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I've been watching all of the WCW pay per views starting from 1990 on the network. I just got to Great American Bash 91. Is it worth going through the rest of 91, or is it as brutal as I've heard? Is there another good starting point, maybe in 92?

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Surely there is no way WWE lets David Benoit anywhere near their product? Even if he turns out to be an incredible performer, the negative connotations are far too great. I dread to think what angles TNA could come up with for him.


From the snippets of the interview I saw he seemed to be very proud of his dad, smiling when the awful interviewer went on for what seemed like hours about how he wasn't hoodwinked into supporting Batista when he started watching the product, and instead rooted for the 'amazingly talented' guys like Eddie and Benoit.

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That was one strange interview. David Benoit seems almost too laid back at times. One minute he says he wants to wrestle in WWE, and the next he's mad that they haven't paid him his father's royalties and they won't let him train at NXT. I think Jericho and his father's other friends should tell the guy to just stay away from wrestling, and try to find a better path for his life.


The royalties thing is interesting. Even if there are unpaid royalties (which I wouldn't doubt, Martha Hart sued them over it and WWE settled) I can't imagine they'd be much given the way WWE has whitewashed him from history. Obviously now with the Network there could be a lot more, but we don't even know how royalties and the network are going to go, and probably won't until someone sues them again

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Read a Ted DiBiase Jr. interview on wrestlinginc and found this very interesting


While Dibiase worked with Bryan many times in WWE, he talked about one of their best matches never airing on television.

"One of the matches I had with him, it was in Paris and not televised," Dibiase recalled. "Christian got hurt and Arn Anderson [who was the agent] asked us to put in more time. We did like 42 minutes one night and I just remember that he just called everything. I just went in and listened to him and we just had the most fun. It was one of those nights, the crowd was just reacting to everything. He just knows, he knows how to tell a good story and he's just so humble about it. He's very humble, which I have a lot of respect for."



I doubt they actually went 40+ minutes but I'd love to see that match. Always thought Teddy and D-Bry had enough talent to put on a great match but it never really happened - Bryan wasn't very over at the time of that horrible Bella's angle and Teddy was just a blackhole of heat - I wonder if there's a youtube handheld floating around...

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Ted improved quite a bit during the DiBiase Posse stuff at the end. I wouldn't say he was some missed opportunity or anything like that, but he was showing potential and was much more comfortable as a face. From everything that's been reported you can tell he wasn't comfortable being a bad guy. He was definitely miscast with that million dollar man sequel stuff.

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Read a Ted DiBiase Jr. interview on wrestlinginc and found this very interesting



While Dibiase worked with Bryan many times in WWE, he talked about one of their best matches never airing on television.


"One of the matches I had with him, it was in Paris and not televised," Dibiase recalled. "Christian got hurt and Arn Anderson [who was the agent] asked us to put in more time. We did like 42 minutes one night and I just remember that he just called everything. I just went in and listened to him and we just had the most fun. It was one of those nights, the crowd was just reacting to everything. He just knows, he knows how to tell a good story and he's just so humble about it. He's very humble, which I have a lot of respect for."



I doubt they actually went 40+ minutes but I'd love to see that match. Always thought Teddy and D-Bry had enough talent to put on a great match but it never really happened - Bryan wasn't very over at the time of that horrible Bella's angle and Teddy was just a blackhole of heat - I wonder if there's a youtube handheld floating around...


Bercy 2010 -

9/24/10 Ted Dibiase Jr. vs The Miz vs R-Truth

9/25/10 Ted Dibiase Jr. vs Great Khali


Bercy 2011 - Ted DiBiase Jr. vs Jinder Mahal


Bercy 2012 - not on the card.

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Surely there is no way WWE lets David Benoit anywhere near their product? Even if he turns out to be an incredible performer, the negative connotations are far too great. I dread to think what angles TNA could come up with for him.




The worst part is if he ever did get to WWE he'd probably creep everyone out because he looks so much like his father.

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So I watched Buddy Rose vs. Sal Bellomo in Portland from like 78 or 79 and then saw Sal in ECW in 1993. Holy shit. He doesn't look like the same guy 15 years older in ECW, he just looks like a completely different person.

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So I watched Buddy Rose vs. Sal Bellomo in Portland from like 78 or 79 and then saw Sal in ECW in 1993. Holy shit. He doesn't look like the same guy 15 years older in ECW, he just looks like a completely different person.

I actually posted this in another thread, I couldn't believe it was him. He was doing a wild/savage gimmick in ECW so his look was obviously needed to be different, but nothing said this was the same MSG jobber other than the name.

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oh yeah re: the discussion of cancelled mania matches from the last page...


that actually happened 3 years in a row during the early 90s. WM8 had bulldog vs. berserker (which was still advertised on the coliseum video box L O L) as well as owen-skinner being cut down to like a minute - i think the savage-flair stuff was the main culprit there. then WM9 bigelow-kamala as mentioned, then WM10 had to axe a 10-man tag with all the random midcarders (kid/jannetty, jarrett, etc...actually don't remember who all was supposed to be in it) supposedly because the ladder match ran long. that may also explain earthquake-adam bomb getting the same treatment as owen-skinner...


and BP, 91 WCW doesn't get a whole lot better. a lot of the cartoon characters stuck around the entire year, lex sucked, etc. there's a PPV with a boring lex-simmons main event that features some of jim ross's biggest shilling ever if you're a fan of that, though!

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Thanks funkdoc


I just watched some clips of ESPN's "Pro Wrestling's Hold on America" special from about fifteen years ago. Hogan, Nash Bischoff, Jericho, RVD, McMahon, and a few others are grilled about drugs. Everyone looks bad, except for Meltzer. I know hindsight is 20/20, but even when I watched this at the time everybody sounded insincere or naive.

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To be fair, that and other pieces like it had a smear-campaign feel to it. ESPN via ABC/Disney were threatened because the Monday Night Wars were toppling Monday Night Football. They had specific sights on WWE because of the Attitude Era content, also because Vince was an easier target for a big company like Disney than Ted Turner was.

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The knives really came out during the whole Owen incident. I remember seeing a segment on Good Morning America that was in a similar vein, but what I remember most of it was that they were accusing them of promoting Satanism (using a clip of The Brood). Hindsight being what it is (and also being a not-very-bright teenager) at that time I didn't really care much for Vince as what I read of him made me think he was just a greedy bastard with little regard for human life. Not to say it's obvious he tried to cover his own ass at the time (and later with the Benoit thing), but now I see it a bit differently. We'd all probably cover our ass if we were in his loafers during those particular times in his life.

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The NFL also aired games on TNT during the Attitude Era, so ESPN wouldn't want to risk pissing off the NFL by targeting another Turner company.


That's a stretch. One TV network wouldn't want to throw a competitor under the bus? If they make TNT look bad, it hurts their position for future NFL rights and helps their own.

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I understand how and why he has so much respect because he was in a bunch of different promotions and the first guy to do it on national TV, but I find Gordon Solie to be one of the most overrated people in wrestling history. He's so NOT the best wrestling announcer ever which was the story on him from so many old time wrestlers and fans for so many years. I honestly enjoyed the team of Les Thatcher and Charlie Platt doing Southeastern a lot more than I like Solie doing Continental.

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I understand how and why he has so much respect because he was in a bunch of different promotions and the first guy to do it on national TV, but I find Gordon Solie to be one of the most overrated people in wrestling history. He's so NOT the best wrestling announcer ever which was the story on him from so many old time wrestlers and fans for so many years. I honestly enjoyed the team of Les Thatcher and Charlie Platt doing Southeastern a lot more than I like Solie doing Continental.


I disagree. I thought Solie was really good as a host of their television show. Platt was pretty bad . Solie had a lot of great moments. The sit down with Stubbs as he turns into Mr. Olympia is amazing and Solie makes that segment. I think he was lacking in play by play, but was a strong as a t.v host.

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I understand how and why he has so much respect because he was in a bunch of different promotions and the first guy to do it on national TV, but I find Gordon Solie to be one of the most overrated people in wrestling history. He's so NOT the best wrestling announcer ever which was the story on him from so many old time wrestlers and fans for so many years. I honestly enjoyed the team of Les Thatcher and Charlie Platt doing Southeastern a lot more than I like Solie doing Continental.



Agreed 100%. Far too emotionless and monotone for me. Give me Lance Russell's sexy "wooh!"s and "ooooo"s over him any day. Hell, I'd take David Crockett over Solie.

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