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15 minutes ago, Jmare007 said:

Again, it didn't seem to bother New Japan when TNA worked with AAA. And AEW having Omega makes them waaay more important to NJ than TNA was at the time.

When was this TNA relationship? NJPW has refused to have anything to do with them since Okada's disastrous stint, which I think was well before TNA got involved with AAA.

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AAA has been allied with TNA almost going back to TNA's foundation. The CMLL-New Japan relationship as it exists now "only" goes back roughly a decade, when Liger had his CMLL run. CMLL actually used to work with AJ in the 80s. Hence, Kamikaze Misawa and all that.

NJPW did book Dr. Wagner Jr. a lot in the late 90s but at the time Michinoku Pro was also booking CMLL wrestlers, it wasn't an exclusive relationship like nowadays. Similarly, NJPW used to book UWA/indie wrestlers before the UWA collapsed.

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Omega allegedly had written on his contract that he can also work with New Japan. His deal is a 4-year deal and he also said that WWE made him a great offer and they were very professional through the whole thing.

Source: https://www.f4wonline.com/wrestling-observer-radio/wor-kenny-omega-aew-his-match-tanahashi-wwe-276506?fbclid=IwAR2I8KARKenCLriRAUi_v63EbFDgD463F7G01yGGF9VIXfJJUPTPRTeZjCM

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I think it's funny that from day one Kenny/Cody/The Bucks said all four would be taking the next step together, yet some people are surprised that's what ended up happening. 

I suppose the thinking was it was just a given that WWE would back the truck up for at least Kenny if for no other reason to put a crimp on AEW, but it started to sound like Laker or Yankee fans who just assume all the hot free agents want to come play for them. 

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Also it seems to have upset certain people  that AEW signed a couple of folks, one who is openly gay and another who is openly transgender. It's always been interesting to me how some fans are okay with gay characters/gimmicks when it's known the person portraying them is hetero, but an actual gay person doing a stereotypical gay gimmick is somehow unacceptable.  

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1 minute ago, SirEdger said:

You wouldn't make reference to that girl who went on a Twitter tirade and got rightfully lambasted afterwards, eh?

That was the first thing I saw, but Nyla Rose's Twitter mentions quickly turned into a dumpster fire of "Well Actually"s stating on how being trans is a mental illness or what have you. 

Even that girl who got lambasted on Twitter had a legion of white knights leaping to defend her honor, which....she ain't going to have sex with you for defending her right to be trash so you're just making yourself look bad. 

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27 minutes ago, sek69 said:

It's always been interesting to me how some fans are okay with gay characters/gimmicks when it's known the person portraying them is hetero, but an actual gay person doing a stereotypical gay gimmick is somehow unacceptable.  

Kinda the outrage-in-reverse that you get in Hollywood these days. 

Good for Sonny Kiss, the few I've seen of him in LU looked cool. It's a long way from the Genius and "faggot" calls at the Freebirds in 1990 WCW. That being said, I wonder how people (which ones, I dunno, people in general) would react if say, Kiera Hogan for instance would do that twerking thingy Sonny does. I'm absolutely confident the usual bunch would scream outrage at sexualization/objectification. So there. Anyway, he's a cool signing for sure.

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12 minutes ago, El-P said:

I'm absolutely confident the usual bunch would scream outrage at sexualization/objectification.

And rightfully so since they're not the same thing. There is no way to sexualize a gay man to an audience of straight men and men can't really be objectified in that sense anyway, especially by a minority of the audience. 



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15 minutes ago, peachchaos said:

And rightfully so since they're not the same thing. There is no way to sexualize a gay man to an audience of straight men and men can't really be objectified in that sense anyway, especially by a minority of the audience. 

My head hurts. If a woman *wants* to do that move (and why the hell not ?), because she simply wants to do it, why the fuck would anyone cry and moan about it ? The usual bunch would, but unlike you said, totally unrightfully so. Actually, in a way, we're looking at another case of men's privilege here. :lol: (and yeah, some feminists actually talked about that topic before, I wouldn't have thought about it just my myself honestly, it just occurred to me Sonny Kiss was an interesting case)

To go back to the actual topic, I guess everyone also felt of much WCWish the presentation looked (really, it looked like the old Spring Break Nitro).

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1 hour ago, sek69 said:

Also it seems to have upset certain people  that AEW signed a couple of folks, one who is openly gay and another who is openly transgender. It's always been interesting to me how some fans are okay with gay characters/gimmicks when it's known the person portraying them is hetero, but an actual gay person doing a stereotypical gay gimmick is somehow unacceptable.  

On the other hand, my LGBTQ wrestling fan friends were pretty pumped to see AEW not just signing a gay man and trans woman, but putting them front and center.

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7 minutes ago, Migs said:

On the other hand, my LGBTQ wrestling fan friends were pretty pumped to see AEW not just signing a gay man and trans woman, but putting them front and center.


and they didn't even make a big deal of their sexuality either, just basically "here's a couple of dope ass wrestlers we signed" and left it at that. I'll cop not being too familar with either of their work (I peaced out on LU long before Sonny Kiss showed up) but what I managed to look up seemed pretty awesome. 

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5 minutes ago, sek69 said:

and they didn't even make a big deal of their sexuality either, just basically "here's a couple of dope ass wrestlers we signed" and left it at that.

That's actually the most refreshing part.

Picture the same signings in WWE. #WWEtransgenderEvolution #RealLGBTFriendlyWWE-except-on-that-day-next-May 

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Been a very big fan of Sonny Kiss since I first saw him 3-4 years ago when I chanced upon him on Youtube when he was doing small indies. A me and my money type signee. Fearless dude with a tremendous commitment to his character. Comes through the curtain and wins over the bro-est of bro dudes. Undeniable. As a "gimmick" performer he's fairly underrated in ring too. 


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2 hours ago, El-P said:

My head hurts. If a woman *wants* to do that move (and why the hell not ?), because she simply wants to do it, why the fuck would anyone cry and moan about it ? The usual bunch would, but unlike you said, totally unrightfully so. Actually, in a way, we're looking at another case of men's privilege here. :lol: (and yeah, some feminists actually talked about that topic before, I wouldn't have thought about it just my myself honestly, it just occurred to me Sonny Kiss was an interesting case)

My bad, I was thinking this was a WWE related signing for a second as I had another tread open. There is a difference there since they set an awful precedence for both gay men and women during the attitude era and have actually despite their best efforts repaired both. It's good for them to sexualize gay men, that is progress. It would be lame for them to backtrack to the Eve Torres era with the women doing sexualized dance moves before moonsaults, and I think that particular audience would have a right to complain since it would be a huge regression. A woman can twerk all she wants, but a woman working for WWE has to be more aware due to their history. But none of this applies and I'm really happy with AEW's presentation so far.

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6 hours ago, peachchaos said:

It would be lame for them to backtrack to the Eve Torres era with the women doing sexualized dance moves before moonsaults, and I think that particular audience would have a right to complain since it would be a huge regression. A woman can twerk all she wants, but a woman working for WWE has to be more aware due to their history. But none of this applies and I'm really happy with AEW's presentation so far.

Oh yeah, in the WWE context, I agree this would be different because of the long history they have of lingerie battle royal and stuff. That's why to me Scarlett Bordeaux in iMPACT is a cool character, because she's unique doing what she does (and she's actually funny) and the promotion was featuring Gail Kim vs Awesome Kong 12 years before this already.

Really enjoying AEW's presentation too. I'm gonna be honest, I haven't been so excited by anything happening in pro-wrestling in maybe 20 years.

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You can despise it all you want but context matters. WWE are still cleaning up their image of women's wrestling after 15 years of Bra & Panties matches where every woman needed to be sexualized, so it means something different for them to do it than a brand new company.

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I started listening to Kenny's interview on the WO site and it's really interesting so far. Seems clear that WWE was the big money offer, AEW offered creative freedom (and working with his friends of course), and New Japan didn't seem all that excited to match either offer. 

Also another thing that's clear is regardless of how you feel about his matches, Kenny's a really smart guy who clearly has a passion for wrestling. He comes off as a little Pollyanna-ish in terms of hoping he can get promotions who historically don't like each other to suddenly get along for the love of wrestling, but having a promotion with an open door policy down to work with anyone would be a way to maybe get that to actually happen. 

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Apparently all Sonny had to do was get off the couch. Apparently all Rose had to do was get surgery and go through a life changing process to get an AEW contract. The years of work, training, dedication, etc. mean nothing. AEW never made a big deal (or even an announcement of any kind) as to the identities of these individuals and it was all focused on the work they put in. Of course this rubbed a few people the wrong way and the historical discrediting commenced.


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Well, yeah, dumb shit like that was to be expected, despite the fact AEW did not even commuicate on any identity or gender issue. What amuses me is the narcissism of those people, making announcements about some video on twitter or facebook or whatever about how they are gonna state their opinion damnit and it is gonna be controversial damnit. Like, who gives a fuck ? Who the fuck are you anyway ? Just say what the fuck you want to say already. Oh, and it's stupid shit like that ? Ok, bravo. 

That being said, some of the reactions to her post aren't much better. She's saying some stupid stuff, ok. But to be called a "disgusting human being" ? Really, people ? Yeah, it's easy to pile up on someone you don't know when you're never gonna actually meet that person and simply assume stuff based on a digital social presence (which is a form of representation anyway and never the actual person). The hive mentality of the people with "good" morals repulses me just as much as the dumbfuckery and bigotry.

Yeah, I hate everyone, basically. :D

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