take one talent from that original roster onto yours. Whether a manager or wrestler. If you want a tag team, then you forfeit your first round pick.


Picking your Talent:

1) There will be a snaked draft from the remaining available talent.

2) It will be done on the board.

3) Once a pick is made, the person on the clock has 10 hours to pick. if they miss their 10 hours then the next person can pick and the person who missed their pick can insert their pick ASAP (like the NFL draft, put 10 hours instead of 6 minutes)

4) If you pick a tag team you forfeit your next pick. Although, feel free to pick only one member of a tag team.

5) You can pick any available talent (ie everyone on the list, minus the freelancers).

6) Draft goes until all talent is picked or people drop out (Maybe a max roster of 30)


The Talent and Booking:

1) Booking a weekly TV show is a must and any other house shows or major events you want are bonus.

2) The NWA Champion starts as Harley Race and he will remain Champion until every player who is a part of the NWA votes to change him.

3) Every player apart of the NWA can work together to determine dates on the NWA Champion.

4) Japan tours will be the same as what actually happened, so if that wrestler is on your roster you just can't use them while they are on tour.

5) NWA members can work together for trades and sharing talent, if wanted.

6) Any other trades can happen, but must be agreed upon by both players.



Every month one promotion gets to be in control of the freelancers. That person has free reign to use that talent and decide their bookings, as well as command if they win or lose. If you want to book a freelancers on your show, talk to the promoter that is control of freelancers for that month.


6-Month Updates:

1) At the end of 6 months any unactive promotions or rosters are up for grabs.

2) There will be a re-distribution draft where each player can protect 10 guys and everybody else is entered into a new draft.

3) Players can switch promotions at this point, if wanted.

4) Optional: Each roster has one wrestler taken off of it through a random drawing.

5) Order of draft is by vote on best promotions by fans.



1) Every month there is a random wrestler injured a random amount of time (ie promotions are numbered and a random number generator pick the promotion, then talent is numbered and a random number generator determines the wrestler, then a dice is rolled to determine how many months they are injured for).


Debuting Wrestlers:
1) Every few months when they are a rash of debuting wrestlers a new draft will come about to determine who gets who.


Also, if promotions not apart of the NWA wants to share champions they can.


Titles, how shows are booked, etc... are all determined by player.

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I agree with El Boricua about the freelancers. There really aren't that many of them when you get down to it it's mostly just Brody, Abby & Andre, and even Andre is iffy since he was not truly a freelancer and just perpetually on loan from Vince McMahon Sr. I think JVK should be able to take Andre with his save if he wanted to.

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Yeah, we need a manager list to add to the roster list for draft purposes.


We could easily set up some kind of bidding process for freelancers. Like you get 8 points a month and you bid on dates or something. Say I want Andre for a big show I put all my points for that day, while somebody might try to split their points over multiple days in hopes they are not outbid?

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I actually think as Vince Sr.'s representative that I should be responsible for booking Andre's schedule. Talent trades and deals for Andre were a key part of the way WWF operated.

I like this but only if you draft him or save him. He shouldn't come free with your territory.

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Rules look good to me. Couple things:


  • I would advise against linking future draft order to past performance. With 18 of us involved in this thing, there's no way we're all going to read everyone else's weekly TV/house shows/whatever, let alone track it closely enough to gauge performance.
  • Someone just make a damn decision on how to handle freelancers.
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Crusher Blackwell & Ken Patera
The Hi-Flyers (Jim Brunzell & Greg Gagne)
The Assassins (Don Bass & Dirty Rhodes)
The Bruise Brothers (Porkchop Cash & Dream Machine)
The Fabulous Ones (Steve Keirn & Stan Lane)

The Grapplers (Len Denton & Tony Anthony)
The Moondogs (Rex & Spot)
The Rock n Roll Express (Robert Gibson & Ricky Morton)

The Zambuie Express (Mr. Elijah Akeem & Mr. Kareem Muhammad)

The Fantastic Ones (Bobby Fulton & Terry Taylor)

The Road Warriors (Animal & Hawk)

Bobby & Rudy Kay

GIno Brito Jr. & Tony Parisi

Jack & Jerry Brisco

Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood

Alex & Tim Gerrard

Bob & Joe Marcus

The Samoans (Tapu & Tio)

The Midnight Express (Norvell Austin, Dennis Condrey, & Randy Rose)

The Fabulous Freebirds (Terry Gordy, Michael Hayes, & Buddy Roberts)

Black Gordman & Goliath

The Invaders (I y III)

The Wild Samoans (Afa, Sika, & Samu)

Jerry & Ted Oates

Los Super Medicos (Jose Estrada & Johnny Rodz)

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I guess for the midnight express too.


What about picking one member of a team? I know someone mentioned just wanting Ricky steamboat but not wanting to have to spend a pick on Jay Youngblood. Personally I think that the designated teams should have to be drafted together, but it's up to the bookers what they want to do after that.

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