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WWE TV 08/31 - 09/06 Real Big Dog Hours


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Speaking as someone who used to really enjoy NXT I've gradually to now completely stopped watching it since they put it on USA.

WWE admitting defeat is so fucking rare, I'm greatly enjoying the schaudenfreude here.  AEW was kicking their stupid asses, but of course they'll spin it and never admit that

It's clearly the best thing for NXT, but god damn do they need to do some serious work to repair the brand at this point.  It's ice cold with me right now, literally nothing happening there that interests me enough to check out a show after the fact.  I like Thatcher, but as soon as he's getting momentum they kneecap him for no fucking reason.  Lots of talent I like there but they're either stale, overexposed, misused etc etc.  The whole brand needs a makeover right now.  It's no longer developmental, so involve it in the draft and really shake things up with roster turnover.  Move Gable, Ricochet etc. etc. and re-focus them

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Well, that death comparison aged like milk.

  On 9/3/2020 at 4:29 PM, KawadaSmile said:

There is absolutely no reason for Thatcher not to be the NXT Champ.

But then again, there's no reason for him to be in NXT at all.


I've been fantasy booking Thatcher/Cesaro for the better part of the last decade. Please don't crush my dreams.

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  On 9/3/2020 at 5:08 PM, Rah said:

Well, that death comparison aged like milk.

I've been fantasy booking Thatcher/Cesaro for the better part of the last decade. Please don't crush my dreams.


Thatcher would kick so much ass on that SD roster. Not only Gulak and Riddle are there, but guys like Roman, Gable, Big E and even Corbin would have great matches with him.

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  On 9/3/2020 at 10:23 PM, C.S. said:

Can't help but think you're all going to be very disappointed when Thatcher is called up to the main roster.

After winning a starter feud with Ziggler or Corbin, he's going to be an opening card guy.


Can't say for sure. Riddle and Lee are being positioned as upper midcarders or main eventers. Vince seems to be really high on both of them. If he sees something in Thatcher, he's pretty much set.

Hell, if Daniel Bryan sees something in him, he's in a good position.

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  On 9/4/2020 at 7:21 AM, cm funk said:

Yea, that's worked out great for Gulak......

I don't consider anyone in a particularly good position in WWE these days quite frankly.  Orton and Reigns I guess....who else?  AJ and Bryan are bulletproof.  Other than that? 


He had a fun little feud against AJ and DB until Bryan disappeared. Can't say he was in a bad spot at that time. Who knows what they would've done with Gulak had Daniel stuck around.

Also this 4 way is a match that at least adds some intrigue due to how many options they have. 

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  On 9/3/2020 at 4:51 PM, KawadaSmile said:

the chad roman reigns vs the incel braun strowman


How do you come up with / believe such numbers? I mean even if you don't trust the testing numbers at all, one look at https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm#dashboard should tell you everything you need to know.

True story: When all COVID-hell started to break loose, my boss argued with the excess deaths statistics that this is all just fake news. When one or two weeks later there were significant spikes in the graph starting to show up, he came up with the weirdest explanations about the number, basically in a "the cure is worse than the illness" kind-of-way, ignoring that countries with a high number of cases had a fittingly high excess death, even if they a have good public health system.

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To be fair, AoP never got going because of badly timed injuries. I thought they were fitting really good as Seth Rollins' muscle in the early stages of the Monday Night Messiah gimmick.

Bold prediction: I think AoP will end up with Major League Wrestling. I don't know why, just got that feeling.

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