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I must say I am far more interested in the website warz between PWInsider and F4WOnline than the onscreen reveal. Dave Meltzer's reporting of the situation in the newsletter and on this morning's radio show has been....something else. Especially the last paragraph of the Jericho story in the latest Observer.

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I'm sick of people pointing to Jeff Hardy and Sin Cara as proof of the credibility of the wellness policy. When they suspend HHH, Undertaker, Nash, or Cena and publicize the results, then it has credibility.

You should see the discussion about the Wellness Policy over on DVDVR. I question Mason Ryan and how he can be legit, while Evan Bourne gets suspended for "spice" and I'm told things like this:


I think a majority of violations haven't been for steroids. Most have been for some kind of drug related issue. So when people got all up in arms about Evan Bourne getting popped and not Mason Ryan, it wasn't like Bourne was getting hit with steroids while Ryan wasn't. And people are still trying to make that point when Bourne's violation wasn't for steroids. If/when he gets busted for steroids and Mason Ryan doesn't, then people can complain about it being unfair. Until then, the Ryan/Bourne argument is nonsense.

I couldn't tell if it was a troll or not, honestly. I thought he was fucking with people. So then I mention Sin Cara, because he was suspended for steroids:


Could it be that somehow, some insane genetics, that Mason Ryan isn't on steroids and that's why he isn't testing positive for them?

Ha-Ha! There was also someone that tried to make the point that the only reason people care is because Evan Bourne is a smark favorite and Mason Ryan isn't but that doesn't have a damn thing to do with it.


“two words: public relations." - Vince McMahon's Testimony to the Waxman committee

Sums it up, really.

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I figure the credibility goes out the window (for a magnitude of reasons really) because it's obvious that the performers, at the very least, know when the tests are. I don't think there's any random testing going on. That way the wrestlers using performance-enhancers can have their cycles coincide with the tests. It seems like the only time anyone pisses hot is when WWE is mad at them for something and trying to make a point.

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After writing eight paragraphs strongly saying that Jericho was definitely not going back, and explaining the reasons why he felt that way:


If this changes and he does decide to come in, I don’t expect anything to come out because Jericho had already stated his feelings that if he were to return that he wouldn’t want anyone to know ahead of time and for it to be a surprise.

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I'm sick of people pointing to Jeff Hardy and Sin Cara as proof of the credibility of the wellness policy. When they suspend HHH, Undertaker, Nash, or Cena and publicize the results, then it has credibility.

Jeff Hardy's suspension was almost four years ago when the company was still on edge about the congressional interviews. That means nothing about the credibility of the policy *today*, especially when Jeff was busted for steroids and pain pills shortly after his WWE run ended over a year later. Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara were clearly cases of screwing with guys they were unhappy with.

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Meltz was jacked in that black shirt

It was pre-wellness policy ;)



Joking aside, I often wonder if Dave ever dabbled in any pharmaceuticals when he was hanging and banging with his workout bros back in the day. It seems pretty clear from the stories he's told that they at the very least educated him on steroids, and obviously a lot of photos of him in the 80s-early 90s show him being pretty jacked.

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Meltz was jacked in that black shirt

It was pre-wellness policy ;)



Joking aside, I often wonder if Dave ever dabbled in any pharmaceuticals when he was hanging and banging with his workout bros back in the day. It seems pretty clear from the stories he's told that they at the very least educated him on steroids, and obviously a lot of photos of him in the 80s-early 90s show him being pretty jacked.


Pure speculation on my part, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least. Hanging with that kind of crew in that era, one could easily envision Dave experimenting with roids a bit.


More importantly, he's rocking Zubaz pants.

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