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Home Stretch


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As stated in the original rules, nominations are due March 1st and the ballot is due at WrestleMania 32.


That leaves two months to get in any last minute nominations and 3 months to finish off your ballot.


What is everyone's game plan going into the home stretch? Any other areas that people feel need to be discussed? Finishing line thoughts?


If anybody knows how to set up a webpage for voting where people are forced to pick from a list to make their top 100, let me know.

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I did pick up the Buddy Rose and SMW sets. The idea being to fairly rate Buddy Rose and to justify getting Tracy Smothers and The Heavenly Bodies onto my final battles. Maybe even Dirty White Boy too.


Outside of that, wrestling watching will focus on wrestling365 and I hope to correspond that with watching guys I need to see.


I also hope to get some more Making the Case podcasts out and I think Will will be doing some himself.


As for the Super Show, there will be the top 100 matches ever lists which helped for this project and I hope March's show will be something GWE focused. Whatever Tim and I need to get over the final hump.


As for the results, planning to release them on the Super Show podcast and then do a big thread ala WKO 100.

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I'm lost a little bit. In August I put together a rough draft. I looked at it the other day and decided it no longer exists as far as I'm concerned. I've enjoyed the 10 minutes or less compilation cheapshot put up. It's helped some. I'm almost done with it. I have no clue where I'm going from this point forward though. Is there any way for someone to put together a list of 25-50 random matches in a YouTube comp once a month until the deadline? Maybe add a few more introducing whomever like cheapshot has done? I love watching my wrestling in that fashion and prefer not to know what the next match is instead of trying to pick what I want to watch in a project like this which is nearly impossible.

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I've finally categorized my priorities after 17 months of thinking instead of watching. I say that of course after watching a ton of 80s NJ, 90s AJ, Lucha, and random stuff spread out over 17 months. I weeded out the nominees who are guarantees, undecided, and out of contention. To sum it up, I have about 300 nominees either guaranteed, worth looking at, or who I've never seen before. The other 200 I've essentially eliminated with the exception of a select few who I might give one last chance. This helps in that now I don't have to worry about figuring out who I should or shouldn't watch. I've narrowed it down for simplicity. Has anyone else done something along these lines? How far along is everyone? How many of the 500 are left standing as guarantees, still worth watching, or in contention?

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I'm happy with the progress I've made on my ballot thus far. Eliminating all of Joshi from the equation, as unfair as that might be, is going to help me a lot. There are a few guys that I'm afraid I'm going to neglect (Foley, Funk, and Bockwinkel being the main three), but as of now I have 67 wrestlers that I feel comfortable enough placing or I at least have a very solid idea of where I want to place them, about 20 guys that will finish on my ballot but I have no idea where they'll finish, and then about 25 more guys that could make the tail end of my ballot.



-80's/90's/2000's/2010's Puro (sans shoot-style)

-90's/2000's/2010's major North American promotions





-Territories (all of them, sadly - this is going to be what kills me)

-Shoot-style stuff (focusing on Tamura, Han, and BatBat at this point)


Completely neglecting/avoiding


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I like how you laid that out. I certainly have weaknesses in my game too.



WWF/WWE 1987-present

All of WCW

First five-seven years of TNA

ECW from 1996-close

Early 90's AJPW

A lot of 1980's NWA

Most of ROH

Modern New Japan





A lot of Puro (especially older stuff)

A lot of territory stuff (especially Portland, Florida or Montreal)

Anything in black in white.

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My list is pretty much doomed at this stage.


I have 75 locks, 39 Maybes, 28 wrestlers that I really think could or should make it but I just don't think I have time to place them as of now, and then 10 or so WoS guys that I want to find a way to place but don't know if I'll make it in time.


And that's without a single Japanese wrestler (save for Mr. Saito with Tajiri on the should but can't make list) or any females.


For the sake of transparency, here's my list of wrestlers that I think should make my list but that I don't have time to watch the necessary footage of. I'll likely get a few of them but just that:




Black Terry

Dr. Cerebro
Franz Von Buyten
fritz von erich
Ivan Koloff
Jack Brisco
Jackie Fargo
Jay Youngblood
Javier Llanes
Jerry Estrada
Ken Patera
Leo Burke
Little Guido
Mr. Wrestling II
Negro Navarro
Pat O'Connor
Perro Aguayo
Perro Jr
Pirata Morgan
Pat Patterson
Ron Starr
Silver King
Super Astro
Tom Pritchard
Tommy Rodgers
Villano III
give or take Dory, Jr.

The only WoS wrestlers I feel confident placing right now are Breaks and Boscik.
That leaves me with the 10:

Clive Myers
Joe Cortez
Keith Haward
Mark Rocco
Marty Jones
Mick McManus
Steve Veidor
Terry Rudge
Steve Grey
Alan Sarjent

Once I get past my top 25, I have this weird gap where I feel like the next person should be 30.
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My priorities from here are:


1. Watch every single match I haven't seen from the Top 100s of Chad, Tim and Steven. Minus La Parka brawls, because fuck that. 90s New Japan is top priority. Plus whatever highend Joshi is there.


2. Finish DVDR 80s NJPW, Mid-South, Memphis. Plus Texas set top 40. This is a tall order.


3. Watch Best of Onita set that I have. Plus follow ups of any "workers of interest".


4. Watch as much Regal set as I can. Plus follow ups of any "workers of interest".


5. Watch as much 90s Terry Funk from that set as I can. Plus follow ups of any "workers of interest".


6. WoS roundup.


7. Complete Biglav ratings.


8. Reveal Top 100 on WTBBP.




It is unlikely that I will get through all of that, but I'm going to try.


There are some people I do not feel comfortable giving ratings to, who at this stage will not make my list.

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My priorities from here are:


1. Watch every single match I haven't seen from the Top 100s of Chad, Tim and Steven. Minus La Parka brawls, because fuck that. 90s New Japan is top priority. Plus whatever highend Joshi is there.


2. Finish DVDR 80s NJPW, Mid-South, Memphis. Plus Texas set top 40. This is a tall order.


3. Watch Best of Onita set that I have. Plus follow ups of any "workers of interest".


4. Watch as much Regal set as I can. Plus follow ups of any "workers of interest".


5. Watch as much 90s Terry Funk from that set as I can. Plus follow ups of any "workers of interest".


6. WoS roundup.


7. Complete Biglav ratings.


8. Reveal Top 100 on WTBBP.




It is unlikely that I will get through all of that, but I'm going to try.


There are some people I do not feel comfortable giving ratings to, who at this stage will not make my list.


Quite ambitious but for purely selfish reasons I hope you get through most or all of it as I'm looking forward to seeing your thoughts on many eras, particular finishing out the 80s, joshi and 90s NJPW.

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The next month-and-a-half is going to be spent finalising who the final 100 is. My focus is really on lucha, 90's AJ and WoS. Maybe some territory stuff, all stuff I've dabbled in and want to pick the wheat from the chaff.


From March 1st, it'll be watching the guys currently in my top 100 and tinkering with positions. I've got comps of Misawa, EHD Santo and Jarrett to get through which'll confirm their positions, and I've book marked the Segunda Caida Complete pages for Fujiwara, Togo, Lawler etc. The rest will be YouTubing guys, hunting for stuff I've not seen which might help decide the difficult questions (for example, do I place Mark Henry higher than Sean Waltman?), trying to iron out the last little details.

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One issue I'm coming across is the weighing of footage.


There are wrestlers I'm leaving off due to footage. Then there are wrestlers I feel fairly confident about due to the footage we have, confident enough to put them in the 30-40 range, perhaps, but if we had more footage, they could easily be in the 20-30 range, or maybe even the 15-20 range. I'm not entirely comfortable with that. I'm also not comfortable leaving them off because I have a strong sense of them with just what they have.


So the compromise is that they get knocked down the list instead of left off completely, which isn't accurate, but it still somehow feels more accurate than not having them on.


Does that make sense?

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There are guys -- see Ivan Koloff, Wahoo McDaniel, probably Jack Brisco -- who are absolutely being punished due to lack of material on my list.


While we have enough of each of those guys to get a measure of how good their base stars were, it hurts them in the "great matches" and "variety" stakes.


Imagine all the amazing brawls Ivan and Wahoo had in the 1970s that didn't make tape. Wahoo is a guy who might be a top 15 contender if we had his whole career.


It's unavoidable to punish guys for lack of footage.

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My biggest problem is probably with the nominees. I've got a core of about sixty guys and it's just about ordering them fairly, but I've got a lot of Japanese women (I'm a bigger fan of Joshi than most, it seems) who will probably end up being turfed off my ballot since they haven't been nominated. I'll nominate a few of them myself if I think it's too much of a crying shame to leave them off.


This is my top-tier of guys (not in order):





Ric Flair, Bret Hart, Harley Race, Tully Blanchard, Arn Anderson, Pat Patterson, Ricky Steamboat, the Undertaker, Curt Hennig, Terry Funk, Roddy Piper





I'm having some trouble ranking the others on my list because, at some point, it becomes fairly arbitrary. What's really keeping my 58 over my 63, for instance?


The post-20 part of my list, actually, looks a little weird the more I mull over it. It's because of my tastes, I think, which are JCP (and early WCW), New Generation Era WWF, Modern Joshi, 2005-2009 TNA, NXT and a dash of "random matches I've found online". Who's better, Steve Keirn or Io Shirai?

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My biggest problem is probably with the nominees. I've got a core of about sixty guys and it's just about ordering them fairly, but I've got a lot of Japanese women (I'm a bigger fan of Joshi than most, it seems) who will probably end up being turfed off my ballot since they haven't been nominated. I'll nominate a few of them myself if I think it's too much of a crying shame to leave them off.


You realise there's an easy solution to this right?


Nobody should hesitate to nominate anyone they're even considering voting for. Once they're nominated someone else might start thinking about them. And if nobody does, who cares? It's your list, put whoever you want on it.

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