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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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I've gotten great feedback for my after-the-fact Observer Award posts in the 1990 and '91 Yearbook sections. Those were posted when the sets were still new and when those sections were probably were being more closely watched. 1992 is now up in the General Thoughts post, and since it's coming a year-plus after the set was released I figured I'd give some people a heads-up in a more visible location.

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For all the criticism WWE gets for telling the fans what they want instead of listening to them at times, CMLL continues to baffle me. First they piss off the largest house they ever drew by not giving them the Atlantis-Ultimo Guererro match they all paid to see, and now they don't call an audible and have Porky win the Super Libre+ hair match last night. Both guys have lost hair matches before, and it would have been a great feel good moment after the guy's brother just died a few days ago.

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Right....so I have never seen any WWE from 2002 and stopped watching pretty much at the end of last century, so I decide to watch Summerslam 2002. Really nice card...but one thing has thrown me completely.....who is this Undertaker? What on earth is going on! I don't understand! Dont like this gimmick at all.

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Right....so I have never seen any WWE from 2002 and stopped watching pretty much at the end of last century, so I decide to watch Summerslam 2002. Really nice card...but one thing has thrown me completely.....who is this Undertaker? What on earth is going on! I don't understand! Dont like this gimmick at all.

Biker Taker came about towards the end of his Ministry of Darkness run and then was established properly at Judgment Day 2000 and beyond. I can't recall many great Biker Taker matches but the heel promos were pretty great and he was a tremendous dick to Flair and The Hardys. Ah yeah, the Jeff Hardy/Taker Ladder match on Raw was enjoyable with a great tease of a Hardy victory. I assume he's turned face by Summerslam 02 as he'll be transitioning to the Lesnar program (the HITC match is a good WWE brawl if you're interested). So yeah, he was basically a 7 foot biker who chewed tobacco, threw people into popcorn machines and threw out some great one-liners. Great heel, not so great babyface. He turned back to "Deadman" Taker at Mania XX.

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Right....so I have never seen any WWE from 2002 and stopped watching pretty much at the end of last century, so I decide to watch Summerslam 2002. Really nice card...but one thing has thrown me completely.....who is this Undertaker? What on earth is going on! I don't understand! Dont like this gimmick at all.

Biker Taker came about towards the end of his Ministry of Darkness run and then was established properly at Judgment Day 2000 and beyond. I can't recall many great Biker Taker matches but the heel promos were pretty great and he was a tremendous dick to Flair and The Hardys. Ah yeah, the Jeff Hardy/Taker Ladder match on Raw was enjoyable with a great tease of a Hardy victory. I assume he's turned face by Summerslam 02 as he'll be transitioning to the Lesnar program (the HITC match is a good WWE brawl if you're interested). So yeah, he was basically a 7 foot biker who chewed tobacco, threw people into popcorn machines and threw out some great one-liners. Great heel, not so great babyface. He turned back to "Deadman" Taker at Mania XX.


Thanks! I have only ever known him as being the dead man, so as you can imagine, it was a complete shock.

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In retrospect I enjoyed the "Biker Taker" run. It was hit and miss at times, but there was some really fun stuff in there. Taker being "normal" and cutting angry promos was pretty cool, and he was really great as a badass "this is my yard" heel. He had some good matches in that stretch too.


I think him coming out at the end of the Ironman match was "holy shit it's Taker!" at the time, but kind of kills that match for me in retrospect. Shitty finish to a great match. It was cool in the moment, but it doesn't really hold up. The first few months of Biker Taker were awkward, but he got into a groove eventually. I personally loved the buried alive match between him and Vince, and the buildup to him returning as the Dead Man

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Right....so I have never seen any WWE from 2002 and stopped watching pretty much at the end of last century, so I decide to watch Summerslam 2002. Really nice card...but one thing has thrown me completely.....who is this Undertaker? What on earth is going on! I don't understand! Dont like this gimmick at all.

Biker Taker came about towards the end of his Ministry of Darkness run and then was established properly at Judgment Day 2000 and beyond. I can't recall many great Biker Taker matches but the heel promos were pretty great and he was a tremendous dick to Flair and The Hardys. Ah yeah, the Jeff Hardy/Taker Ladder match on Raw was enjoyable with a great tease of a Hardy victory. I assume he's turned face by Summerslam 02 as he'll be transitioning to the Lesnar program (the HITC match is a good WWE brawl if you're interested). So yeah, he was basically a 7 foot biker who chewed tobacco, threw people into popcorn machines and threw out some great one-liners. Great heel, not so great babyface. He turned back to "Deadman" Taker at Mania XX.


He turned babyface around Vengeance, when it was built around the triple threat between The Rock, Kurt Angle and Undertaker. Taker and Angle had a match on Smackdown that was inconclusive and in addition to the respect he showed Jeff Hardy in that ladder match, he just turned naturally. His babyface run was sort of ruined due to the fact he wasn't willing to play ball with Brock Lesnar and it showed in the program. He came across as selfish as Triple H did on Raw during the same time. It was not a good fall for up and comers in the main event.

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Biker Taker found a groove as a heel, but the early babyface days were pretty rough. I still remember him announcing to Vince that Linda had signed him to a new contract by saying "i'm gonna get paid a whole lotta money to kick yo stank ass". I cringed. In spirit, the character wasn't more than an Austin clone who rode a motorcycle....or the lost member of DOA.

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Cawthorn's book looks great, may have to get it.

It's the website, only organized all in one place (this is not a negative!) and it is easy to follow. Small print, yes, but the layout is solid.


Oh man, that's so awesome. If that's cheapish in any way, shape or form, it's the next thing I'm buying.

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Cawthorn's book looks great, may have to get it.

It's the website, only organized all in one place (this is not a negative!) and it is easy to follow. Small print, yes, but the layout is solid.


Oh man, that's so awesome. If that's cheapish in any way, shape or form, it's the next thing I'm buying.


Picked this up too. Well worth it as nice to be able to quickly able to check on something.

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