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18 hours ago, ragemaster said:

Most guy when shaving have probably giving themselves a hitter moustache and done that in the moment. It's not a news story on it's own and I don't see any big issue with it, nor do I see it as him supporting Nazism, just something he thought was funny in the moment with his friends.

I kept hearing "guys do this all the time when shaving" yet neither I or any guy I've ever known has done such a thing. This seems to be a "telling on yourself" thing more than anything when folks are like WELL EVERYONE DOES THE HITLER.

Also even if you give him the benefit of the doubt, he still felt the need to take the photo. If he felt that was a funny moment to share with friends, that is also a big "telling on yourself" move IMO.  

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1 hour ago, sek69 said:

I kept hearing "guys do this all the time when shaving" yet neither I or any guy I've ever known has done such a thing. This seems to be a "telling on yourself" thing more than anything when folks are like WELL EVERYONE DOES THE HITLER.

Also even if you give him the benefit of the doubt, he still felt the need to take the photo. If he felt that was a funny moment to share with friends, that is also a big "telling on yourself" move IMO.   

Yeah, doing the Hitler mustache is not a common thing where I'm from either. There's an important difference between being an ignorant moron in your 20s and being a nazi sympathizer in your 20s, though.

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3 hours ago, sek69 said:

I kept hearing "guys do this all the time when shaving" yet neither I or any guy I've ever known has done such a thing. This seems to be a "telling on yourself" thing more than anything when folks are like WELL EVERYONE DOES THE HITLER.


1 hour ago, Jmare007 said:

Yeah, doing the Hitler mustache is not a common thing where I'm from either.

Precisely this.

I myself have had a moustache (well, a goatee technically) for lo these past 29 years…yet in all that time, I can honestly say that while shaving, it has never ever crossed my mind even once to say:

“Hey, you know what would be fun? Making myself look like Adolf Hitler!”

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This discussion has led me to imagine a Father Ted-like scenario where someone walks in on Carter doing a Hitler impression while shaving and all of a sudden everyone is like "I hear you're a racist now, Carter." That'd certainly be way funnier than what actually happened.

But hey, at least the guy is being backed up by the premier Jewish wrestler.

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15 hours ago, The Thread Killer said:


And for the record, if you can’t see why some people would be offended by seeing a picture of somebody imitating Hitler? Then you’re a moron and there is no point in engaging you in a debate.

People are offended by everything nowadays, I'm not surprised people are offended by it. But i just don't personally see anything to get that offended by in it. Certainly not for someone to get fired from their job by it, if you want to say it's in poor taste/judgment I will agree with that.  

The rest of your post mirrors my own thoughts on the subject.

But maybe growing up in the UK where until the last 15/20years taking the micky out of Hitler and Germany was fair game on most tv shows. So maybe I'm less easily offended by poor taste.

Having grandparent's who served in the second world war with Jewish heritage and took great delight in shows like Faulty Towers, Allo Allo, Dads army. Which took the pee out of the Germans and the war regularly though the 70's and 80's. I'm guessing most people offended now are offended on behave of the people they think should/would be offended by it. 

(1) Don't Mention the War! (HD & EXTENDED) | Fawlty Towers | BBC Comedy Greats - YouTube

As most of the generation who lived/fought though the war have passed on  

I'm not saying those shows are still relevant in todays world and there is some truly racist language and vile views in some of them. So it's good we moved with the times and that humour is no longer part of most shows that are shown on the television now. 

Taking the piss or doing an impression of Hitler doesn't make you a sympathizer, I wish people could recognize the difference between a bad idea/joke and genuine anti-Semitic behaviour. 






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Jokes and satire on TV and movies are not the same thing as someone doing it in private as something to send to friends, either as a joke or actually in support. This shouldn't have to be explained to you multiple times, although I'm sure you know there's a difference. I think most of us agree that Cater probably isn't an anti-semite or neo Nazi. However, optics matter, especially in a public company (both in terms of being an entertainment company and also publicly owned). Pretty much any company is going to get rid of an employee who has pictures of themselves as Hitler in just about any context other than as part of a stage/TV/movie production.

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Stoborough I agree with what you say and if I had my own company I would unfortunately probably have to do the same due to the outside pressure of the world at this moment in time. 

My point has been unless there is evidence that this is part of a patten or he posted it himself online with a pro Nazi stance. I think he should be giving the benefit of doubt and the fact he was 20 at the time.

This only one strike and you out is a unhealthy part of our society at the moment.

The wwe should have probably just sent him to some awareness course and had him work with a Jewish organisation to raise awareness. Rather than just chuck him under the bus for a revenge picture being shared.

Obviously no one on this board ever messed up and did anything that would get them fired if it came to light. 

It's nice to know eveyone here is a sant and a upstanding member of the community.

But I will stop on this particular debate, as I've said my peace and I do understand the views other people are making.

I just have more forgiveness and understanding I think for people being people and making dumb mistakes in life. 

Some mistakes I have less or no forgiveness for, jimmy uso, and Tammy Sytch for example.

Or if it turns out he did beat his ex then I would have zero tolerance for him too.

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It wasn't one strike in a larger picture. Carter was actively engaged in a domestic allegation and the picture pushed him over the edge of being more trouble than he's worth. That context matters. Unfortunately his position on the card matters. If this was an isolated incident Carter probably survives with his job. But he was in a tenuous position to start and I think the picture was a justification, not the only reason he was sacked.

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This guy used the phrase "call snowflake issues" in a post yesterday and is named Ragemaster.

We may as well stop engaging and trying to make him understand our point of view, because we are obviously just liberal snowflakes contributing to the pussification of society by supporting cancel culture.


Anyway, since we are supposed to talk about wrestling here...

I'm interested to see how the Naomi part of this Naomi/Sasha thing plays out, because I can't seem them wanting to piss off the Uso's or Reigns at this point, since they are one of the only over acts in the company.

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8 hours ago, ragemaster said:


People are offended by everything nowadays, I'm not surprised people are offended by it. But i just don't personally see anything to get that offended by in it.

But maybe growing up in the UK where until the last 15/20years taking the micky out of Hitler and Germany was fair game on most tv shows. So maybe I'm less easily offended by poor taste.

Having grandparent's who served in the second world war with Jewish heritage and took great delight in shows like Faulty Towers, Allo Allo, Dads army. Which took the pee out of the Germans and the war regularly though the 70's and 80's. I'm guessing most people offended now are offended on behave of the people they think should/would be offended by it.


Are you able to think about anything without the framework of "idiot libs getting offended"?  I feel like my life would be constant torture if every time anyone was criticized I immediately took the side of the person being criticized and got mad at the idea in my head of "cancel culture" and getting offended.

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2 hours ago, Blehschmidt said:

This guy used the phrase "call snowflake issues" in a post yesterday and is named Ragemaster.

We may as well stop engaging and trying to make him understand our point of view, because we are obviously just liberal snowflakes contributing to the pussification of society by supporting cancel culture.


The point of debate is to debate the issue, you want me to understand your point of view, but you don't want to understand mine is a bit unfair. You basically saying because i don't agree with you guy's, lets stop talking to him.  

Lets agree to disagree like adults 


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I mean, when you come in with talking points used most often by folks who have no desire to understand anyone else's point of view other than their own, you can't be surprised when people choose not to engage with you. 

Plus this isn't arguing about liking pineapples on pizza, which regardless of what side you're on ultimately is a matter of taste that doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. 

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2 hours ago, El-P said:

They just publicly buried her. Dunno what's next for her, but "giving her a strong push" would be really odd. It would also send quite the message backstage.

I mean, last time Banks no showed an event, a Summerslam, at that, Bianca lost her belt in 13 seconds and spent 6 months running in circles until she got it back. Who knows at this point.

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2 hours ago, Lukeless said:

Are you able to think about anything without the framework of "idiot libs getting offended"?  I feel like my life would be constant torture if every time anyone was criticized I immediately took the side of the person being criticized and got mad at the idea in my head of "cancel culture" and getting offended.

i don't mind someone getting cancelled if the crime warrants it, Its not an automatic response where if you go left I go right. Plus I'm not angry or upset about it, just pointing out the wrongness of it from my point of view.


Although cancel culture feels more a from the right idea than a lib viewpoint.    

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1 hour ago, sek69 said:

I mean, when you come in with talking points used most often by folks who have no desire to understand anyone else's point of view other than their own, you can't be surprised when people choose not to engage with you. 

Plus this isn't arguing about liking pineapples on pizza, which regardless of what side you're on ultimately is a matter of taste that doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. 

Most of my talking points were about giving someone a second chance, and showing some compassion, don't hang a 20 year old out to dry and sack him on one bad choice he made.

No i don't understand the point of view of people who have a no forgiveness agender, one strike and your done.  But I did read the posts and took on what people said, but no-one had much of an argument on why he shouldn't get a second chance. 

No one addressed these points of mine, it was more of he's doing a Hitler impression, so he's bad and deserves to be punished. 


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I mean, doing a Hitler impression does kind of trumps (no pun intended) any counter points tbh. At best it means he's an idiot who thinks imitating Hitler is funny. Again I don't think anyone seriously believes he's an anti Semite, but considering the guy was already in the middle of a messy battle with his ex wife it was enough for any employer to be like "fuck this guy".

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