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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Ford is a crazy person. But as someone far, far the fuck away from Toronto I find him entertaining. I'd hate him if I actually lived there I think.

Ive heard a lot of pundits say that he would be more suited to a place like Calgary but honestly he is more of a bizarre comical conservative figure who is straight out of a parody movie.


Alberta seems like a place that takes their conservatism *ahem* seriously for the most part.


Anyway, this is pro wrestling only so I will change the subject to something more Canadian and post this.


This is verbatim from something a friend emailed me. I am not sure if the non press release text is his or not.


Montreal-based Top Of The World Wrestling, promoted by Sylvain Grenier, has announced last night that they have come to an agreement with RDS (Which airs all of the Montreal Canadiens' games, the largest french speaking sports network in the world.) on a TV deal which will see their shows being aired in the traditional Quebec wrestling timeslot, on Sunday mornings. The first tapings will be on September 28th. Raymond Rougeau (that's a slap in the face of his brother...) and Pierre-Carl Ouellet will be the announcers. Rougeau is a great announcer, PCO not quite so much.

Here is the official press release, in French.

Je suis très heureux et honoré d'annoncer que MM Raymond Rougeau et Pier Carl Ouellet (PCO) sont membres de la famille de la TOW. Raymond Rougeau sera animateur a la description en compagnie de PCO qui lui ajoutera ces analyses colorées lors des émissions de la TOW à RDS2 dont les enregistrements auront lieu le 28 septembre prochain, les billets seront disponibles d'ici quelques jours entre autre sur ticketpro.com

I'm flabbergasted that an indy from Quebec got back on TV, and it wasn't Rougeau Gym. Oh well, maybe Jacques will allow his boys to work for TOW....probably not.

As far as the roster goes, from the top of my head that you would know... you have Sylvain Grenier of course, former IWS champ Dru Onyx, former Rougeau Gym standouts Eric Mastrocola and Handsome JF, Sexxxy Eddy and Darkko. I would expect them to bring in Steen and LuFisto, and more former Rougeau Gym guys. 

Hell, I know for a fact that JJ Rougeau and his dad are estranged at the moment, and that JJ is on a sabbathical from wrestling. That would be a MAJOR coup for them.

Hey, I just realized this might be ctrl+c'd from the WON, which I dont read. If it is sorry, take it down!

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Wow, this is cool! As someone who's supported the indys in Quebec City and Monteal for years, it's a DAMN good thing Jacques' promotion didn't get the deal. His product is no good, as it's overly-famiy-oriented spotfests with little storytelling (think the worst of the PG-era turned up to 11). Plus he's a dumbass spotlight-hogging, high-spending, business-exposing carny, fuck'em. His brother Ray and Rick Martel are 10 times the role models/spokesmen for the biz he could ever hope to be.


summary: I don't like this Rougeau feller.

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It makes me sad that this match has probably never been seen and will most likely never be seen by most hardcore wrestling fans. It's a shame such an incredible wrestling match will probably never get its proper due because of the lack of interest in Joshi these days. Please seek this out if you haven't seen it.

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Workers should probably do more of that especially in this age of easy access to digital video (my pretty basic 5 year old camera can still take video), and how easy putting video on disk is. I think the guys that make it out of this gen will be ones that take advantage of little things like that to help sell themselves. This will always be a business where especially at the lower levels, the ability to self-promote is important.

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Good goin' FLIK, nice to see you having a good time with it all

Thanks, wrestled twice on the show today, singles match & 10 man elimination.


0 for 3 this weekend, in less then 24 hours i've lost matches via chair shot, a side walk slam and an ass smash to the head :(


Workers should probably do more of that especially in this age of easy access to digital video (my pretty basic 5 year old camera can still take video), and how easy putting video on disk is. I think the guys that make it out of this gen will be ones that take advantage of little things like that to help sell themselves. This will always be a business where especially at the lower levels, the ability to self-promote is important.

Most I know just have their shit on youtube for easy access, don't know too many who bother putting their matches on disk. Around here most shows are taped by the promotion so they can get a copy & those that aren't guys will just have someone film their matches on a cell phone or whatever


Tried to tape mine today but I forgot to charge the battery

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I don't know why, but I cannot stop watching Total Divas. It is by far the most fake "reality" show I've ever seen and still I can't look away, lol.


This past episode takes the cake. John Cena: Renaissance Man, teaching Nikki Chinese (WTF), drinking whine discussing his framed picture of FDR, Stalin and Churchill and telling Nikki who is who and then giving her advice about reconnecting with her estranged father, something that Bree, her own sister, couldn't do by the way.


The Funkadactyls and Nattie's storylines were just as transparent. With that said, I will still watch next week. I hate myself.

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I don't know why, but I cannot stop watching Total Divas. It is by far the most fake "reality" show I've ever seen and still I can't look away, lol.


This past episode takes the cake. John Cena: Renaissance Man, teaching Nikki Chinese (WTF), drinking whine discussing his framed picture of FDR, Stalin and Churchill and telling Nikki who is who and then giving her advice about reconnecting with her estranged father, something that Bree, her own sister, couldn't do by the way.


The Funkadactyls and Nattie's storylines were just as transparent. With that said, I will still watch next week. I hate myself.

If they found a way to book Cena on Raw the way he is on Total Divas, he wouldn't get booed.

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I don't know why, but I cannot stop watching Total Divas. It is by far the most fake "reality" show I've ever seen and still I can't look away, lol.


This past episode takes the cake. John Cena: Renaissance Man, teaching Nikki Chinese (WTF), drinking whine discussing his framed picture of FDR, Stalin and Churchill and telling Nikki who is who and then giving her advice about reconnecting with her estranged father, something that Bree, her own sister, couldn't do by the way.


The Funkadactyls and Nattie's storylines were just as transparent. With that said, I will still watch next week. I hate myself.

Love Total Divas. Like the returning Saturday Morning Slam I hope it runs and runs.

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After the match, Joey Styles said that ECW had trademarked the show name "When Worlds Collide" and WCW wanted to use it for the co-promoted PPV they did with AAA. So instead of monetary compensation, he got the one night usage of Arn and Bobby.


I find that story a bit suspect though, as I always assumed that the show was called "When Worlds Collide" because wrestlers from WCW were going to be in ECW

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The settlement Joey mentioned led to Sullivan, Sherri, & Pillman (subbing for Austin) working the show two weeks after November To Remember. I honestly have no idea how Arn & Eaton came in, unless it was part of the initial deal to get Cactus Jack.

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The show that Anderson & Eaton worked was called "When World Collide" and it happened like 6 months before the WCW promoted AAA When Worlds Collide show, and like Bix said Heyman threatening litigation led to Pillman coming in and working a show (and I think he initially tried to get Flair, then it was Austin who got hurt before the show, and they ended up with Pillman), so that story is suspect. Heyman was tight with Sullivan and Sullivan had just started booking WCW around the time they got Anderson & Eaton for a show, and IIRC Funk was already splitting time at that point, it's possible it was some kind of working relationship deal that Heyman and Styles kayfabed for the sake of the rebel ECW gimmick. Sullivan on his shoots talks about how when he was booking he was in regular contact with Heyman, and would call him up to give him advance warning when it looked like WCW was going to sign one of his guys, and how Woman going there was basically something he had brokered with Paul because WCW wasn't using her at the time. Heyman also kayfabed his dealings with Vince for years, and Cornette was sort of in the same boat where he was dealing with both promotions at the same time.

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