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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Could be 100% B.S. but it is fairly detailed and interesting:


From Scott Keith's blog:


Hey Scott,


So on the WWE board at GameFaqs.com, there’s a poster who worked as an assistant for the writing team from September to December last year and is giving away some neat insights about the day-to-day workings of the writing process and some tidbits on some of the stars and personalities. It seems legit; the detail of his work was pretty, uh, detailed, and he posted a pic of the office he worked out of and a couple of the one-sheets from the shows. Some of the information is obvious (Cena and Orton have backstage pull on their angles, etc.) but there have some some interesting things he’s revealed (Sheamus was the planned Rumble winner since the previous summer and not a last-second swerve as a result of Chris Jericho, D-Bry being against pairing up with AJ). I’ve gleamed some of the better bits from the topic and thought I’d pass them along since a common cry on the Blog of Doom is “What are they thinking?” And I think it at least beats a fantasy booking e-mail.


I’ve included a lengthy list, so feel free to cherry-pick. If you’re asking why I simply didn’t include a link to said forum, it’s because the WWE board is inaccessible to anyone who doesn’t have enough “karma” built up on the site to keep the trolls out. If this makes for a blog entry, I’d be more than happy to do a follow-up e-mail later on as the topic continues.

The meat of it:


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Not sure I buy the Sheamus was always planned as the Rumble talking point, given that they made a big deal about Henry not being given another title shot against him. Most of it matches up with what writers have been saying for years, so it could be true, though easily could be made up too.

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I don't know, he may be someone who knows a guy, but I tend to believe Dave or Mike Johnson who we know talk to people in the company in some form rather than a guy who posts on GameFaqs. Hell, most of the game information posted by people there needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

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I thought how it went was that it was originally going to be Sheamus, then shit happened where everyone they were going to program with got hurt, so they were going to go with Jericho to pay off his silent gimmick when he first came back. It seemed that's where they were going when Jericho did the promo where he said something to the effect that the world was ending at the Rumble, which makes no sense if he wasn't (at that point at least) being booked to win.

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Maybe I'm wrong, but it always seems like writers don't become Dave sources until they're no longer with the company. I can't remember Dave ever really going into detail about what life is like as a WWE writer and just covering the topic in depth. Maybe he has and I just don't remember.

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Was Cornette a Dave source when he was with the WWF? Surely Heyman was talking to him when he was writing Smackdown I would guess.


As far as non-famous writers, you're probably right just because most current writers would be afraid to talk to DA SHEETZ.

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I think the Jericho/Punk feud would've worked better if the motivation was reversed. Instead of Punk accused of drinking, Jericho getting upset because Punk refuses to share a drink. Jericho mentions in his book how you'd have to have a drink at a bar with the boys to fit in. Punk doesn't follow the crowd, boom, instant feud.

You don't really want any of your characters in a publicly traded company pushing a pro-alcohol agenda, even if as a heel. It's easier to do the sanctimonious anti-alcohol heel act. At least you can deny any support for alcohol if any politicians or media comes sniffing around.


Jericho's book is pretty clear about how much he loves to drink. Not the same as broadcasting that on your flagship television show, but it's public knowledge. Jericho is an unabashed drinker. I thought the whole angle with Punk kind of played off that without outright stating it, which is part of why it worked for me, that Jericho was being a total asshole and hypocrite. Maybe they could have spelled that out better, but like you said, they don't want to parade the drinking culture of wrestling on television

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I thought how it went was that it was originally going to be Sheamus, then shit happened where everyone they were going to program with got hurt, so they were going to go with Jericho to pay off his silent gimmick when he first came back. It seemed that's where they were going when Jericho did the promo where he said something to the effect that the world was ending at the Rumble, which makes no sense if he wasn't (at that point at least) being booked to win.

I recall Lance Storm on the pre-WM show with Alvarez not picking a winner of the Rumble match and hinting he already knew what the outcome would be


I and everyone else took that as him knowing Jericho was booked to win (obviously they are still good friends and Jericho even trained for his comeback at Storm's wrestling school). Lance Storm is kind of a dick though, maybe he was just throwing a curveball out there since everyone assumed Jericho was going to win?


I tend to believe that they changed the finish because it was so obvious and everybody was picking Jericho to win. His promo on the last RAW before the PPV telegraphed his win.

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Chris Jericho has been suspended indefinitely due to an irresponsible act of denigrating the Brazilian flag at a WWE live event in São Paulo on May 24. WWE has apologized to the citizens and the government of Brazil for this incident.



An earlier Wrestling Observer report:


We've gotten sketchy reports out of Brazil regarding Chris Jericho taking the Brazilian flag from C.M. Punk to get heat and stepping on it, which I guess in that culture, wasn't looked highly on. The story going around is that he was almost arrested and was rushed to the airport to get out of the country into Ecuador.


We'll have more when it is available.

Id hate to be a WWE agent now.

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Chris Jericho has been suspended indefinitely due to an irresponsible act of denigrating the Brazilian flag at a WWE live event in São Paulo on May 24. WWE has apologized to the citizens and the government of Brazil for this incident




An earlier Wrestling Observer report:


We've gotten sketchy reports out of Brazil regarding Chris Jericho taking the Brazilian flag from C.M. Punk to get heat and stepping on it, which I guess in that culture, wasn't looked highly on. The story going around is that he was almost arrested and was rushed to the airport to get out of the country into Ecuador.


That's great. Think about it. Whenever we all read or see some shoot interview with some legend or old timer and they relate a story like that, it's always a reaction of "That's so awesome! Getting heat! Fuck Yeah!" Why should it be different now?

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Chris Jericho has been suspended indefinitely due to an irresponsible act of denigrating the Brazilian flag at a WWE live event in São Paulo on May 24. WWE has apologized to the citizens and the government of Brazil for this incident




An earlier Wrestling Observer report:


We've gotten sketchy reports out of Brazil regarding Chris Jericho taking the Brazilian flag from C.M. Punk to get heat and stepping on it, which I guess in that culture, wasn't looked highly on. The story going around is that he was almost arrested and was rushed to the airport to get out of the country into Ecuador.


That's great. Think about it. Whenever we all read or see some shoot interview with some legend or old timer and they relate a story like that, it's always a reaction of "That's so awesome! Getting heat! Fuck Yeah!" Why should it be different now?


/doesn't know the difference between good heat and bad heat

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Regarding the Rumble, Vince changes his mind on big match finishes unless it's obvious like The Undertaker going over at WrestleMania on a regular basis, and the Rumble would be most conducive to indecision.

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On Punk at Survivor Series:

“I can tell you a CM Punk story from Survivor Series. Punk was warming up because his match was coming up soon. He was jogging in place and such backstage psyching himself up. MSG is a relatively small arena backstage, so things were a bit cramped. About 20 feet away Miz and Truth were about to pre-tape their backstage interview with Matt Striker (who btw purposely opens his stance up so he's shorter than the people he interviews).

The PA asked everyone to quiet down so Miz and Truth could record there thing. It's at this moment that Punk starts doing box jumps. While everyone else is silent, he's jumping loudly on and off a storage crate. The PA comes over and says something like "I'm sorry Punk but we're trying to tape this thing. Could you please keep it down?"

Punk says nothing, continues jogging in place but turns over to Miz and Truth and flips them off.

I think he was just joking around, but he did seem like kind of a douche.”

From reading Punk's Twitter I think he is pretty douche-y. I probably would be, too, if I could say I slept with each and every WWE Diva.


You gotta realize that Vince has lived and breathed this company for 30 years. It's all he thinks about, so he's a very unusual guy and very disconnected from the "real world." He has no time to watch TV. He has no idea whats going on in pop culture. He's never seen most major movies of the last 40 years that everyone has seen. Like I remember making a reference to The Shining, and Brian Gewirtz said "I can guarantee you that Vince has never seen The Shining." He has to have other people explain these things to him because all he knows is the WWE.”

I remember there being stories about how pop culture-savvy Vince McMahon was for most of the last thirty years.

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