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While I don't think it was intentional subliminal messaging from WWE or even some rogue actor putting the pic in there for nefarious reasons or even to troll, "the Auschwitz Memorial is a business just trying to get attention" is perhaps the wildest take possible on this. Like....what the fuck, guy? Obviously, there is no circumstance where using pictures of Nazi concentration camps is appropriate for pro wrestling in any context, accident or not. 

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19 hours ago, ragemaster said:

The Auschwitz Memorial is a business and has running costs, You are allowed to question anyone, doesn't mean because they the Aushwitz Memorial that they right and their word is correct.  

I forgot common sense isn't allowed anymore, everyone must be offended by something, even if they not offended until they told they should be offended by it. 

Not trying to pick a fight, if I've said anything you disagree with, educate me why i'm wrong and if i change my mind, or i am being blind with my view i will say so and learn from it.

Trying to have a discussion on a forum which i believe is the point of them,

I know i rub some people the wrong way with my view points, but they are balanced and thought out. Maybe i should try writing them softer. 

You have seemingly adjusted what I have to believe was your once normal and well-adjusted life to being against "outrage" which I must believe you associate with wokeness and the liberal mob.  From reading through page 143 of this specific forum, I have seen brain rot take place right before my very eyes.  You are defending the WWE from the Auschwitz Memorial.  At one point you say that if this is offensive for the WWE to use, then Auschwitz should not be represented in any media.  How does that make any sense?  This was stock footage for a dumb video package about a wrestling storyline.  Some Holocaust media honestly intends to educate and represent what is one of the greatest tragedies of human history.  Another point you made I have quoted here.  You seem to suggest that the Auschwitz Memorial is calling out the WWE for nefarious purposes in order to promote their business.  Once again, how does that make any sense?  This is one of the most celebrated memorials in the world.  This memorial has honestly tried to uphold the memory of all who were lost in the Holocaust for decades now.  The last point that you made that bothered me was that it was more distasteful that individuals were even allowed to take pictures if they visited Auschwitz as opposed to the billion dollar company either mistakenly or purposefully putting stock footage of a photo of Auschwitz in their video package for how Rey Mysterio's son was in the U.S. penal system.  Lastly, how does that make any sense?  What people do when they visit memorials is up to them to decide as I'm sure you would agree since I can almost fully bet you're a libertarian (unless you'll admit you're more right-wing than that).  And if you won't agree that people should be able to remember a place that is incredibly important in 21st century history through photographic images, then maybe you can admit that you should have the same issue with the WWE using a photo as you do with regular people taking one.  But obviously, it's much more vital for you and easy to blame individuals as opposed to corporations.

If I had your mindset when viewing the world it would drive me crazy.  If I really believed that everything had a second side, that maybe the sexual abuser was right every time some new person was "cancelled", that maybe the Auschwitz Memorial was an evil empire propped up by countries to get into twitter beefs to keep the Holocaust "relevant", I would honestly lose my mind.  I'm trying to communicate to you that you don't need to take the other side on every issue.  Sometimes things are black and white.  And your efforts to fight "outrage" and "wokeness" are really just defending people and things that should be held accountable for their behavior or actions.  You don't need to run defense all the time.  If you waited for issues that really did have a second side, not only would when you choose to post things on this board would they matter more and be taken more seriously but your life could be more full not choosing to wake every morning in an attempt to trigger the woke libs.

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I would like to respond to this post, but as i'm being censored and my reply's are being removed. Seems like its an exercise in futility to even try.  

But your post shows ether i'm not communicating very clearly or you can't read or chose to only read the bits that outrage you.

If I get a response to why i am being censored and the powers that be allow me to continue to have my voice. I them will be more then happy to responded to your post and clear up some misconceptions. 

But what i will say is, i'm not angry or upset, i'm just trying to have a conversation. Allowing someone to express a different view than your own seems to not be allowed any more.  




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4 hours ago, KawadaSmile said:

I think it's likely some low waged worker decided to get edgy or had that shitposting mentality locked in.

Yeah as much as I believe WWE is a racist and possibly antisemitic company, I honestly think this is answer: one person or a group of people, whether it's just somebody in the media department or an actual executive, playing a joke at the company's expense. How many times over the decades have we heard stories about someone being ribbed incessantly, often in televised segments and with long-running gimmicks, simply because it made one of these cretins laugh? With the Gunther stuff especially I think it's probably just some producer or writer or whatever making a comment to some friends and that snowballing into this ongoing farce of name changes and video game ratings. The simplest, stupidest answer.

Obviously there's something to be said about how these "innocent jokes" function as dogwhistles but that's not a discussion I think we ought to be having here, really.

Also for what it's worth there were absolutely tweets pointing out the use of the Auschwitz footage the day it aired, four days before the memorial ever made mention of it. This was not a case of a business trumping up some unknown controversy to drive ticket sales.

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4 hours ago, ragemaster said:

Any reason why i'm being censored, maybe a private courtesy message?

Just a word of friendly advice (although something tells me you won't take it that way) - If you're using words like "snowflake" as an insult, you don't sound very intelligent. Adding "grow up" to your reply certainly doesn't help either. I'm not a mod - nor am I really involved in this particular conversation - but if I had to guess, that's probably why your post was deleted.

Lord knows I've gotten into some hot and heavy debates on this forum - many of the good brothers here can attest to that - but I don't resort to childish insults. If you have a strong enough case to back up your point of view, name-calling is never necessary.  


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18 minutes ago, C.S. said:

Just a word of friendly advice (although something tells me you won't take it that way) - If you're using words like "snowflake" as an insult, you don't sound very intelligent. Adding "grow up" to your reply certainly doesn't help either. I'm not a mod - nor am I really involved in this particular conversation - but if I had to guess, that's probably why your post was deleted.



No i take it as friendly advice and i had put a post explaining my feeling with why i said the snowflake comment to Dav'oh. But the whole post was deleted away, 

But his insults are left on the page,

i also said i don't normally aim comments at personal individuals. But people like the above post by Lukeless are aimed at me and are personal, but the mods leave those ones alone.

I also posted a reply to Strobogo which was deleted away, which just addressed the "the Auschwitz Memorial is a business just trying to get attention" is perhaps the wildest take possible on this. Like....what the fuck, guy?"

So my feeling is fuck the mods at the moment, who ever deleted and edited me, they haven't got the decently to even speak to me. Or to give me the same treatment as other users on the board.  

I'm not been racist, homophobic or antisemitic in my posts, but just trying to point out a facts about the situation.

But it seems there is only one view and if you don't share it we will cancel you.:P



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2 hours ago, brockobama said:

Obviously there's something to be said about how these "innocent jokes" function as dogwhistles but that's not a discussion I think we ought to be having here, really.

Also for what it's worth there were absolutely tweets pointing out the use of the Auschwitz footage the day it aired, four days before the memorial ever made mention of it. This was not a case of a business trumping up some unknown controversy to drive ticket sales.

It's either a dogwhistle (likely) or just mindless fuckery by someone who knows enough about Auschwitz, but doesn't know why it would be in poor taste to use it - "hey, it was just, like, a big prison, right?"

Both options have their own flavor of awfulness, to be honest.  

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1 hour ago, ragemaster said:

But it seems there is only one view and if you don't share it we will cancel you.:P

Do you think statements like this are helping you though?

No one on this forum has the power to "cancel" you. That's not a real thing. You're not being cancelled here or elsewhere.

Outlandish claims like this - and "fuck the mods" - really aren't doing you any favors.

I know your name is ragemaster, and maybe you feel like you have to "live the gimmick," but a little less rage would go a long way. 

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6 hours ago, C.S. said:

Do you think statements like this are helping you though?

No one on this forum has the power to "cancel" you. That's not a real thing. You're not being cancelled here or elsewhere.

Outlandish claims like this - and "fuck the mods" - really aren't doing you any favors.

I know your name is ragemaster, and maybe you feel like you have to "live the gimmick," but a little less rage would go a long way. 

Ok C.S, the cancel me was a joke as i thought the tongue sticking out would show i posted that in humor.

The Fuck the Mods was a frustration that i hadn't had a simple curtesy shown me, after that comment i did get a message, so it worked.  

I'm not angry, the name is just a username, no deep anger issues.

But as for being canceled i have been told by a mod I should not talk about Auschwitz anymore and i had some users issue complaints against me. 

So canceled or censored take your pick,

So unless you want to attack Tump or have Mob mentally, debate is not allowed here it seems. Sad world we live in, where people are so offended they cant engage and express that in a well thought out conversation.

I do get Auschwitz can be a sensitive subject, but nothing I've said has attacked the victims or the family's of them. 

I will say my aim is not to distress anyone here, just to have open debate and conversation.  But despite being told snowflake is an insult and it's not helping my cause. It seems people here really are afraid to have open conversation or just don't want to hear something they disagree with. 

So shame on you all, who are so insecure, you can't act like adults anymore

(Will say this above is not aimed at the whole board here, so don't get offended if it doesn't apply to you)  


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24 minutes ago, Coffey said:

Naw, let's not never mind. Ragemaster's new MAGA gimmick fucking sucks & if he keeps it up, just ban his dumb ass. 

Sigh, I live in the UK i Don't get a fuck about The USA politics, Plus his post wasn't even aimed at me you dumb fuck.

Yes ban his ass or put in complaints, as you haven't got the intelligence to have a debate and talk like a rational adult. 



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"I'm not defending WWE against the Auschwitz Memorial BUT

I'm not defending Vickie Guerrero victim blaming her sexually abused daughter BUT

Why am I being cancelled ? / oh it was only a joke

Fuck the mods / oh it was only frustration

I guess you can only criticize Trump here

Grow up insecure snowflakes"

Seriously, it looks like a fucking bingo card. :rolleyes:

Posturing as the one guy being rationale and wanting to have adult discussions would work a whole lot better if you weren't saying the dumbest trashiest dumbfuckery shits like "If I was cynical I would say the Auschwitz Memorial is trying to get attention" or "in 5 years drunken sex will be considered a crime". Ya know... pattern and all, like I said before. Your choice of topics to get heavily involved with, your choice of arguments, your choice of how you addressed people around you. 

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On the topic of this thread, I have a weird feeling that wrestling is still operating on borrowed time, despite this Wrestlemania’s success and the sale. TV is only going to continue to decline over the next few decades, and rights fees are going to slowly dry up as a revenue source, especially if the advertising industry falls off the cliff I’ve seen whispers it may be heading for. Streaming hasn’t really proven itself economically viable as an alternative media ecosystem, and even if it does, part of wrestling’s weird longevity and viability is the *live* nature of it, which is more difficult to generate a sizable premium on in a streaming context. All of which suggests that wrestling may reach an impasse where it’s dependent primarily on ticket sales to fund itself once again, and it seems very questionable to me whether that is even possible anymore, at least on anything like the scale and with the production quality we’re used to. Idk, between this sale and AEW doing Wembley, there are real “JCP is doing so great that we bought an expensive private plane” vibes in the ether.

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Hey El-P 

The problem with your post above, as some of my posts have been censored, is it doesn't paint a full picture when you cherry pic the bits to support your point.

I'm not defending WWE against the Auschwitz Memorial BUT

My whole point here was and has always been The Auschwitz Memorial statement saying 

Exploiting the site that became a symbol of enormous human tragedy is shameless and insults the memory of all victims of Auschwitz.

 I felt this wasn't true and was a overblown response to the situation. I wasn't defending the WWE and I even replied to NintendoLogic, that if it was used on purpose the person responsible should be fired. 

 Vickie Guerrero, as I've said many times the internet not the place for police, judge jury, all i said was we should wait until we have all the facts before we throw her under the bus.

But i also said the IG post panted her in a bad light, so not sure how i'm supporting her.

29 minutes ago, El-P said:

Fuck the mods / oh it was only a joke

 No i said the first post the cancel post was a joke as i had my tongue out.

I stand by Fuck the mods, as after speaking to them it seems my comments upset some of you, but they couldn't tell me what i said wrong or why you was upset. Also i pointed out comments left up attacking me

"I did not intentionally leave up comments that were attacking you, I'm sorry if it appeared that way" By a Mod

But the comments are still there.

29 minutes ago, El-P said:

Posturing as the one guy being rationale and wanting to have adult discussions would work a whole lot better if you weren't saying the dumbest trashiest dumbfuckery shits like "If I was cynical I would say the Auschwitz Memorial is trying to get attention" or "in 5 years drunken sex will be considered a crime". Ya know... pattern and all, like I said before.

The Auschwitz Memorial is trying to get attention wasn't meant in a negative way, it was said to be funny, tongue in cheek.  But all charity's try and should get attention for their work, i never said it was a bad thing.

 in 5 years drunken sex will be considered a crime, 

In most places in the world, going out on a weekend and having a drunk hook up is still the norm, I'm saying that in 5 years that will no longer be the case and sex will have to be between sober adults.   

If you find that offensive please tell me how so?


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Dude, please just shut the fuck up and let it go. The topic of the thread is whether the WWE has intrinsic problems that will undermine its seeming dominance, as well as a free form discussion of the various backstage happenings and dramas that may or may not be indicative of such, not whether your rants are being read charitably enough by the woke mob of PWO. Everybody understands your weird positions, you’re not converting anybody to them, and nobody gives a shit that the mods are censoring you. Go join the Jim Cornette Facebook group if you want to have weird Boomer arguments about whether the Auschwitz Museum is acting proportionally and in good faith. (No hate to Corny, for the record, but I cannot imagine a less attractive corner of the IWC than an official Facebook group for him started in 2023.)

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If I did not engage with you earlier, it's because I found most of your points to be either really bad, missing the mark or at times quite ignorant (which is a polite way of saying "really fucking dumb", especially all the stuff about the sexual abuse case). I totally got all of what you meant the first time around, really, including the "joking parts". 

I did make the first "pattern" comment, which funnily enough you did not get was about you and not WWE (yeah, I'm a tricky bastard and I did it on purpose so it could be understood both ways).

2 minutes ago, Embrodak said:

Go join the Jim Cornette Facebook group if you want to have weird Boomer arguments about whether the Auschwitz Museum is acting proportionally and in good faith. (No hate to Corny, for the record, but I cannot imagine a less attractive corner of the IWC than an official Facebook group for him started in 2023.)

Holy shit ! Now that's pretty fucking rough. The Jim Cornette Facebook group ! Damn, man, you are ruthless. :lol:

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3 minutes ago, El-P said:

If I did not engage with you earlier, it's because I found most of your points to be either really bad, missing the mark or at times quite ignorant (which is a polite way of saying "really fucking dumb", especially all the stuff about the sexual abuse case). I totally got all of what you meant the first time around, really, including the "joking parts". 

I did make the first "pattern" comment, which funnily enough you did not get was about you and not WWE (yeah, I'm a tricky bastard and I did it on purpose so it could be understood both ways).

Holy shit ! Now that's pretty fucking rough. The Jim Cornette Facebook group ! Damn, man, you are ruthless. :lol:

I was actually probably being too mean to Corny, his cohost is Jewish and wouldn’t stand for this foolish line of discussion, but nevertheless.

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20 minutes ago, El-P said:

If I did not engage with you earlier, it's because I found most of your points to be either really bad, missing the mark or at times quite ignorant (which is a polite way of saying "really fucking dumb", especially all the stuff about the sexual abuse case). I totally got all of what you meant the first time around, really, including the "joking parts". 

I did make the first "pattern" comment, which funnily enough you did not get was about you and not WWE (yeah, I'm a tricky bastard and I did it on purpose so it could be understood both ways).

Holy shit ! Now that's pretty fucking rough. The Jim Cornette Facebook group ! Damn, man, you are ruthless. :lol:

Oh no i did get the "patten" Comment when you made it, but also saw it could go both ways. I chose not to rise to the bait it and give it power at the time. 

I still not sure what exactly I've said so dumb or missed the mark, but if you had engaged you could have educated me. 

instead you just throw out insults and don't even respond to what i say.  

(which is a polite way of saying "really fucking dumb", especially all the stuff about the sexual abuse case).

All I've done on that is say wait until the facts are known before we pile in like the justice mob. Pointed out what Vickie said and not try and confuse the issue at hand.   

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