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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Didn't know Luke Perry is a wrestling fan.

I remember he showed up on Smackdown in 2006 in a Diva Search segment, always found that random but great.


Yeah, I randomly came across a Luke Perry Grantland thing where he talks to Simmons about wrestling and the first time he saw Kevin Sullivan.


What celebrities do we know are big time wrestling fans or grew up on territories?


Obviously there is people like Billy Corgan (Smashing Pumpkins), and others, like members of ZZ Top who like WWE, but do we know of celebs who are fans of older things?


There's obvious ones like Bob Mould and Lars Frederickson


Lots of professional athletes are or were at one point big wrestling fans


RZA, Method Man and several other Wu-Tang members were big WWF fans growing up in the NYC area. There's actually a lot of rappers who reference 80's wrestling stuff in their lyrics

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Dory Funk Jr. and Terry Funk, combined age 141 years, are wrestling for All Japan on the 27th. I can only think of Moolah and Mae Young who have a bigger combined age. Any others who are 140+ years combined?

And here they are:


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Good lord. Dory is only 2 years older than Terry. I know that he's always looked older than Terry, but Dory looks about 90 there.


Like I said on DVDVR, is that what Flair will look like in ten years?

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On the LAW Meltzer said that there is a Hall of Fame bio in this week's issue. Any ideas?

Just one? I find that odd. I would have guessed multiple people would be getting in this year for sure.


Would the results be out already for the 2013 ballot?


Maybe he is doing one from a previous ballot?


He made a vague reference to the "Hall of Fame issue" in the weekend F4W/WO episode. Considering many of the historical bios have been heavily guided/handled by others, it's always possible that there will be more than one bio.


Regarding the Rey comments, maybe he just feels that once Rey is done with his WWE contract, he's pretty clear the important portion of his wrestling career will be done. Or it could be because putting things like WWE's Mexico expansion into perspective is going to hinge heavily on how they use Rey in this (persumably) final WWE period. Or it's the dirt like you said.

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Regarding the Rey comments, maybe he just feels that once Rey is done with his WWE contract, he's pretty clear the important portion of his wrestling career will be done. Or it could be because putting things like WWE's Mexico expansion into perspective is going to hinge heavily on how they use Rey in this (persumably) final WWE period. Or it's the dirt like you said.

When Rey was inducted in 2010 Dave said he was looking to meet up with Rey and it would out at the end of the year that got changed to waiting after his retirement/when he is done with WWE.


When Rey's WWE book came out and everyone was shitting on the low word count, large font surface level book that glossed over his career. Dave did a run in the thread and said it would a FAR more interesting book if he wasn't under contact. He also dispelled the perception that he was Konnan's lap dog or little Rey Rey or however you want to encapsulate it. Rather is someone with very much his own opinions and someone who sits on the them for business reasons.


I would assume the dirt would be obviously Eddie and Benoit related. He is also a children's character and a genuine inspirational figure for a lot of children as witnessed in his Make A Wish stuff so he is limited in what he can say about the darker side of the business his own drug use included.

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I'm pretty sure Dave wants to have the full picture of his career.


Rey is a very reasonable and chilled out dude. He's got a family and even if his contract as an active performer expires there's always going to be a legends contract of some sort in the future: special appearances on RAW, maybe a goodwill ambassador, video game deals (I'm not totally sure but I think that this check alone is supposed to be worth five figures), WWE Network appearances, a Hall of Fame induction tied in with a new career retrospective DVD. I doubt that he'd be ready to dish out the dirt and leave hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table unless they really fucked him over badly.

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I'm pretty sure Dave wants to have the full picture of his career.


Rey is a very reasonable and chilled out dude. He's got a family and even if his contract as an active performer expires there's always going to be a legends contract of some sort in the future: special appearances on RAW, maybe a goodwill ambassador, video game deals (I'm not totally sure but I think that this check alone is supposed to be worth five figures), WWE Network appearances, a Hall of Fame induction tied in with a new career retrospective DVD. I doubt that he'd be ready to dish out the dirt and leave hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table unless they really fucked him over badly.

That makes sense.


But, it's not like "WWE Legends" haven't dished dirt before, and in the long run it isn't held against them. That comment by Meltzer makes me think there's things Rey doesn't want to say or have said publicly while he's under an active contract. I know Rey has been talking to Meltzer for years. I seriously doubt he'd throw WWE completely under the bus after he "retires" but I also wouldn't expect him to hold back on some of his opinions

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Didn't know Luke Perry is a wrestling fan.

I remember he showed up on Smackdown in 2006 in a Diva Search segment, always found that random but great.


Yeah, I randomly came across a Luke Perry Grantland thing where he talks to Simmons about wrestling and the first time he saw Kevin Sullivan.


What celebrities do we know are big time wrestling fans or grew up on territories?


Obviously there is people like Billy Corgan (Smashing Pumpkins), and others, like members of ZZ Top who like WWE, but do we know of celebs who are fans of older things?


There's obvious ones like Bob Mould and Lars Frederickson


Lots of professional athletes are or were at one point big wrestling fans


RZA, Method Man and several other Wu-Tang members were big WWF fans growing up in the NYC area. There's actually a lot of rappers who reference 80's wrestling stuff in their lyrics


Aaron Rodgers talks about being a wrestling fan. I doubt he's a hardcore fan like Lars but when he talks wrestling, it seems like he knows more than just the star wrestlers.

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Wrestling is huge among the rap game as you have Ric Flair promos being used by major artists in songs and a prominent producer named Lex Luger

Well, that makes sense. There's numerous polls out there showing wrestling has a larger audience among African-American's than you'd expect by demographics, then throw in two centers of rap over the past twenty years have been New York and Atlanta, and the showmanship needed in both businesses, and there ya' go.

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Guest Nell Santucci

Not to derail the thread, but could anyone here date a chick who is a WWE mark, i.e. "I like the Shield but I feel bad because they're mean." For me, I'd feel like an asshole to smarten her up so it feels like I'm talking to a kid. In an e-mail, I replied "Yeah, they are really mean. Isn't it so crazy how Tensai went from a Japanese mercenary, samurai kind of guy to hanging out with Brodus Clay? Makes me wonder if he had therapy and psychiatric medication from WWE Wellness. Omg"


You know, I should play along just so I can get a mark perception of WWE booking and the value of characters.

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Guest Nell Santucci

This will certainly be an interesting courtship to follow :D

"Ya, I dunno about D-Bryan. Triple H, the king of kings, is probably right that he's a B+ superstar."

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Not to derail the thread, but could anyone here date a chick who is a WWE mark, i.e. "I like the Shield but I feel bad because they're mean." For me, I'd feel like an asshole to smarten her up so it feels like I'm talking to a kid. In an e-mail, I replied "Yeah, they are really mean. Isn't it so crazy how Tensai went from a Japanese mercenary, samurai kind of guy to hanging out with Brodus Clay? Makes me wonder if he had therapy and psychiatric medication from WWE Wellness. Omg"


You know, I should play along just so I can get a mark perception of WWE booking and the value of characters.

This sounds like my girlfriend talking to my best friend's girlfriend about wrestling. My friend's girlfriend posted a facebook status after Big Show did something heelish (can't remember what) that pretty much said "Big Show is my favorite wrestler but I don't know why he's been acting so mean lately." My girlfriend (who was a big WWF fan growing up because of her dad) quickly responded to rationalize why she preferred heels without ever breaking kayfabe. The whole thing was pretty weird.


My friends and I have fun with it though. We'll occasionally watch wrestling DVDs or order a PPV when we're hanging out and sometimes their reactions, particularly the ones that come from my friend's lady, are hilarious. I remember her getting visibly upset at some match result and we made fun of her for the rest of the night.


This will probably be the only time this story will be relevant: I was once at dinner with my girlfriend, her brother, and her dad. We talked about wrestling and her dad is actually one of those guys who likes Shawn Michaels, Edge, and Triple H which is mind boggling to me but he's a big tough looking corrections officer so I don't really feel compelled to mock his taste in wrestling. My girlfriend on the other hand doesn't hesitate to belittle any of those guys. She specifically told her dad that Shawn Michaels hits like a girl. I was so proud.

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I'm pretty sure Dave wants to have the full picture of his career.


Rey is a very reasonable and chilled out dude. He's got a family and even if his contract as an active performer expires there's always going to be a legends contract of some sort in the future: special appearances on RAW, maybe a goodwill ambassador, video game deals (I'm not totally sure but I think that this check alone is supposed to be worth five figures), WWE Network appearances, a Hall of Fame induction tied in with a new career retrospective DVD. I doubt that he'd be ready to dish out the dirt and leave hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table unless they really fucked him over badly.

I agree with the business aspect, but it's been pretty clear that Rey and WWE have had a love hate relationship dating back to at least the summer of 2009, over financial contract disputes, a lengthy IC title run promise that WWE tried to go back on, consequent refusal to do jobs for Dolph Ziggler, failed drug tests, tons of injuries and constant pressure to work through those injuries rather than get surgery. I don't think Rey would be stupid enough to bury WWE publicly himself, but I could see him wanting his side of the story out there.

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Not to derail the thread, but could anyone here date a chick who is a WWE mark, i.e. "I like the Shield but I feel bad because they're mean."

I'm a pretty shallow guy, so yes, depending on what she looks like. :P It's not like you have to talk down to her & act like she's stupid because she doesn't read dirt sheets or message forums. I dated a girl once that wasn't into pro-wrestling AT ALL. Used to clown on me, playfully, for watching it. She would still watch some stuff with me but she didn't care about it. Sort of how I felt when watching something with her that I didn't care about (like that god-awful True Blood show on HBO).


Actually, that could be quite fun. You could go to local shows together or get tickets to a RAW. Forewarning though, that shit is expensive nowadays. Not just the tickets but you know you're going to have to buy her some merchandise & concessions too. You can always order & watch a Pay-Per-View together which turns a Sunday into sort of a geeky date night too. At least you two would have something in common. :)

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Didn't know Luke Perry is a wrestling fan.

I remember he showed up on Smackdown in 2006 in a Diva Search segment, always found that random but great.


Yeah, I randomly came across a Luke Perry Grantland thing where he talks to Simmons about wrestling and the first time he saw Kevin Sullivan.


It's a little-known fact that Luke was actually in attendance the night of Mr. McMahon's death in that awful explosion, and he was quite despondent over it.


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Guest Nell Santucci

--Adam "Edge" Copeland turned 40 today.  Happy Birthday to him, a superior performer and one of the real professional success stories of the industry.

Dave is really infatuated here. That, or he really thinks his snowflake system is Platonic in objectivity.


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--Adam "Edge" Copeland turned 40 today.  Happy Birthday to him, a superior performer and one of the real professional success stories of the industry.

Dave is really infatuated here. That, or he really thinks his snowflake system is Platonic in objectivity.



Well, outside of the PWO/DVDVR circle, most people do consider Edge a superior performer and compared to even some of his contemporaries (hello Hardy's!), he's also had a successful professional life by all accounts as well. So, I don't see the issue here.

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