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To me it wasn't so much what Roman said, it's that it was out of nowhere and was seemingly only mentioned by Roman because Punk's presumed debut is the hot thing everyone is talking about and not his Summerslam match. Also saying someone isn't as over as the Rock isn't the burn he seems to think it is considering literally no one else in the history of wrestling was over like the Rock. 

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Also without fail everyone in WWE when talking about someone who's left the company sounds like a jilted ex partner who's totally over it guy, and won't stop talking about how over their ex they are to  the point it's clear they aren't over them at all. 

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Yeah I mean Rock is the biggest movie star in the world. No one in wrestling has ever come close to being that. And while Cena was not a movie star then, he is still wrestling's last great draw, cuz he was the last guy who was allowed to be a great draw. It is obviously an absurd point. The fact that he brought Punk out of nowhere and specifically mentioned those two drawing cards (and didn't call himself a big draw for instance) makes me feel it was a specific company directive to say that. Maybe WWE feel Punk will return and talk about getting shafted at WrestleMania when he deserved a main event, and they feel they need to be ahead of the ball here.

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As for Roman, he said something about Moxley like "Dean sounds happy to be where he is, but if he could have been the man here, he would have been" which honestly is more disappointing, because Reigns knows very well that while his booking was fucked, at least he was featured prominently, and was not treated like a wacko millennial Mankind by Vince. If Roman had received that kind of booking, he would have lost motivation the way Moxley lost motivation too. There's a difference between being misused by losing to Lesnar when you should win, and getting misused by being made to look like a complete joke next to Brock.

The reason I say it is disappointing is because after Mox left, he didn't take any shots at Roman, called him his friend, and talked about how he refused to say something really distasteful about his friend's cancer on air. Like, again, of course Reigns is parroting the company line, but surely you can make an exception for your friends. Doing the old took his ball and went home routine is very tired. 

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To be fair, Mox stated he had a bunch of ideas for the Brock match and he turned them all down. Sure, the company could have stepped in but Brock just didn't see him as a guy he should even pretend to be competitive with and basically sandbagged him. I don't blame WWE for not wanting to risk upsetting Brock since he's the one getting the fat checks, but you can't do that then turn around and say "gee ol' Dean just didn't have what it takes to succeed here". 

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tbh my theory is that Heyman was in Brock's ear and buried Ambrose/Moxley to him. Heyman has never seemed to be too fond of Mox, and I know Mox worked a bit of DGUSA and EVOLVE, but I don't know if he was one of Gabe's guys, and Gabe is Heyman's protege. I might be completelyoff-base, but I have heard Paul E shoots where he isn't very complimentary about Ambrose.

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12 minutes ago, MoS said:

tbh my theory is that Heyman was in Brock's ear and buried Ambrose/Moxley to him. Heyman has never seemed to be too fond of Mox, and I know Mox worked a bit of DGUSA and EVOLVE, but I don't know if he was one of Gabe's guys, and Gabe is Heyman's protege. I might be completelyoff-base, but I have heard Paul E shoots where he isn't very complimentary about Ambrose.

That wouldn't surprise me. Brock always seemed the type of guy willing to do business if the money was right, and it seemed so odd to me that he had such a hard stance against giving Mox anything in their match. 

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I think you guys are over thinking the Brock/Ambrose match, Brock was coming back to the UFC that year. He just wanted a easy payday for mania, before he went back into training for his fight.

He just didn't tell Ambrose the reason why he wasn't invested in that match. Even if Brock was best friends with Ambrose, he wasn't going to put his body at risk for the UFC payday. 

As he was still negotiating and wanted to keep the information private, he just blew Ambrose off rather than tell him the reasons why he was taking an easy night on wrestlemania. 


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Did y'all actually heard the interview? Helwani asks Roman his take on stars from the past coming back part time for big shows and literally mentions Punk feeling some type of way when he was a full time performer (when he complained about Rock). Makes sense to me Roman mentions Punk, Rock and Cena as he answers.

It's typical WWE talk by him and he's not wrong either. he just makes a very obvious statement that not only applies to Punk,  who cares?

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"Punk wasn't over as much as he thought he was" or "Punk wasn't as over as Cena".

i can remember back in 2014 Meltz saying he was told those exact things by .WWE higher ups (sources)

so yeah it was just .Roman parroting what the company line has been for years.

people will probably forget about this tomorrow anyway

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Slightly off topic I guess but I can remember Meltz in late 2013/early 2014 making ominous/cryptic statements about Punk and Bryan not being as over as it seemed on tv. I think wwe probably leaked that to Dave because they knew there would be a fan backlash for Bryan not being scheduled for a main event match for Mania 30 ( or Punk either I guess). They wanted to quell the fan revolt before it started. Didn't work but I think that was their plan 

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2 minutes ago, Strummer said:

Slightly off topic I guess but I can remember Meltz in late 2013/early 2014 making ominous/cryptic statements about Punk and Bryan not being as over as it seemed on tv. I think wwe probably leaked that to Dave because they knew there would be a fan backlash for Bryan not being scheduled for a main event match for Mania 30 ( or Punk either I guess). They wanted to quell the fan revolt before it started. Didn't work but I think that was their plan 

I think that was also when Bryan had the really horrible merch that no one would possibly buy and his inability to move merch was used as justification for not really pushing him more heavily.

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It's def. a case of Roman parroting the company line, even if Punk was a Grumpy Gus he was still right that it's bullshit guys who work all year get bumped off the card for people who work once or twice a year. 

The saltiness probably is still lingering from him telling Hunter to GFY when he offered a match with him as a make good for not getting the main event slot. 

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Punk mad he didn't get the WM main event over Cena/Rock and Roman saying Punk wasn't as big or as popular as Rock or Cena is 100% accurate even if it is also sticking to the company line. Punk/Jericho or Punk/Taker over Rock/Cena as WM main event would have been lol as hell. In the same way as Jericho/HHH over Hogan/Rock or HHH/Orton over HBK/Taker. 

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I don't really care about him taking shots at Punk, Punk's "Make Roman look really REALLY good" didn't exactly help Reigns with the fans back then. I do still think he could have been more gracious about Mox instead of being the good company rep in his friend's case.

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I don't really care about him taking shots at Punk, Punk's "Make Roman look really REALLY good" didn't exactly help Reigns with the fans back then. I do still think he could have been more gracious about Mox instead of being the good company rep in his friend's case.

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