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WWE TV 05/14 - 05/20


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Way, way too soon to put Ronda anywhere near the title picture. She could have done a tag with Nattie against Mickie/someone and then a singles match against Mickie, and then have Nattie turn on her, and done another 6 months of programs with gaps in between while she was training without losing any momentum or getting exposed. I'm hoping they just have Nattie turn on her here and don't put the belt on her already.

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I normally just roll my eyes at the sale talks but the longer this year goes on the more Im starting to think maybe theres at least something to it. Everything they do is so short term and corporate pleasing and maybe this Ronda hotshot has been dragged forward due to sale talks progressing. But then again theyre always like that so who knows.

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Ronda getting put in a main singles program way too early reminds me of Angle in TNA. At the end of the day it really comes down to this, pull the trigger and don't pussyfoot unless you regret it. Even if Rousey/Jax is bad--WWE will make money. Merch, buyrates, potential new subs, and of course the media blitz will all make up for a bad match. In a few months WWE will 'recover' and Ronda will have better matches and it will be a blip in the Rousey legacy. The worse thing WWE can do is wait for the 'right' time and have Ronda blow out her knee or something (or even worse loos her drawing ability) until that perfect moment when everyone in the back knows she can now put on five star classics.

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Anything that gets the belt off Nia is an unalloyed good in my book. And really, if Ronda is that much more of a star than the rest of the women (and she is), she should be the champion. An extended storyline with Natalya is more likely to cool her off than lead to bigger things. The interminable Sasha/Bayley feud hasn't exactly done wonders for either woman.

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  On 5/15/2018 at 12:23 AM, Strummer said:

I guess they are committed to wwe management holding Roman down as Angle was heelish tonight. Can't believe they are sticking with this


Vince is in full denial mode when it comes to Roman & the fans. Now he thinks that an "underdog" angle will get Roman over the way it did with Bryan. Pretty hard to have a guy nicknamed "The Big Dog" be an underdog.

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WTF are they doing with Braun? Random team with Lashley, entering MITB, random team with Finn... It seems they really have no idea what they're doing there.


i'd have him win at MITB and have him want to cash in the same night, not caring if Brock isn't there. That could be interesting.

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  On 5/15/2018 at 5:06 AM, NintendoLogic said:


Ronda going for the title is fine, but this has to be the worst possible way to set it up. They might as well have uploaded footage of taking a pile of money and setting it on fire. At least, that's what it would be if booking still mattered.


I'm hoping that this segment won't be what the actual storyline is build up around and this is just the WWE doing "See, When The Cameras Are Off, We're All Actually Friends!" shit because it was at the NBC Upfronts (there's also a pic of her hugging Steph and Triple H from Ronda's Instagram out there).


Now, to be sure, this sort of crap does and should bother fans, but I'd still be really surprised if they went out of their way to air this on RAW (unless they already have?) just because that would be going too, too far.


I could see them doing something similar on RAW where Nia makes the challenge and Ronda hesitantly accepts, but I sincerely hope it will not end with the two of them skipping up the ramp like Laverne & Shirley the way this video did. They don't have to rush into a blood feud or anything and I'm not even sure you need someone to turn heel, but you have a month to build to this match and there's no reason it can't be good-to-great.

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Sami Zayn tried really hard to elevate horrible material, but I hate that type of stuff. It's just not what a promo of any kind should be. He did the best anyone could ask for, though.


The Nia-Ronda segment was awful mainly because there was no actual conviction behind anything either of them were saying. They were clearly just reciting lines. Frustrating how they don't really allow (and encourage!) more improvisation and reacting. This was Nia says her line, then Ronda says her line, then Nia says her line, then Ronda says her line.


Also, since when do champions hand-pick their challengers? Can wrestling ever get this straight for good?

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