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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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UT lives in Austin, he did a convention there not too long ago. I thought Sting was living in Florida or Atlanta (where a lot of WCW guys live(d)), he was billed from Venice Beach back in the day, never really looked into his history to see if that was a worked hometown.

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i always chuckle whenever i read about that. in the midwest we had a group called Power Team in the mid-2000s or so, but they weren't wrestlers. they were christian weightlifters or something who would do speaking tours and perform feats of strength while talking about jesus. so that's what i always think of whenever i hear about sting & warrior's past haha

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He was probably living at Venice Beach at the time when he got into wrestling, wasn't he recruited out of the bodybuilding scene along with Warrior to play the Bladerunners or whatever they were?

First they were part of...Powerteam USA!





Is that Rick Bassman in front? He looks like the long lost love child of Kurt Angle and Paul Heyman.



i always chuckle whenever i read about that. in the midwest we had a group called Power Team in the mid-2000s or so, but they weren't wrestlers. they were christian weightlifters or something who would do speaking tours and perform feats of strength while talking about jesus. so that's what i always think of whenever i hear about sting & warrior's past haha


Same thing here, when i heard they were originally part of Powerteam USA I thought it was the evangelical feats of strength guys.

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While we're on the subject of the Powerteam, I guess now's a good time to share an anecdote I have (don't worry, it's wrestling related). Back in the summer of 92, WWC (still known then as Capitol Sports) started showing promos for John Jacobs and his Power Team. If you've seen some of the WWC 82 tv episodes out there, it was similar as to how they were showing promos for the mud fight girls just before going to or just after coming back from commercials (in terms of the promo style, not the content obviously :lol:).


Anyway, they would show these short promos of these muscled guys doing feats of strength for God (ripping phone books in half, breaking handcuffs using a sledge to break a block of ice that was on someone else, etc.). They were coming to Puerto Rico for a week long engagement at one of the local churches and they were cross-promoting with WWC to get the word out about the event. A couple of weeks after seeing the promos, we received a phone call at our house. It was one of my uncles. He's a minister and wanted to invite his nephews to an event where some feats of strength guys would be. He thought it would be a great opportunity to take his nephews to an evangelical event. I thought it would be cool to go see guys do feats of strength, so I said I'd go.


We ended up going the first night of their stay (and also the last night). We arrived early and got settled in our seats. The place was pretty full and I was surprised by the size of the church (this was my first experience going to what you would call a mega church). First time I ever saw a church with a gift shop too.


Anyway, when it was time to begin, the church's pastor gave everyone a welcome and did some warm up chit chat. Normally, once he would finish with the chit chat he would introduce John Jacobs. Jacobs would greet the crowd and then proceed to introduce his Powerteam one by one as the lights were turned low and they would run down the aisle (very pro wreslting like). He would even introduce one guy as "Bigger than Hulk Hogan, bigger than the Ultimate Warrior!" That's how the event usually started (and did the second time I went).


However, that first night there was something different. As the pastor was finishing up his introduction and welcome, he mentioned that he also wanted to thank Capitol Sports Promotions for helping promote the event. He said that there were reprentatives of Capitol Sports present and he would like them to come up and say some words. As I turned my head to the aisle, I saw this ragtag group of five men make their way down the aisle and up to the podium.


These men were not dressed for church. These guys looked like they had just gotten here from the gym. The stereotype for how wrestlers dress was out in full force with this fivesome. They were in t-shirts. A cornucopia of jeans and zubaz was on display. And two of them had fanny packs. As they stood in front of the congregation, I focused on one detail and it wasn't what they were wearing. "Hey, how can these guys be here together?" Yes, the fivesome was comprised of two tecnicos and three rudos.


As my mind tried to reconcile the fact that these guys seemed to be coexisting peacefully ("is it like Highlander where they do not fight on holy ground?"), the pastor handed off the mic to one of them to address the crowd. As the CSP representative took the microphone, I took stock of who was there. On one side were the two tecnicos, El Vikingo and El Ciclon Salvadoreño (fanny pack wearer #1). On the other side of the man with the mic were two of the rudos, Joe Don Smith and Dick Slater (fanny pack wearer #2). And there in the middle, about to address the congregation in his t-shirt and jeans, was none other than "El Capitan Cuello Rojo" Dick Murdoch.


Murdcoh spoke briefly. He thanked the pastor for the introduction and said some brief words of how happy and proud Capitol Sports was to be able to participate in an event such as this. Having said his piece, Dick Murdoch handed the microphone back to the pastor and this motley crew made their way back to their seats. Then John Jacobs was introduced and the event continued as usual. When we left later that evening, I actually scanned the parking lot to see if I could see the wrestlers. Turns out they were in the process of getting into a jeep to leave. It looked like there wasn't enough room in the car for all of them, so they had opened the rear of the jeep to get the rest of the guys in. As we continued along the parking lot, the Jeep with the wrestlers passed us by and I saw El Ciclon Salvadoreño and Dick Slater crammed into the trunk space of the Jeep as they passed us by. And just like that, they were gone.


And thus ends the story of the only time I got to see Dick Murdoch live and in the flesh.

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He was probably living at Venice Beach at the time when he got into wrestling, wasn't he recruited out of the bodybuilding scene along with Warrior to play the Bladerunners or whatever they were?

First they were part of...Powerteam USA!





Is that Rick Bassman in front? He looks like the long lost love child of Kurt Angle and Paul Heyman.



i always chuckle whenever i read about that. in the midwest we had a group called Power Team in the mid-2000s or so, but they weren't wrestlers. they were christian weightlifters or something who would do speaking tours and perform feats of strength while talking about jesus. so that's what i always think of whenever i hear about sting & warrior's past haha


Same thing here, when i heard they were originally part of Powerteam USA I thought it was the evangelical feats of strength guys.


Wasn't Rico from Billy & Chuck fame part of the evangelical group at one point?

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I'm in the middle of the Main Event of Starrcade 2000 between Sid and Steiner, and I would probably say that it's the worst PPV I've ever seen. By far.





Every match was horrible (except for maybe the Ladder Match that 3 Count won). And Mark Madden was commentating.

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I was just thinking, with the overall staleness of the wrestling landscape, would the time be right for a more ECW-like indie with an emphasis on angles and characters over workrate to get over big?


That's a dream of mine. But I'm different than most people.

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I was just thinking, with the overall staleness of the wrestling landscape, would the time be right for a more ECW-like indie with an emphasis on angles and characters over workrate to get over big?


That's a dream of mine. But I'm different than most people.



Wrestling differently needs more promotions like CHIKARA and PWG. Companies with their own style. Too many people are aping WWE and its making for a snoozefest. Lucha Underground was suppose to be this brave new concept right? What's one of the FIRST THINGS they do? Run a video package introducing the heel authority figure.

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Can anyone explain the storyline circumstances of Kawada leaving Misawa's stable to team with Taue in 1993? From what I've seen, Kawada and Taue go to a 30 minute draw in the Carny, shaking hands at the end to end their feud. Then during Kawada/Kobashi/Kikuchi vs. Taue/Fuchi/Ogawa, Kikuchi tags in Kawada to go against Taue eliciting a big reaction from the crowd. Later, Kawada gives Taue a look and then hits the Nodowa Otoshi on Ogawa. At the end of the match, Kawada is crying as he raises his partners' hands. From then on he's teaming with Taue. The full TVs for '93 aren't online (and I understand very little Japanese anyway), so I'm having a hard time filling in the gaps here.

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Are there any full matches available from the Rock and Roll Express vs Midnight Rockers AWA title feud in Memphis? I have only seen clips and interviews.


I've never found any more than that myself. I'd think that, given the time frame, a full match out of Memphis would have surfaced by now, unfortunately.

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