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Extreme Rules 2019


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  On 7/15/2019 at 1:04 AM, brocklock said:

Probably the best match of Lashley's career.


I recommend 2016 Impact Wrestling. Lashley vs Drew from Slammiversary, vs James Storm on Impact in August, vs Eddie Edwards in a steel cage, vs EC3 at BFG, etc as my favorites.

Happy for Brock, hope we never have to sit through Seth & Becky crap again.

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  On 7/15/2019 at 2:57 AM, C.S. said:

Boy, I bet Seth sure feels like a putz defending his work as "the best anywhere," WWE as the "top company," and Mox as "presumptuous" - only to fall in geek fashion to the new booker's favorite old toy. 



Well it's not like Brock was being left out of the title scene before Heyman got control. As long as he keeps giving him these bazillion dollar contracts, Vince is going to feel like he needs to be champ to make it not seem like he's wasting money. 

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Cesaro vs Aleister Black - Extreme Rules 2019

I wouldnt say this was Match of the Year level, but I thought this was a total banger. What really stood out to me about this was the level of effort and motivation. This felt like 2013 all over again. Everything felt very urgent and explosive. Aleister Black looked really good during Halftime Heat, but felt like just another guy during his run with Ricochet. This was a great coming out party. I love the return of a Dutch Kickboxer. I loved the attrition of working over Cesaro's leg with those inside kicks. Black comes off as a slightly more kickboxer-oriented Kota Ibushi with all the moonsaults. Black looked ferocious. Cesaro looked like 2013 Cesaro. Those European Uppercuts were awesome. That finish was absolutely awesome. Explosive and out of nowhere in a good way. Some selling issues (people over sell initially, if they used a register instead of the annoying  "oversell then don't sell" that would be better) and some psychology issues (head rocking spots puts Cesaro in a bad spot where he has to sell, but get back up. Put the head rocking spots in the back end and have Black miss a couple at the beginning to create that tension and blow off the head rocking spots at the back end) hold this back. But I dont want to bitch about this too much. I am nitpicking. We need more matches that bang. More matches that feel urgent. There are too many plodding walkthrough matches where the wrestlers are just sleepwalking through their matches. This reminds me of Rey vs Psychosis at Bash at the Beach 1996 as a way to get people over in the debut match. ****1/4

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