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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Why do they keep closing down a developmental fed in one place, only to open an identical one elsewhere? In OVW, Deep South, and now FCW they basically did the same shit over and over again. What does Stamford have that Louisville, Atlanta, and Tampa don't? (Except for much higher cost-of-living prices which will inevitably fuck over the underpaid young trainees, of course.)

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I sure hope WWE is just moving developmental somewhere and not shutting it down, as they've threatened to do in the past. I think having a developmental territory nearby is good if HHH or others who work out of Connecticut plan on being more hands-on with the territory, so there are positives to be had with developmental based near WWE HQ.

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So I've been watching CMLL on a regular basis for over a year now since we got the Hispanic channel package up here, and I have to wonder why they keep using Porky as much as they do. It's one thing if it was an occasional "special attraction" type deal, but it seems like he's on nearly every card these days. I realize the family connections and how there's at least 3 members of his family getting at least somewhat pushed, but watching him in the ring is getting scary. He's always been kind of a lucha Buddy Rose in the sense that even when he got morbidly obese he could still work fairly well for someone his size, but now when he gets whipped in the ropes it seems like it takes 10 minutes for him to get to the other side. Almost every move the opposing team does on him has to be a double team, and even then sometimes they have a hard time getting him up.


He's been big for a while, and I know they've run angles based off it before, but he's looking more and more like a ticking time bomb.

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  Blehschmidt said:

So on RAW during a Kane/Big Show match, a masked man wearing a dress shirt stood up in the crowd, ripped off the shirt and then the mask, revealing Shane Douglas. He then got a section of the arena chanting ECW, before hauling ass out of the arena as security started to converge.


Interesting way to promote his Extreme Reunion show.

I saw the video. I don't know how it was perceived in the arena (let us consider for a moment, that a good chunk of WWE's audience wasn't even born when the company folded) but on TV it looked very awkward and fleeting, especially given the timing.

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  flyonthewall2983 said:
  Blehschmidt said:

So on RAW during a Kane/Big Show match, a masked man wearing a dress shirt stood up in the crowd, ripped off the shirt and then the mask, revealing Shane Douglas. He then got a section of the arena chanting ECW, before hauling ass out of the arena as security started to converge.


Interesting way to promote his Extreme Reunion show.

I saw the video. I don't know how it was perceived in the arena (let us consider for a moment, that a good chunk of WWE's audience wasn't even born when the company folded) but on TV it looked very awkward and fleeting, especially given the timing.


He should've done it during a promo segment. At least he would've had a shot at avoiding the camera changes then.
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  Bix said:
  flyonthewall2983 said:
  Blehschmidt said:

So on RAW during a Kane/Big Show match, a masked man wearing a dress shirt stood up in the crowd, ripped off the shirt and then the mask, revealing Shane Douglas. He then got a section of the arena chanting ECW, before hauling ass out of the arena as security started to converge.


Interesting way to promote his Extreme Reunion show.

I saw the video. I don't know how it was perceived in the arena (let us consider for a moment, that a good chunk of WWE's audience wasn't even born when the company folded) but on TV it looked very awkward and fleeting, especially given the timing.


He should've done it during a promo segment. At least he would've had a shot at avoiding the camera changes then.

Yeah, he should've waited till Hunter and Shawn's promo segment! :)

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  Blehschmidt said:

I met Shane in December, and while we were chatting I asked him how he felt about his former partner being on television again. His response was "proof that wearing a nice suit and sucking every ass above you will get you money, power, and no dignity."

He's about right on the money, sadly.

You should have asked about what he thinks of Ric Flair blading on TV at 60, selling his Hof watch, owing money to Highspots and being complete embarrasment in general.

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Steve Keirn says it's not true that they're shutting down and that the WWE will be making a statement saying as such today. I personally think it'd be funnier if it was true, and they just hadn't gotten around to telling the boys at FCW yet.


Of course it's not the first time it's been reported that the WWE is dropping their developmental league. Keller said the same thing back in '03, that they were dumping OVW to start one in New England.

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  El-P said:
  Blehschmidt said:

I met Shane in December, and while we were chatting I asked him how he felt about his former partner being on television again. His response was "proof that wearing a nice suit and sucking every ass above you will get you money, power, and no dignity."

He's about right on the money, sadly.

You should have asked about what he thinks of Ric Flair blading on TV at 60, selling his Hof watch, owing money to Highspots and being complete embarrasment in general.


We talked about that too. I believe the words he used were "fucking sad." He also was talking about how Dixie Carter may be the single biggest money mark in the long history of money marks.

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  Blehschmidt said:

I met Shane in December, and while we were chatting I asked him how he felt about his former partner being on television again. His response was "proof that wearing a nice suit and sucking every ass above you will get you money, power, and no dignity."

Which is probably better than how Shane ended up, with no money, no power, and after last night's stunt, definitely no dignity.
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Naylor tossed this up on fb:





WWE EVP Triple H refutes false reports of FCW's closing


Monday night, an unreliable online news source published an erroneous report that WWE was shutting down operations of our developmental facility, Florida Championship Wrestling (FCW). In order to set the record straight, WWE.com interviewed WWE’s Executive Vice President of Talent, Paul Levesque (also known as WWE Superstar Triple H) to address this issue.


“It is absolutely not true. FCW is not closing,” Triple H said. “I don’t know how the rumor started but I believe it’s a situation where the ‘dirt sheets’ want to believe they have the scoop on everything. If anything, we are in the process of ramping up our entire developmental system. It’s the lifeblood of our company. It’s what feeds our future and in no way are we going to close it down.”


Levesque also addressed plans to relocate training or FCW TV tapings out of its home of Tampa, Fla.


“There are plans in the works, but nothing definitive I can discuss right now,” he said. “Shortly after WrestleMania, there will be a major announcement about our developmental system.”


He continued, “WWE’s developmental system is being revamped, not shut down. If anything, it’s going to get bigger and better than ever. WWE Developmental cultivates the future talent of WWE. By no means is it going to get smaller or shut down.”

What was on the WON site:



Officials from WWE told Bright House Sports network today, which airs the FCW shows in Florida, that they are closing down the promotion and will not be doing anymore television after the final three shows taped last week air.


WWE officials told Bright House Sports that they are folding the promotion, closing the gym, and moving everyone to Stamford, CT for the time being until they figure out what they are going to do with developmental.


Those in WWE also heard news today and were given the impression the company was going to do developmental out of Conneticut and possibly open a second developmental territory.

Basically the WON is saying that "FCW" is being closed down in Florida and moved to Stamford (or potentially somewhere else).


Trip didn't deny that this could be happening.


The WON item indicated that the WWE is ramping up development (possibly opening a second territory).


Trip indicates that the WWE is ramping up development.


Basically Trip's issued a non-denial denial.


I hope that folks in Florida aren't reading Trip's comments to mean that they'll be staying in Florida, or that Trip shot down the dirtsheets.



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  jdw said:

Bix: what's MKJ saying on this? He's often been more dialed into the WWE than Dave is.

Gong by what I've seen pasted in the F4W board thread, sort of a fleshed out version of the Triple H claim, with some people extrapolating from everything that what's really happening is FCW surviving with some changes that include a new TV outlet and new TV show shot at Sunlife University's gym, plus a new territory opening elsewhere to make the roster size manageable.


WWE does some weird shit but I don't see the point in lying to the talent about this.

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In a period of tremondous economic, political, social and technological change it is heartening to know Low Ki is still Low Ki. Below is a recap of his interview on the F4W site



Came across like an asshole to me throughout the entire interview with Bryan. Threatening to shoot on people if they were green. Talking about how NOW it's easier to be a pro wrestler as anyone could just take a few classes, pretending like 1998 was a different world in regards to wrestling schools. ****ting on FCW guys apart from Sheamus. Calling Punk & Bryan NON-Champions because they're not headlining Wrestlemania (obviously not understanding that Rock is the draw this year).


We get it, you throw SHOOT kicks in a WORKED environment, GOOD FOR YOU.

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  Bix said:

Ok, I have to listen to this, especially since he pretty much cemented his rep recently with the Ahtu match.

He was also coughing every 5 minutes as his toughman voice was making him hoarse.


  Dr. Reverend Victator said:

What happened there?

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So who are the manager (who pushed Ahtu out of the corner) and the ref (who didn't stop the match with a "knockout" finish to keep Ahtu from more damage)? Granted... Ki is the same asshole he's always been in the ring. But those two were total cocksuckers.



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