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I guess... I just can't put myself in the mindset of someone who would be offended by it. 'Faggot' I can at least understand the furore over (even if they're not conciously meaning it in the homosexual sense which I don't think Kobe/Noah etc were... 'Woman Is The Nigger Of The World' isn't a racist song after all), or if he'd called her a 'dyke' or whatever... the soccer player Wayne Rooney had something fairly similar recently where he celebrated a goal by swearing into the camera. I don't see how it's offensive other than for the sake of being offended.


Now, given the climate, I agree UFC should do something about it... but I fucking hate the climate ;).

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That's not quite right. Dave did kind of blow off the Quinton Jackson motorboating Karen Bryant because she was comfortable with it, which would be fair enough if Quinton didn't have a track record of similar behaviour with female interviewers that weren't as appreciative. But he did say the criticism of Rogan was deserved. I get the sense that Dave is so used to Dana and Rogan's nature that he can't muster much outrage for the situation.


I'm just amazed how Joe Rogan didn't learn from his "f*****" mistake. Is it that difficult to avoid using offensive words on message boards when you're a public figure?

Yeah, I wasn't clear. Sorry. Dave was basically saying that if an announcer in a "real sport" did that they'd be canned immediately. That's what made me think, "Wait, what?"

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I took it as more of a knock on Spike than anything else. He was just pointing out how different the mindset is there, any other announcer for any other major sport would have been fired n a heartbeat because they're on major networks with advertising worth billions. UFC gets away with having one of their main announcers repeatedly calling female reporters cunts because Spike's the Manly Man Network for Men who are Manly and somehow it's like "well of course someone on that channel would talk like that".


Frankly, I'm surprised they haven't done something with him before. Dana's so concerned with UFC becoming an accepted mainstream sport, you'd think he'd make sure one of the voices of the company isn't someone prone to random, intense, lashouts at women. Go on YouTube and search for him responding to hecklers while doing his comedy act. A lot are female, and while being heckled is lame and the people doing it should get verbally smacked down, he seems to use each time as an opportunity to vent his frustrations on women. I get the feeling he's going to be the UFC equivalent of someone pulling up the Trish Barking Like a Dog segment when they want to embarrass WWE.

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I'm still intrigued by the "if it was a real sport" line. Yes, it being on SPIKE is a factor, everything you said there seems dead on.

But does Dave consider MMA to not actually be a sport? I know all the "it's the same as wrestling" stuff. It's pretty much been a major thing we all make fun of and have kinda just went, "Whatever" about. But I never heard or read Dave refer to it as "not a real sport" compared to the NFL, NBA, NHL, etc. I always got the impression that he felt it was just as "real" as "real" sports, given the popularity and the fact that , y'know...it IS a real sport.

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I haven't heard the audio in question, but it seems Dave was using "not a real sport" the same way various MMA media outlets were using it, including Sherdog this past week to describe Rogan's embarrassing posts or Josh Gross in the past when describing questionable behavior from the UFC. He seems to be using it along the lines that a major professional sporting organization would have actual consequences for its athletes or broadcasters uttering homophobic, racial and sexist terms (like the recent examples of Joakim Noah and Kobe Bryant). While the UFC pretty much allows its fighters to use awful homophobic and sexist terms on a regular basis with no repercussions, which isn't surprising considering the awful Dana White rant on Loretta Hunt a few years ago.




Dave was basically saying that if an announcer in a "real sport" did that they'd be canned immediately. That's what made me think, "Wait, what?"

This was basically a talking point in the MMA media this past week, from lots of different people (who have zero connection to professional wrestling).

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From the Savage Bio part 2, on a fight between Savage and a fan in Nashville:


They ended up on the ground punching and kicking and screaming in front of this old school giant juke box. The police were called, being told by the employees that their friend was in a fight with the crazy wrestler Randy Savage. It should be noted that wrestling was huge on television in the city, and everyone knew Savage, and most people in town thought he was crazy. The cowboy then pulled a knife on Savage.


Savage saw the knife, leap frogged over the counter, and grabbed a kitchen knife. At about this point, sirens were blazing signaling the police being about to arrive. The cowboy, hearing the sirens and seeing Savage with a knife of his own, ran out the door. Two police officers, who recognized him immediately, came into the Waffle House and Savage started cutting a promo, complete with "Oooh yeah, can you dig it." The staff said that Savage started it. They tried to arrest Savage, but Savage started yelling how the other guy started it and he was the victim. They tried to arrest him, but he wasn't being cooperative. At this point Savage started fighting the police officers while a crowd gathered. They couldn't overpower him and get the handcuffs on. So they decided to pepper spray him. One officer pulled out the spray, as another officer held Savage. If you've ever seen a wrestling spot, well, Savage ducked and you can predict what happened next.

Now THAT is a professional wrestling story.

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Last week on 4FD, Konnan was the guest and he asked if Terry Taylor being fired from TNA was about the sexual harrassment case. The he went on about how Taylor already was involved in such things in the past but always went through the net. Anybody knows about this ? It was reported that Taylor was a weasel and a stooge before, but that's the first I hear of sexual harrassment.

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Ok, I know Dave didn't write this, and I do get what they were actually trying to say..but how funny is this latest poll at the WO site?


What was the biggest news story in March?

Dan Henderson beats Feijao to win Strikeforce title

Daichi Hashimoto debuts

Bellator starts season

UFC purchases Strikeforce

Jeff Hardy in no condition to perform against Sting

Jon Jones wins UFC light heayvweight title

Superstars canceled by WGN

Earthquake and other problems destroy Japan, affect industry

Cena-Rock build for Mania

Sir Oliver Humperdink passes away

Nik Lentz wins, avoids firing once again

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Oh, I'd say it's definitely less now. I've been watching the Nitro dvd the last few days. It's funny how, as it progresses, you can see a huge boom in the number of signs in the audience. I mean, in 95 there's a small handful. By '98, everyone has one. Anyway, my point is that most of those signs have some kind of "smarky", insider comment on them. It did (at least) seem like more people were following the backstage stuff online then more than any other time.

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Here's the thing I never could understand: Raw is pretty much guaranteed a 3.0 rating. I'm not as well versed in how many people that actually works out as, but of those x people, surely 95% have internet access at this point? And if they watch week-in and week-out, surely they'd look up wrestling on the internet? I mean, I know we, as in the people on this board, are in a very small minority of fans, but, even if we assume the majority of the fans are kids, there has to be a percentage much higher than 10 who're following the "behind-the-scenes" news, etc...

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I have a group of 10-12 buddies that come over for PPV's and the like and everything they know about what goes on behind the scenes is from what I tell them. These guys have jobs and families and only watch wrestling for entertainment and don't care enough to look up wrestling news on the internet.

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I think the reach is expanding for sure, though. I've had a friend who I've known a long time who used to not know anything as far as scoops go, I mean he just enjoyed wrestling as a "thing to watch on TV" level. I went to his house for the Royal Rumble this year, though, and he knew all about the Booker T and Kevin Nash surprises, so I think on some level, fans are "smarter" about scoops and such than they used to be.

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