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WWE TV 02/26 - 03/04


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I've seen a few theories posited...


1. He challenges Nakamura, which I think would be kinda lame storyline-wise because why should Cena get to challenge Nak for his Mania spot (or even to make it a 3-way)? As he said, he lost at the Rumble and he lost at EC. He didn't even get screwed either. If this match occurs, I expect Nakamura will win - which would help heat him up, but still leave Cena without an opponent.


2. Undertaker answers his challenge tonight or Cena does something semi-heelish to goad Taker further. I'd go with Taker just answering his challenge outright, saying "nobody tells me when its my time to rest in peace." (Note - This would make Cena's promo on Raw last night kind of nonsensical, but whatever, it gets us to the endgame faster)


3. This is somehow leading to an Orton/Cena match, which seems like a real wildcard.


If I put my fantasy booking hat on, I'd go with a modified option 2. I'd have Cena try to goad Taker again, re-emphasizing that the match is "not going to happen" because "everyone backstage says the Deadman is...dead." Then, have Taker accept the challenge at FastLane. Meanwhile, add Nakamura/Jinder to the card and let Nakamura get the W the fans wanted him to get all summer.

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I admittedly gave up on Smackdown after the superstar shakeup last Spring, but things feel REALLY frigid over there. Is it just me, or is Nakamura ice cold as a challenger? I can't even recall the last time a Rumble winner felt like they had this little momentum or purpose in the lead-up to Mania.


I mean, I get that they're promoting the Styles bout as a dream match, so they can coast into it and just present it as dry and straightforward as humanly possible. But omigoddamngod, it just feels sooo fucking lazy and lethargic. I guess I can understand why some people would get somewhat excited for it, but meh. Nakamura is so incredibly uninteresting as a character that it just does nothing for me. They've made next to no effort to get anybody invested in Nak as a bit player at the lowest level - let alone a challenger to the belt at the biggest show of the year.


Maybe I've missed something recent though? I mean, I make it a point to scope out the weekly 5-minute list recaps WWE puts up on their YouTube page, but I swear - Nak is so bland that he even comes across as fast forward material during his 60 second features on those things. It's awful.


I'd never deny the idea that the guy can go when he wants. And he's got a certain charm with his wacky mannerisms, but it's not enough. It doesn't convey ANYTHING. It doesn't mean anything. It doesn't project an actual, ya know, personality. Somebody tweet Jesse James and tell him to get this fucking guy some Tajiri tapes or some shit, so he can learn the subtleties of developing an actual personality without needing to speak. 'Cause this hokey, stroked out spasm shtick ain't amounting to dick.

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  On 2/28/2018 at 12:10 AM, DMJ said:

I've seen a few theories posited...


1. He challenges Nakamura, which I think would be kinda lame storyline-wise because why should Cena get to challenge Nak for his Mania spot (or even to make it a 3-way)? As he said, he lost at the Rumble and he lost at EC. He didn't even get screwed either. If this match occurs, I expect Nakamura will win - which would help heat him up, but still leave Cena without an opponent.


2. Undertaker answers his challenge tonight or Cena does something semi-heelish to goad Taker further. I'd go with Taker just answering his challenge outright, saying "nobody tells me when its my time to rest in peace." (Note - This would make Cena's promo on Raw last night kind of nonsensical, but whatever, it gets us to the endgame faster)


3. This is somehow leading to an Orton/Cena match, which seems like a real wildcard.


If I put my fantasy booking hat on, I'd go with a modified option 2. I'd have Cena try to goad Taker again, re-emphasizing that the match is "not going to happen" because "everyone backstage says the Deadman is...dead." Then, have Taker accept the challenge at FastLane. Meanwhile, add Nakamura/Jinder to the card and let Nakamura get the W the fans wanted him to get all summer.

I think they are definitely doing Taker one way or another or he wouldn’t have even said his name last night.
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Putting Cena on that show made it instantly watchable this week. I still have no interest in the title match at Fastlane but maybe theyll do Nakamura/Rusev? That interests me. Tag division is always great when it gets time. Womens division is totally pointless until Asuka shows up.

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Seems like Taker's still going to be his opponent, since he called him out but said the match was impossible. In wrestling logic that means it's pretty much a lock.


Plus the reaction to it from the crowd was pretty much the biggest pop of the night, so I don't see it not happening unless Taker decides at the last minute he can't go.

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Though I'm fine with Cena and Taker doing a living legends match in theory, I don't have high hopes for the reality of them attempting a 25-minute bomb fest. We have no evidence that Taker has it in him physically. And Cena wasn't exactly at his best in the Rock matches, which seem like blueprints. It sounds like a Wrestlemania match, that's for sure. I'm just not sure whether to root for it.


That said, I've enjoyed Cena's quest for a Mania narrative, which seemed silly a week ago but has turned into a decent piece of business.

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  On 2/27/2018 at 5:08 PM, Sean Liska said:

The SD main event is Styles vs Nakamura so they are trying to give you your wrestling while getting their mainstream press. Actually pretty clever. And Takeover the night before Mania based on track record has like a 99% chance of being a great straightforward wrestling show.



I really hope they don't add Cena to it and make it a triple threat.


Cena is one for my fav guys but wrestlemania really needs to have a one on one with Nakamura vs Styles.

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  On 2/28/2018 at 1:52 PM, El-P said:

It had totally flown over my head that there was yet *another* PPV before Mania. And now I discover that the title match is a multi-man cluster. And that you get Randy Orton vs Bobby Roode, which has to be the blackest hole of all black holes.

If they would add Ziggler and Corbin to that match (instead of the 6 pack shit at the top) I am sure that the first few rows of fans would end up inside the Schwarzschild radius.

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  On 2/28/2018 at 5:07 PM, Robert S said:


  On 2/28/2018 at 1:52 PM, El-P said:

It had totally flown over my head that there was yet *another* PPV before Mania. And now I discover that the title match is a multi-man cluster. And that you get Randy Orton vs Bobby Roode, which has to be the blackest hole of all black holes.

If they would add Ziggler and Corbin to that match (instead of the 6 pack shit at the top) I am sure that the first few rows of fans would end up inside the Schwarzschild radius.


Yeah, they actually belong right there.

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God knows the Mania title match could use SOMETHING. There's no direction or purpose behind it at this point. None whatsoever. It's just a standard match that would feel at home any other night of the year.


Nak is positioned as a baby face, and he gets baby face reactions appropriately. But that's about it. He's a bare minimum act, generating bare minimum effort. There's no reason to invest any care or concern into the character, because the effort just hasn't been there. They still have plenty of time to infuse some life and energy into the act, but Christ. It's dire at the moment.


The guy's just another baby face at this rate. His entrance and signature spots get pops. But there's no indication that he's actually any more over or any more buzzworthy than a Bobby Roode - or hell, even a Tye Dillinger when he shows up. They're all practically interchangeable. Seriously. Slide Roode or Tye into the same role and nothing changes. I mean, I guess some neckbeards might get bent out of shape and blog about it, but those people would still watch, regardless. Wouldn't put even the slightest dent in business though.


All of that just to basically say - the Smackdown scene feels so ice fucking cold.

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Nak is not responsible for the booking. They gave him the Rumble win then they had him cut that awful promo in broken English to set-up a dream match against AJ, so now they figure the work is done. Total lazy stuff as far as booking goes. Of course if they get creative at Fastlane it can only go worse (because who wants anything other than Nak vs AJ at this point ?).

That being said, it's no worse than Roman Reign Push-to-Mania #152727 where there's absolutely zero narrative (except "Roman has to go and win at Mania" despite our audience not wanting him to) and where it leads to another match against Lesnar, who has been the poster boy for not giving a fuck for, what, two years now ?


Mania is all about Rousey & Angle vs Stephy & HHH now. Well, at least it *could* be fun.

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